The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1455: Getting Really Rich from It

Chapter 1455: Getting Really Rich from It

Getting Really Rich from It

The rocks that Cha-Eun Xiao dug out were all small pieces. The biggest one was no bigger than a human head. However, every piece of them was heavy. The lightest piece was already over hundreds of kilograms. Luckily, Cha-Eun Xiao could still handle it. If any of the rocks got heavier, he would be helpless. It wasn't difficult to move out the rocks if there were only a few pieces, but there were too many for him. It was difficult to keep digging more and more, but he seemed to be stubborn now. It felt like he was back to the three months training in the Cold Moon Palace under the three great elders' supervision, and so he worked as hard as he did in the three months hellish training.

Cha-Eun Xiao had been digging for over ten meters deep into the ground, but he hadn't seen any soil!

Under the ground, it was all rock!

This place was already the lowest point in this area, which meant nowhere else could be better.

"I am right. This should be a huge mountain in the old days, but got broken by somebody someday in the past. The rocks all became small pieces and filled this place up."

Cha-Eun Xiao took a breath and said, "Well, this small piece of rock… I can't even break it, not to mention breaking down an entire mountain…"

"How powerful one must have to be to break such a huge mountain into small pieces?"

He took a rest for a while, and then went on digging.

He just kept digging for three whole days. He dug deep down, and cleaned out the rocks, and then expanded the digging area a little bit to continue digging. Again and again, he kept digging deep, and eventually found some soil when he hit about a hundred and fifty meters down in the pit. The soil was in between some tightly squeezed rocks.

However, the soil wasn't actually like soil. In fact, it was more like some metal which glowed in dark gloss. It was definitely something different from the rock, but it wasn't quite like soil either.

Cha-Eun Xiao held it in his hand and tried with almost all the power he got to squeeze it and finally crumbled that thing.

He then had a conclusion. 'This must be soil! The reason is simple—I crumbled it. I can't crumb these rocks, so this must be soil. Soil is softer than a rock! That is it!'

After that, he kept digging ten meters deeper and finally found more of that soil, which was much softer than the rocks.

"So this is indeed an ancient battlefield." Cha-Eun Xiao proved himself right but still was a bit upset about it.

'This should be a basic fact that every person in the Human Realm Upon Heavens knows about, shouldn't it? Well, it just took me such a long time to figure it out.'

'This area is so desolate. There must be a fight between two extremely powerful cultivators, who made some impacting blasts in this place and made this area a dead zone within tens of thousands of miles! Otherwise, this place shouldn't have been so lifeless! There isn't even grass!'

Cha-Eun Xiao had obtained the answer, but he was more frightened and shocked.

'At what level were these incredible cultivators to make the battle such a desolate area?'

'Damn it… Yes, I proved it. This is an ancient battlefield, but so what? It is lifeless here. There is no resource of any kind. This is an abandoned place. A place of no value…'

Cha-Eun Xiao stood up straight, and he couldn't help feeling disappointed. 'There is nothing except rocks and dirt, nothing useful… Well, it kind of makes sense though. An ancient battlefield from long ago. It should be searched for many times. If there was anything valuable, even if it was just a hair, someone must have taken it. Of course, this place should have nothing left for me to dig out…'

'Fine. So be it. I guess I should get out of here as soon as possible. I should leave this useless area behind.'

Cha-Eun Xiao made a sigh, and casually kicked the small rocks under his feet. He was trying to get a rock that was flat on the surface so that he could step on it and left the pit he dug. As he looked up, he was shocked.

'What? Did I do this? It turns out I have dug as deep as a well should be…'

When he was ready to jump up, something happened. He noticed that a piece of soil was cracked into pieces when he made that casual kick on the floor.

Something brown had rolled out from the soil.

"Oh? What is that?" Cha-Eun Xiao looked at that thing and said, "I just casually kicked, and well, look what I found. Is it really this easy to find something? Is this true?"

When he grabbed the small object up and held it in the hand, after a closer look, he found that it was an ancient bronze ring. It didn't seem to be any special, but it was a surprise that it didn't rust after staying down under the ground for so many years. Perhaps, there was something special about this ring.

However, Cha-Eun Xiao didn't have time to figure out what the ring was now. He just casually threw it into the Boundless Space.

Erhuo was having a nap in the Boundless Space when the ring was thrown in and hit its tail. Erhuo automatically waved its tail and the ring got flicked away. Nobody knew where it was now.

Cha-Eun Xiao was inspired all of a sudden, after finding a ring in this place. He looked at the pit and started to be much more interested in it.

'Maybe there is something else I will find here. There is one, so there must be two, even three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…'

Therefore, the Xiao Monarch started to dig again.

He first dug ten meters to the side, but he got nothing. And then he dug forward for ten meters, yet he still got nothing.

All that he had gotten was a muddlehead and all the twinkling stars in his sight.

He was absolutely too weak in this world for such a hard work!

"Oh heavens… On should never be greedy. It kills to want to get more after getting something already. Greed does make you fall." Cha-Eun Xiao kept his mouth open, gasping and climbing out the pit, and then lied down on the broken pieces of rocks on the floor. He kept breathing heavily, and after resting for a long time, he suddenly thought of something that seemed to be important.

'Oh, wait… I have been improved quite a lot recently, so the Boundless Space must be different now. How is it?'

When he entered the Boundless Space to check, he was shocked. "Holy heavens… Erhuo… You… What… How long on earth have you been sleeping? You have gotten your fur coming off the skins…"

Erhuo was lying under a huge ginseng, sleeping deeply at the moment, with its arms and legs extremely casually stretching out.

Cha-Eun Xiao was talking to it, but it surely couldn't hear him, because it was sleeping, and sleeping was the most important thing for it.

Cha-Eun Xiao raised up and looked around the nine spaces. The nine spaces had changed as well.

The Sky Space and the Earth Space were so different, only got some chaotic qi from the nature. These two spaces seemed to be special. The Gold Space, Fire Space, Water Space had no change at all.

The Wood Space had a bigger change among the Nine Spaces. After all this time Cha-Eun Xiao had spent in this place, the spiritual medical plants in the Wood Space had grown crazily. A lot of new plants had grown up by themselves. However, the Spirit Space and the Yin Space had the biggest change among all the Nine Spaces. It was some tremendous change really.

In the Spirit Space, the thin white fog in the air had become so dense like it was solid.

In the Yin Space, the rolling dark fog in the air also became solid.

On the ground, there was a small puddle, in which there was some black liquid that was dark like ink.

There were also straw yellow and blood red in the liquid.

However, the straw yellow and blood red would disappear if he didn't look straight at it.

All in all, the Yin Space was full of some kind of power that was rather creepy.

Cha-Eun Xiao, as the owner of the Boundless Space, would feel chilled and terrified when he entered the Yin Space.

"The change in the Yin Space is… weird. Is it the dark soul power? Is it because of the Honor Demon's massacre? Erhuo absorbed the soul energy from the Demonic Flame Altars, and the soul energy from the altars was from the Honor Demon's massacre. Did the dark energy come to the Yin Space in the end?" Cha-Eun Xiao didn't understand why the Yin Space would become like this, but he did have a reasonable assumption.

Outside the Nine Spaces, there was a light blue color gas that covered the entire sky area.

The mysterious blue gas was even more mysterious. Cha-Eun Xiao totally had no idea how it came to the Boundless Space.

The Nine Spaces all seemed to be improved, but the changes didn't seem to bring much help for Cha-Eun Xiao. The Wood Space and the Water Space might provide small help for him though. While the Wood Space gave him food, the Water Space brought him water.

He had worked so hard and he was tired, so he decided to enter the Water Space to drink as much as he could…

After filling up his tummy with the fresh water, he finally felt spirited up again, so he got out the Boundless Space and went on the journey on the desolate land.

In front of him, it was still the wasted land which seemed to be boundless. Cha-Eun Xiao made a sigh, and he knew he had no choice but to keep going forward.

It took him such a great effort to come to the Human Realm Upon Heavens that was known only from the myth, but for a long time, he was trapped in this wasted land. He had no idea what was going on.

He at least should meet somebody here so that he could ask the local people about this place!

Cha-Eun Xiao made a sigh but tried to move faster ahead. Making sighs wouldn't help him go any faster. The only thing he should do now was to try his best to walk out of this deserted land!

Another day passed, and Cha-Eun Xiao had no idea how far he had gone. He found a broken piece of a weapon, probably a saber or a sword in a surprise. In fact, in this ancient battlefield, it was reasonable that there were rocks, dirt, cracked bones, and weapon pieces. The broken weapon pieces were not often seen, but also not so rare in this area. He had found some of it many times, and he had checked all those broken pieces. It turned out that they were totally useless!

However, this time, he was somehow enlightened. 'These weapons must be from a long time ago. Normally these broken pieces should have no use for anybody in the world, but what about my Gold Space? Perhaps, it is useful in the Gold Space, isn't it?'

Thinking about that, he was finally spirited up. As he looked around the desolate land in front of him, he felt like it was a land full of gold.

There was nothing in this area but all kinds of broken pieces of ancient weapons…

Even cracked pieces of the weapons from an ancient battlefield must be valuable. After all, those metal pieces had been through a long time and remained in the ground. It must be useful if he could collect enough!

Of course, he had to make sure the Gold Space was able to refine the cracked pieces of the weapons!

He thought of it, so he started to do it. He never knew what it could be unless he tried. He picked up the points of a saber and threw it into the Gold Space, and then his spiritual mind quickly entered the Boundless Space. As he entered the Boundless Space, he saw the saber crack changed as it appeared in the Gold Space. It was melting bit by bit…

It was melting so extremely slowly that ordinary people would not be able to see it changing, but Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes were at the Tittle Phase. He was good at finding tiny changes in all things. As he paid attention to the saber crack, some metal powder was getting off the cracked piece, and got absorbed by the Gold Space right away.

"It works! It actually works!" Cha-Eun Xiao was overjoyed.

It was such a great thing that the Gold Space could absorb and refine the metals from the ancient times. It didn't matter how slowly it worked. Being short of time was the last problem Cha-Eun Xiao had at the moment. There were an unimaginably huge amount of ancient weapons scraps in this area!

As Cha-Eun Xiao walked on the road again, his both eyes were like two searchlights, scanning for the ancient weapons pieces. He was just like a bum collecting all kinds of junks. Any metal he found, he threw it into the Gold Space.

One day passed, and he had made a lot of ancient weapon scraps that piled up as tall as a human being in the Gold Space.

The metals on the bottom of the pile had half melted. It was slow, but it was acceptable.

'Oh heavens… I nearly missed all these treasures in this huge area…' Cha-Eun Xiao felt regretful now. 'I was stupid. That was stupid. I have still missed a lot. For the last two months, I have met a lot of these weapon scraps on the way, but I only started to collect them just now. I have totally lost tons of them back on the road! How stupid I was!'

'My heart is aching… Those were weapon scraps from the weapons in some super great cultivators in the history… I can collect and refine them all…' Cha-Eun Xiao kept gritting his teeth because of the regret in his heart. 'Should I go back and pick them all up?'

As he looked around at the boundless desolate land, he eventually gave up the idea of turning back.

'There are too many weapon scraps in this area, and this is a huge area. Besides, it is not like only where I walked past has these weapon scraps. They are everywhere… I can simply find them in any place… Well, I should first get out of this place first, and come back for the treasure hunt in the future when I get the chance.'

'This desolate land must be meaningless and useless for the others. Nobody would ever ask about this place. However, for me, it is a gold mountain that never dries out. The heavenly Dao does bless me. I guess I am a good man, so I am blessed! Hah hah hah hah hah…'

Cha-Eun Xiao was spirited up, so he kept searching his way out.

Seven days passed.

In Cha-Eun Xiao's Gold Space, there was a small mountain that was piled up by a lot of metal pieces. It was almost a hundred meters high! What a harvest!

He got something else in return at the same time. While he could feel that he was still in the central zone of this desolate land, he was also sure that he had started to walk his way out of this area after a long journey!

The desolate land was truly incredibly big!

The reason why Cha-Eun Xiao was so sure that he was heading out, was that he started to feel more and more powerful as he walked forward. In fact, his cultivation was improving. The desolate land was indeed wasted and full of junks, the pumping spiritual qi in the air was unlimited!

In such an incredibly powerful environment, even though he hadn't been through the ablution in the wash pond, he still felt that the East-rising Purple Qi inside him was getting improved step by step!

In fact, along with the improvement, he realized something really special about it as well.

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