The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1257: Mass Brawl!

Chapter 1257: Mass Brawl!

Mass Brawl! . . .

In the north, there was a crowd of giant wolves which were over twenty meters long. They gently jogged over, without even kicking up a cloud of dust. It wasn't that surprising that the wolves could move without making a big noise because they were agile beasts after all. However, when the men looked carefully, they found something terrifying when the wolves were moving…

Han Bingxue had made a fantastic sword strike which had cut off all the trees around the battle, leaving only many tree trunks on the ground which were about the height of a man. When the wolves were marching over, they passed the area where there were only tree trunks. One tree trunk on the floor, which was so thick that it took three men to encircle, was stepped on by the leader wolf. As the leader wolf stepped its big paw on the tree trunk, the tree trunk was thoroughly cracked into pieces like a piece of tofu.

By making the powerful stamp, the leader wolf had set up its intimidation, but it didn't stop there and kept going ahead step by step. The other wolves started to step on the tree trunks too. Many tree trunks ended up cracked into pieces on the floor one by one…

In fact, the wolves never paid attention to the tree trunks at all. Their eyes were shining with green lights and staring at the men in black clothes, their wet tongues hanging out of their mouths.


[Absolutely delicious!]

[It has been a long time since the last time we ate human flesh… Look at them! They are all cultivators at good levels… Time for a feast…]

It seemed there were no large beasts in the south.

The men in black clothes thought that the south was the only hope they had, but when they looked to the south, what they saw only scared them to hell. They started to feel chilled even though it wasn't cold.

There were no large beasts indeed, but there were rats!

There was a question for these level nine Dao Origin Stage cultivators. Were they really cowards who were afraid of some rats?

Well, if the rats were all the same size as a wolfhound, with dark fur and sharp teeth, everybody would be afraid of them…

The rats were not at a high level, and all of them were just level four spiritual beasts.

The problem was that… there were too many of them!

The crowd of the rats covered the floor like there was no end of the crowd in the distance!

How many rats were there? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

The men in black clothes were all so scared that they started to feel itchy on the head. [Where did Xiao Monarch find all these beasts after the past three years? It's a f*cking army!]

[Is he going to challenge the law of nature?]

[Holy heavens… He doesn't have to gather such a spiritual beast army even if he does want to challenge something!]

[Besides… Since when have rats become spiritual beasts too?]

[I don't know how powerful the rats are, but I am sure with such an unbelievable amount, they can kill any powerful cultivators by piling up!]

[What the f*ck is going on here?]

[Are we in a nightmare? Why would such weird thing happen in reality?]

The men in black clothes nearly shed tears…

[What the f*ck… What is going on… Why? What is this horrible scene about? Where did these enormous high-level spiritual beasts come from? Are they from beyond the sky?]

The men in black clothes had sieged Li Wuliang and the two ladies not long before, yet the situation was totally turned over!

At the moment, the men in black suits were more tightly and rigorously surrounded by the beasts!

When they sieged Li Wuliang and the two ladies, although they kept attacking, it wasn't a flawless siege. If the three people wanted to leave, they could break out the blockade in any direction.

However, as for the men wearing black clothes, even if their leader gave the order to ask everybody to escape, none of them would be able to get out of the surrounding of the beasts!

None of them could make it out!

No exception!

"Monarch! Xiao Monarch!" The leader of the people in black was anxious. He said, "This must be a mistake! We never wanted to offend you and your friends! This is absolutely a huge mistake! We just happened to meet each other in such an intense situation. There is no need to develop the wrong intention into an unsolvable problem!"

Cha Eun Xiao looked like smiling, but he was not. "Oh?" he answered.

"Our mission is to deal with two small figures, the traitor of Qiong-Hua Palace, Yue Gongxue, and the chief of Cha Clan, Cha Nantian. That is all. We never wanted to be misunderstood by the great Xiao Monarch… Since you have shown up in person, we should show our sincere respect to you. Let's forget about what has happened earlier and let it go."

He paused, apparently realizing that what he had just said was impossible to move Cha Eun Xiao, so he hurriedly continued, "As long as you set us free, we would love to pay whatever it takes to make a compensation for your friends!"

Whatever it takes!

That could be a pretty persuasive term.

The people in black suits were giving up on the fight and prepared to pay whatever it would take just to survive the battle.

In fact, it seemed the organization behind these people was unimaginably wealthy. Otherwise, the man would never dare to make that promise.

After all, what he meant was that no matter what Cha Eun Xiao wanted, he could definitely take it out. An ordinary organization was never able to do such a thing!

For Cha Eun Xiao, it was not the best choice to declare war against a powerful organization like that!

Cha Eun Xiao blandly said, "Since you want to talk and have set a considerable condition for me, I guess I should give you a chance. A chance for you means a chance for me…"

The others were all surprised.

[Really? Can it still be changed?]

Li Wuliang looked at Cha Eun Xiao and thought, [What is he doing? After he got a second life, he has been more and more cunning day by day… He is exactly a scheming b*tch…]

Han Bingxue stood up and didn't show any expression on the face. He didn't think much as Li Wuliang did, just kept staying cold and indifferent. Deep in his heart, he believed Cha Eun Xiao would spare no one. What he should do was to wait for the show Cha Eun Xiao was going to put on.

Yue Shuang and Yue Han were also sure that their brother would never let those men in black clothes go, so they decided not to say anything to interrupt the great show!

Cha Eun Xiao thought for a while and said, "Well, whatever you are able to offer will never be something I want. However, since you are willing to give me anything, let me ask you a few questions, and you have to give me your answers. As long as you answer me with the truth, I won't hold you any longer. You will be free to go!"

The leader of the men in black blinked with a pair of shiny eyes and said, "Xiao Monarch, you are a heroic man! Go on then! Do ask me the questions, and I will give you everything I know."

Cha Eun Xiao asked, "What is the name of the organization you are working for? Who is the leader of the organization? Where is the headquarters of your organization? How many departments do you have and where are they located? Who are in charge of the departments?"

After he asked all the questions, the atmosphere froze silently—nobody talked anymore.

All the people in black suits suddenly looked resolute.

The leader of them laughed out loud bitterly and spoke in a harsh voice, "Nice try! It is brilliant to say that you will let us go! Cha Eun Xiao, I can see how ambitious you are just by hearing the questions you just asked. Now, since you don't want to show bonafide to us, let's have this fight then! There is no way to go forward or to retreat. Why don't we just do our best to devote ourselves to the last fight!"

"What is your problem? Are you sure you would rather die, swallowed by the spiritual beast with no bodies left behind, than answer my questions? Are you sure you don't want to give me a few answers to exchange for an opportunity to survive?" Cha Eun Xiao's eyes looked scary.

[This secret organization has such firm control over their people.]

[These men would rather choose death than give me the information!]

"Brothers! Let's fight side by side! Let's rush together! As long as we can break through the siege, there is a chance to survive!" The man gave up talking to Cha Eun Xiao, turned over, and raised his arms to cheer his people up.

All the people in black clothes started moving with soaring morale!

Even the people of the two great sects, who were also wearing black clothes, started to move at the same time. They knew that their only chance to fight for survival was to make use of the chaos and find a way out with the other men in black clothes. If they couldn't make it back to their sects to inform the leadership, not only would they die in the battle, but also their sects would be in great disasters soon.

"Well, you have chosen the path to death over the bridge to life! Go to hell then! Kill!" Cha Eun Xiao made a shout without any hesitation.

The white shadow seemed to flash in the sky again with a weird howl, which sounded like an animal blowing the horn of the battle call. The beasts in all directions suddenly accelerated as the howl echoed and crashed the crowd of men in black clothes in no time.

Cha Eun Xiao, Li Wuliang, and the others actually didn't need to do anything. Five of them guarded the battle in five different positions to make sure nobody escaped. A few men rushed out of the hands of the beasts, but they had to face the most torturous fight against the five superior cultivators!

"Keep several alive!" Cha Eun Xiao shouted. Nobody knew whom he was talking to.

Maybe he was talking to the other four people!

The battle didn't last long after the beasts played a role in it. The enemies were over a hundred level nine Dao Origin Stage cultivators, but almost all these powerful cultivators were killed between the sharp teeth of the beasts after the time it took for an incense stick to burn.

On the other side, nearly one thousand of the big rats were killed, along with two Silver-scaled Golden Caruncled Snakes, one Golden Tiger King, and three Wind Wolves… These were all the men in black clothes had killed before they died.

After all, the beasts' side was much better than the men in black clothes in number, power, and cooperation. This was a foreseeable result after all!

The beasts army could defeat even one hundred Wu Fa or Xuan Bing, not to mention a hundred level nine Dao Origin Stage cultivators. This horrible spiritual beasts army was more powerful than any group of cultivators in the history of Qing-Yun Realm!

In fact, even if things went worse for the beasts' side, Cha Eun Xiao could release more spiritual beasts like these to join the battle. There were much more spiritual beasts in the fourth layer of Mountain of All Medicines after all. The reason why Cha Eun Xiao hadn't release more beasts was that Erhuo didn't want him to because, well, it was too costly for Erhuo to employ more super-level beasts. After the battle was finished, Erhuo already had to give away over fifty supreme dan beads—twenty for the group of Golden Tiger Kings, twenty for the group of Wind Wolves, ten for the crowd of rats…

Fifty supreme dan beads were gone, and the seventeen snakes weren't counted yet!

[Meow… Well, the snakes are my real followers… It is their job to fight for their chief, isn't it? I guess two or three of the dan beads should be enough!]

The battle was finished. Cha Eun Xiao, Li Wuliang, Yue Shuang, Yue Han, and Han Bingxue each had captured one dying man. Although they only caught five people alive, Cha Eun Xiao thought it was enough.

The beasts did not only fight well in the battle but also did a great job in cleaning. They had eaten every bit of the dead bodies left in the fight, not leaving even a small piece of bone behind.

Because of the beasts scrambling for the dead bodies, the battle suddenly fell into a small disturbance for a while. The rats and the tigers nearly started another war because of it.

The rats were not at a high level, but they were good at fighting. Because there was a large amount of them, they even dared to aggressively attack the Golden Tiger Kings to start a fight!

Cha Eun Xiao had no other choice but to mediate between the two sides in person. In the end, both sides showed their respect to Cha Eun Xiao, the future master of the Mountain of All Medicines. Finally, the two groups of beasts, who had just been allies in the battle against the people in black clothes, reluctantly ceased the fight and made peace to each other…

Cha Eun Xiao had seen the difference between two different kinds of spiritual beasts. The Golden Tiger Kings and the Silver-scaled Golden Caruncled Snakes were protective to the bodies of their own kind. They wouldn't do damage to or allow other beasts to touch the bodies, but only kept protecting them.

However, the rats and the wind wolves were obviously creatures with different views to the bodies of their own kinds—they ate no matter whom the dead bodies belonged to.

The sound of the spiritual beasts chewing dead bodies had disgusted Yue Shuang, Yue Han, Yue Gongxue, and the two maids. They couldn't stop feeling sick. Qingxue and Wuxue had thrown up twice already.

In the end, there were no signs of any dead bodies left in the area except the smell of blood in the air. The white shadow flashed over again for the third time.

Surprisingly, those spiritual beasts started to disappear one by one in the same way as they showed up… Nobody knew where they were from, or where they left for…

Everything about the spiritual beasts was mysterious as if it was a magnificent masterpiece of heavens.

The golden hawk hadn't shown up from beginning to end. Erhuo, who was the easiest to be exposed, had been wearing a big long white robe and moving incredibly fast to give commands to the spiritual beasts while in battle, so nobody had seen it either.

"Let me deal with these men." Cha Eun Xiao blandly gave Yue Shuang and Yue Han a hint through eye contact.

The two ladies knew what Cha Eun Xiao wanted to do, so they just handed the people in their hands over to Cha Eun Xiao.

"One month later, I will start the mopping-up on Saint Sunlight Sect first!" Cha Eun Xiao said, and then talked to Li Wuliang and Han Bingxue, "Brothers, let's go!"

He abruptly thrust up almost at the same time. Before the voice faded, he had already disappeared, leaving no signs behind.

That was just as the story told. Xiao Monarch always moved fast, acted decisively, and never needlessly showed the milk of human kindness.

Han Bingxue and Li Wuliang both nodded to Yue Shuang and Yue Han and then left after Xiao Monarch.

Cha Nantian and Yue Gongxue wanted to present their gratitude to Xiao Monarch for everything he had done for them. They figured they should at least get down on the knees and kowtow to Xiao Monarch, the honorable hero in the world. They even thought about making a memorial tablet for him as people did for gods. However, Xiao Monarch hadn't even glanced at them for even one second before disappearing.

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