The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 137: Secret About Cha Nan-Tian

Chapter 137: Secret About Cha Nan-Tian

Secret About Cha Nan-Tian . . .

Wan-Er nodded, her expression contemplative as she launched into a detailed account of Cha-Eun Xiao's early life. "When Cha-Eun Xiao was just nine years old," she began, "he displayed his mischievous side for the first time. He lashed out at a maid within the Cha Clan household, leaving her crippled. In the aftermath, his family decided to replace all the household servants with retired soldiers."

Leaning forward, Wan-Er continued, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and curiosity, "By the age of eleven, Cha-Eun Xiao was already causing trouble outside. He was riding a horse through the streets when he carelessly trampled on a man's leg, breaking it. Remarkably, he felt no remorse; instead, he hurled insults at the unfortunate victim. His behavior only escalated as he grew older."

She paused, her gaze distant as she recalled the past. "At the tender age of thirteen, he began to harass women, and by the time he reached fourteen, he had even abducted a girl. His father had finally reached his breaking point and took action, beating his son and sending the girl back to her home."

Wan-Er shook her head, a deep sigh escaping her lips. "From that point on, Cha-Eun Xiao's behavior continued to deteriorate. He became increasingly notorious for his harassment of women. With his father, Cha Nan-Tian, often away from home, there was no one to discipline him. In desperation, Cha Nan-Tian turned to his sworn brother, Song Jue, to take on the role of steward for their household."

She continued, "When Cha-Eun Xiao turned sixteen, just four months ago, he indulged in excessive drinking with some idle young nobles at a brothel. He drank so much that he passed out. Strangely, after that night, he appeared to undergo a significant change in his behavior. He stopped going out as frequently, although he did make an exception by visiting the House of Zuo once. Coincidentally, that very day, the House of Zuo was robbed, and a certain Ning Bi-Luo's misfortunes began. The details of this incident remain rather murky to this day."

Wan-Er cleared her throat, her narrative style remaining diligent. "And following that incident," she concluded, "Cha-Eun Xiao's actions became increasingly puzzling. Tonight, before he crossed paths with you, he was drinking in the Palace of Hua-Yang. Surprisingly, Prince Hua-Yang, who had previously shown discontent with Cha-Eun Xiao, suddenly appeared pleased with him. Cha-Eun Xiao left the palace, and that's when he encountered you."

With the story of Cha-Eun Xiao complete, Wan-Er fell silent, her eyes searching Master Bai for any signs of his reaction.

Master Bai, seemingly lost in thought, closed his eyes for a moment before finally speaking. "How much did he drink in the palace?"

Wan-Er responded promptly, "He consumed three small cups, four small bowls, and six large bottles, totaling approximately 11 kilograms."

Master Bai furrowed his brow in contemplation. "Impressive," he mused, "he certainly has a high tolerance."

Wan-Er nodded in agreement. "Indeed," she replied, "his cultivation capabilities are noteworthy. Most ordinary individuals would have succumbed to intoxication with such quantities, but for cultivators with his level of skill, it's a different story."

Master Bai's tone remained even as he inquired further, "And how much did he drink when he passed out at the brothel?"

Wan-Er's surprise was evident, and she stammered momentarily before admitting, "I'm not certain."

Master Bai pressed on with his questioning. "There's more to this, Wan-Er. What can you tell me about Cha-Eun Xiao's cultivation?"

With a hint of disdain, Wan-Er replied, "His cultivation is nothing to boast about. He couldn't be higher than the ninth level of the Grade of Renyuan. He's a novice, really."

Master Bai, however, wore a knowing smile. "Ah, but appearances can be deceiving," he remarked. "In my estimation, Cha-Eun Xiao is at least at the third level of the Grade of Diyuan, if not higher."

Wan-Er was taken aback by Master Bai's assessment, her eyes widening with surprise.

Master Bai maintained his composed demeanor as he posed a question to Wan-Er. "Oh. Then, how much did he drink when he was intoxicated at the brothel?"

Wan-Er found herself taken aback by the inquiry, causing her to momentarily lose her words.

Master Bai, unperturbed by her surprise, continued in his calm tone, "I believe I made myself clear. If Cha-Eun Xiao could handle such a significant quantity of alcohol without issue this time, why did he succumb to inebriation so easily on the previous occasion? He was merely drinking with a group of idle young gentlemen. It begs the question: why did he pass out then?"

Wan-Er, feeling somewhat embarrassed, replied humbly, "I don't have an answer to that, Master Bai."

Master Bai pressed on, determined to gather more information. "There is more to explore, Wan-Er. What can you tell me about Cha-Eun Xiao's cultivation?"

Wan-Er didn't mince her words, expressing her disdain. "His cultivation is unremarkable, likely not surpassing the ninth level of the Grade of Renyuan. He is far from impressive."

Master Bai, however, seemed to have a different perspective. He chuckled softly and remarked, "Ah, but appearances can be deceiving. According to my observations, he is at least at the third level of the Grade of Diyuan. It appears that ordinary cultivators, including yourself, typically reach no higher than the ninth level of the Grade of Renyuan."

Wan-Er's surprise was evident once more as she questioned, "How is that possible? Does he possess some extraordinary method to conceal his true cultivation level? Did he manage to deceive me?"

Master Bai, however, decided to shift the focus of their discussion. "A man capable of concealing his true cultivation level from you... Let's set that aside for now," he said calmly. "What concerns me more is why he chooses to do so."

Wan-Er remained dismissive, stating, "He may have hidden his cultivation, but he is still a relatively weak cultivator, hardly worth our attention."

Master Bai countered her argument with a more nuanced perspective. "Your assessment is colored by your advanced stage of cultivation. To you, his abilities may seem inconsequential. However, consider this: if Cha-Eun Xiao were to encounter someone of similar strength, he would hold a significant advantage. I can confidently assert that even those one level above him would easily fall victim to his prowess, and he would emerge unscathed."

Master Bai's voice grew serious as he continued, "Regardless of his cultivation level, this individual possesses cunning and skill. He is a formidable man."

Reluctantly, Wan-Er admitted, "Perhaps you have a point."

Master Bai proceeded with his instructions, a sense of urgency in his tone. "I am growing increasingly concerned about this man. Wan-Er, I need you to investigate a few matters for me."

"Yes, Master," Wan-Er replied dutifully.

"First, I want to know who those young men were that Cha-Eun Xiao was drinking with when he passed out. Their names, backgrounds, every detail about them. I also need a comprehensive account of what transpired that night. We must ascertain why Cha-Eun Xiao lost consciousness. Was it a ruse? If not, how severe was his condition?"

"Secondly, investigate how Ning Bi-Luo found himself in such dire circumstances that day. Discover the reasons behind it. Find out why the Boundless Saint Master targeted the House of Zuo on that particular day and why he ceased his actions afterward. There must be a story behind these events, and I want every detail."

"Lastly," Master Bai concluded, "look into the presence of Gu Jin-Long from the Sunlight Sect in Chen-Xing City. Find out why a man of his caliber has ventured into the mortal world. Gu Jin-Long possesses considerable power and skills, and his presence here may indicate a pursuit of something of great value. Although he has visited the Land of Han-Yang periodically, his extended stay raises questions. Keep a vigilant eye on him, as his actions could reshape the current landscape."

After delegating the tasks to Wan-Er, Master Bai raised a ponderous question. His eyes turned thoughtful as he inquired, "Why did Cha Nan-Tian come to this land in the first place? I recall you have some records regarding this matter."

Wan-Er maintained her composed demeanor as she replied, "Cha Nan-Tian is the legitimate heir of the Cha Clan in the Qing-Yun Realm. However, he fell in love with a young woman from the Qiong-Hua Palace, an affair that incurred the wrath of the Qiong-Hua Moon King. In response, the Moon King issued a decree to annihilate the entire Cha Clan."

She continued her narrative, "In a desperate bid to save their lives and the existence of the clan, the Qiong-Hua girl left her husband and their newborn child and returned to the palace, where she begged for forgiveness."

Wan-Er's voice remained steady as she recounted the events. "Ultimately, the Qiong-Hua Moon King relented. However, he imposed a condition: Cha Nan-Tian was to be banished to the mortal world."

Hearing this, Master Bai interjected with a recollection, his tone still bland. "I remember this, but I recall that the punishment was not meant to be permanent."

Wan-Er nodded in agreement. "Indeed, you are correct. Many individuals within the palace attempted to sway the Moon King's decision. The love between Cha Nan-Tian and the Qiong-Hua girl was genuine, which moved the Moon King's heart. As a result, he showed leniency and allowed Cha Nan-Tian to depart the Qing-Yun Realm. The Moon King extracted a promise from Cha Nan-Tian that he would remain separated from the Qiong-Hua girl until he achieved the Grade of Daoyuan. Once that condition was met, Cha Nan-Tian would be free to reunite with his beloved."

Master Bai's response was tinged with sarcasm as he sneered, "Cha Nan-Tian was merely at the Grade of Meng-Yuan when he left. He suffered severe injuries in a confrontation with the Qiong-Hua Palace cultivators and regressed by one grade. Upon his arrival in the Land of Han-Yang, he had only attained the ninth level of the Grade of Lingyuan."

He scoffed, his voice filled with disdain. "Going from the ninth level of the Grade of Lingyuan to the Grade of Daoyuan is a monumental leap, one that even the most gifted cultivators in the wealthiest clans would struggle to achieve in their entire lifetimes. And now we're discussing the desolate Land of Han-Yang, where resources and assistance are scarce. It's highly improbable that Cha Nan-Tian could ever attain such a level. In essence, his banishment is permanent."

Wan-Er sighed, her compassion evident as she added, "It's unlikely that this pair of lovers will ever have the chance to reunite."

Master Bai listened attentively, his curiosity piqued. He inquired further, "What happened to the Ye Clan in the aftermath?"

Wan-Er explained, "The Ye Clan, although a formidable clan in the Qing-Yun Realm, paled in comparison to the might of the Qiong-Hua Palace. A few members of the Ye Clan perished in the initial conflict, but that was the extent of their losses. Cha Nan-Tian shouldered the responsibility alone, and the Ye Clan decided to sacrifice him to safeguard the clan's survival. During these years, a new heir was chosen for the Ye Clan, and Cha Nan-Tian lost his rightful position. He became a forsaken son, neglected and forgotten by all."

Master Bai's response was a wry smile as he uttered, "Interesting intricacies in the ways of the world."

Wan-Er's empathy for the star-crossed lovers compelled her to speak up. "If only someone could advocate on behalf of the couple, perhaps they could..."

The love story of Cha Nan-Tian and the Qiong-Hua girl stirred emotions within her. It was a tale that often brought tears to the eyes of those who heard it, for forced separation of lovers was a heart-wrenching theme.

Master Bai, however, appeared lost in his own thoughts, shaking his head and muttering, "Heh, heh..."

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