The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1269: Cleanse the Town of Cha

Chapter 1269: Cleanse the Town of Cha

Cleanse the Town of Cha . . .

However, they were disappointed by the truth that Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian didn't seem to leave. They were going to stay in Cha Clan for a long time.

Those fools from the two sects didn't know that Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were in Cha Clan with a job to do.

They would never leave before Cha Eun Xiao returned!

If they left before they met Cha Eun Xiao, they would get punched to death by the there grand elders.

When Yue Changtian had gone missing, the three grand elders were furious. People of Cold Moon Palace had been sent out to look for their Prime Master but failed to get any useful information.

The three old men were pretty worried about their dear disciple, so they sent Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian back to the Town of Cha to bring Cha Eun Xiao back, even though the two of them had just returned to the sect!

"If you fail to bring your little disciple brother back, do not come back!" Lei Dadi was pissed, "If you can't even do such a simple job, maybe you should just go sh*t yourselves in the garden and accept your fates as two pieces of useless junk!"

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian had just returned to the sect, and then got sent back for a new mission… They were only helpless and sullen…

They made up their minds, [This time, we will take Cha Eun Xiao back…]

[Otherwise, we are never going to live well in the sect anymore…]

When Cha Eun Xiao was back to the Town of Cha, while he was still flying in the sky, he had sensed something wrong…

Around the house of Cha Clan, there was a lot of hostile qi. Even though those people were trying to hide their qi, they couldn't hide from Cha Eun Xiao's excellent spiritual sensation…

Cha Eun Xiao recognized the qi of those people and confirmed that they were from Saint Sunlight Sect and Saint Starlight Sect…

It pissed him off very badly. However, without a second thought, he started some attacks and wiped those people out in a short time. He didn't even think about why those people still hadn't attack Cha Clan.

He was so powerful that only a flick of the figure could kill all those people!

The two clans who provided hiding places were rooted up by Cha Eun Xiao within a short moment.

That night, in the silence of the darkness, the smell of blood filled the air of the Town of Cha.

The next day.

All the clans in Oracle District were shocked.

They knew roughly about what exactly had happened. After all, the clans were all connected. They knew that the two clans had done something which seemed to be wrong.

They didn't know who the two clans were helping, but they were sure those people were not friends to Cha Clan.

When the men of the two sects came to the Town of Cha, the two clans treated them like they were the two clans' ancestors. The other clans knew what the two clans were planning.

Apparently, both of the two clans wanted to replace Cha Clan as the most influential clan in Oracle District.

In fact, the other clans were all happy to know that people were plotting against Cha Clan. Even though they all declared loyalty to Cha Clan, they weren't sincerely convinced. After all, Cha Clan became the most dominant clan only because of the support from Misty Cloud Palace, Qiong-Hua Palace, and Cold Moon Palace. Actually, Cha Clan should be just a middle-class clan in Oracle District. Besides, half of Cha Clan's people had died not long earlier, which meant Cha Clan should be even weaker than usual!

Since some influential people were going to fight against Cha Eun Xiao, the other sects were all happy to see it happen. They all thought that these people would succeed. For the clans, whoever dared to be against Cha Clan was declaring war against the three powerful sects behind Cha Clan, which meant these people should also be dominant!

It seemed Cha Clan was going to be wiped out within a short time!

However, unexpectedly, before anything happened, those people were all killed…

It definitely frightened all the clans. Was Cha Clan truly this powerful?

After sweeping the people of the two sects and the two native clans, Cha Eun Xiao returned to Cha Clan and surprisedly sensed Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian. He was surprised.

"Where the hell have you been?" Zhan Yunfei raged up when he saw Cha Eun Xiao!

[Didn't you tell me that you would stay at home? We had just been away for a while, and you were gone! Couldn't you just leave a message to us? At least let us know where you were going! Nobody knows anything about where you left for…]

[You just disappeared!]

In fact, it felt more like Cha Eun Xiao was kidnapped!

That was why the two brothers were so worried. The last thing they wanted was the death of the future of their sect!

As they saw Cha Eun Xiao, they didn't feel happy, but only angry!

They would love to beat him up really hard to ease the stress in their hearts!

"Urh… I just hung out for a while… I am new to this world after all. Everything is interesting to me!" Cha Eun Xiao rubbed the head, "Brothers, you have no idea how many beautiful girls there are in this district! All types of beauties just walk on the street…"

[What? Beautiful girls? All types of beauties?]

[What the hell are you going to do?]

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian looked at each other. They heard Cha Eun Xiao, but couldn't understand why Cha Eun Xiao would say that…

"Chongxiao, listen. Be careful when you consider starting a relationship." Zhan Yunfei sighed, looking at Cha Eun Xiao as if Cha Eun Xiao was an irredeemable kid.

"That's right. Brother Zhan is right. It is true that you should be in the upper position at the moment, but you have to be careful about relationships… Do not give too much into it. Sometimes when you have done too much, you can't go back. Once you miss somebody, you will forever lose it."

Zhu Jiutian made a sigh too.

"It is better to be a heartbreaker than to be left with a broken heart… Nothing is more difficult than having one after another sleepless night after she left." Zhu Jiutian seemed sentimental.

"Brothers, what are you talking about? Can you make it easier to understand? I don't get you." Cha Eun Xiao was confused. [What did I say? Beautiful girls? That's all! Is there anything to do with starting a relationship? What the hell are you two doing? Why so sentimental?]

[I just casually came up with an excuse!]

"In this world, not everyone is born to be a cultivator. Women are less possible to become cultivators. Heaven's will seeks fairness. When you are born with one gift, you will be weak in another aspect. Beautiful women are always weak in cultivation… The more beautiful they are, the less interested they are with cultivation."

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