The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 146: Arrogant And Domineering

Chapter 146: Arrogant And Domineering

Arrogant And Domineering . . .

"We all have our spheres of influence. I refrained from confronting you, not out of fear but because I found it beneath me," Cha-Eun Xiao declared with an air of arrogance. He halted his horse and approached Li Cheng-Ze, a sardonic smile gracing his lips. "Li Cheng-Ze, it's akin to the dynamics of your illustrious lineage, where your grandfather serves as the Right Prime Minister, my father commands the Northern General's forces, and the imposter who claims this wretch as his son is the Revenue Minister, am I mistaken?"

With haughty disregard, Cha-Eun Xiao met Li Cheng-Ze's gaze, his tone dripping with disdain. "If we all adhere to certain standards and avoid causing disruptions, there would be no issues," he continued, his head held high. "However, if someone decides to employ their family's influence to oppress others, in the Kingdom of Chen, with my family's sway, whom should I fear? What should I be concerned about? Whom should I dread?"

Under the weight of Cha-Eun Xiao's piercing stare, Li Cheng-Ze couldn't help but falter. He took a hesitant step back, attempting to maintain a facade of bravado while inwardly quaking. "Cha Eun Xiao, do you know who you're dealing with? I caution you not to overstep your bounds!"

"Overstep my bounds? Or have you overstepped yours?" Cha-Eun Xiao retorted with a disdainful sneer. "I have a peculiar trait—I indulge my temper."

His gaze shifted to the assembled group of opponents, each one now feeling a distinct sense of unease. "An eye for an eye... You believed that your influential families granted you the impunity to torment me. I don't back down. You chose not to be reasonable, deciding to 'overstep your bounds'... Well then."

Without looking away, Cha-Eun Xiao casually pointed to Jiang Tai-Sui, who lay writhing in agony on the ground. "I'll exceed the boundaries you dared to cross. I'll care less about being reasonable. You see, it doesn't take much effort to forgo reason when dealing with unreasonable adversaries. When my foes abandon morality, so shall I."

A wry grin played across Cha-Eun Xiao's face as he asked Li Cheng-Ze, his voice a low murmur, "Li Cheng-Ze, after what you've witnessed me do to Jiang Tai-Sui, do you dare to guess whether I'd hesitate to do the same to you? Go on, take a guess. Do I have the nerve... or not?"

Li Cheng-Ze, now surveying Jiang Tai-Sui's pitiable state, was clearly terrified. He retreated a few steps, his anger masking an underlying fear, as he retorted, "I won't guess!"

His refusal to engage in conjecture exposed his trepidation.

Meanwhile, the guards who had accompanied these aristocrats remained silent and still, acutely aware of the impending danger emanating from the man inside the carriage—Song Jue. They didn't dare make a move, afraid that Song Jue would turn his lethal attention toward them. These nobles might be oblivious, but the cultivators knew precisely what they were dealing with.

Song Jue was a menacing presence, akin to a colossal broadsword capable of cleaving the heavens themselves. His aura was suffused with a palpable intent to kill. These guards understood that Song Jue wouldn't harm the aristocrats, but he would show no mercy to any guards who dared provoke him. Such behavior would be considered insubordination toward the General's House, punishable by death, a fact well understood by Song Jue, who was, after all, a member of that very household.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Zuo Wu-Ji and Lan Lang-Lang were dumbstruck.

They had never fathomed that Cha-Eun Xiao could be this ruthless and unfeeling.

The revelation left them both in disbelief, struggling to reconcile the fierce and cold demeanor before them with the amiable friend they had known. Yet, at the same time, a glimmer of understanding dawned. [This is a strategic move—a brilliant one!]

In their prior encounters, Cha-Eun Xiao and his companions had exercised restraint, cautious of avoiding trouble at all costs. Their fear of escalation had inadvertently emboldened their adversaries, leading to increased arrogance on the part of their opponents.

But now, they had a revelation. [If there's nothing to fear, why should we continue to back down? Allowing them to grow haughty only leads to more trouble. True, they may receive leniency when they err, but we won't meet our demise for our mistakes either! We're all scions of powerful clans, and their families hold inferior positions. So why should we hesitate? Let's confront them head-on! The outcome can't be any worse than maintaining the status quo! If I'm injured, they won't be pleased either.]

Song Jue watched with satisfaction as Cha-Eun Xiao took charge. [My nephew has finally come into his own. He's undoubtedly my big brother's son! I'm thoroughly pleased by his actions. A bit of arrogance might be permissible, but cowardice is inexcusable.]

Cha-Eun Xiao displayed a level of audacity that left Song Jue amused. He wasn't the least bit timid. "It's a tad overbearing," Song Jue admitted with a smile, speaking softly to himself. "But... I rather like it... Hahahaha..."

[Now, I can be certain that he was responsible for all those prior troubles. Those men must have met their end at his hands.] Song Jue mused. [Look at his volatile temper. He must have stirred up quite the ruckus outside. He truly is a trouble-incarnate demon.]

[Oh... I recall he once said that if the crown prince dared to provoke him, he'd kill him... It seems he wasn't joking.]

At the thought of that, Song Jue shuddered, despite his usual fearlessness. [I hope... that particular scenario never unfolds. If it does, it'll be a calamity surpassing even the fall of the heavens.]

Cha-Eun Xiao, surrounded by a group of arrogant young nobles, maneuvered his horse gracefully, effectively isolating himself from anyone who dared to approach. Each person he neared instinctively stepped away, their fear palpable—like evading a malevolent specter or maleficent spirit. The once unwavering camaraderie of 'we're coming for you' had evaporated into thin air.

Cha-Eun Xiao grinned at Zuo Wu-Ji, offering sage advice. "Always treat scoundrels in a scoundrel's manner. Reasoning with them is futile."

Zuo Wu-Ji nodded, while Lan Lang-Lang admired Cha-Eun Xiao's assertiveness. "That's wisdom towering high as the heavens."

Cha-Eun Xiao then turned his gaze towards Li Cheng-Ze, his expression devoid of fear or concern. "Do you still wish to cross swords with me?"

Li Cheng-Ze, a pampered scion of a wealthy family, had never witnessed such brutality. His face paled, but he clung to a semblance of bravado. "Cha Eun Xiao, this isn't over! Don't celebrate too early!"

Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled, delivered a resounding horsewhip crack through the air, and taunted, "What do you mean, it's not over? I'll be waiting for you, then. Let's go!"

Taking the reins of Su Ye-Yue's horse, he urged the animal forward, charging straight into the midst of Li Cheng-Ze's retinue. Remarkably, no one dared to impede his progress.

Among Li Cheng-Ze's group, emotions were in turmoil.

Jiang Tai-Sui's mangled form continued to writhe and scream on the ground, his agony apparent.

As Cha-Eun Xiao moved past them, he suddenly halted and spoke in a cold, unforgiving tone without looking back. "One last thing. Anyone who dares to cast a lecherous eye upon my fiancée will meet the same fate as Jiang Tai-Sui."

Following this incident, Cha-Eun Xiao didn't bother to look back. Instead, he effortlessly wielded his horsewhip, sending it crackling through the air before landing with a resounding thud on Wang Xiao-Nian, who had been discreetly hiding within the crowd.

Wang Xiao-Nian let out a shrill cry of agony. The mark of the horsewhip strike was etched across his forehead down to his belly, the skin cut open and flesh torn—a gruesome sight to behold.

With a nonchalant tone, Cha-Eun Xiao remarked, "Consider that a small taste."

Amidst his laughter, he added, "Indeed, I strike as I please. Hahahaha..."

With a nudge of his legs and a spirited shout, he urged his horse onward. The steed responded with a spirited whinny and bolted forward, swiftly disappearing within the city's bustling streets.

Left in his wake were two men writhing in pain on the ground—one previously screeching in agony and now, Wang Xiao-Nian, who had joined the unfortunate chorus.

The foppish young nobles gazed at one another in disbelief, their pallid faces betraying their shock. They exchanged wary glances and surveyed the pitiable figures on the ground before casting furtive glances in the direction Cha-Eun Xiao had vanished. Fear had taken hold, causing them to tremble inwardly.

[Could that truly be Cha-Eun Xiao?]

[Why... has he become so... terrifying?]

Once Cha-Eun Xiao had disappeared from sight, Li Cheng-Ze's face turned an irate shade of crimson. He turned to his assembled guards and unleashed a torrent of fury, "You worthless imbeciles! Did I bring you here just to spectate? I've been humiliated! And you stood idly by, mere spectators! You're a bunch of good-for-nothings! What a waste of resources!"

The guards hung their heads in silence, seething inwardly. They exchanged quiet thoughts, [It's easy for you to criticize. If we had dared to intervene, our fates would be sealed. We'd be worse off than that wretch on the ground.]

[As long as we're alive, we can provide for our families. If we die on your behalf, our families will starve. Who would willingly sacrifice themselves for you?]

[You keep hurling insults at us—'losers,' 'worthless,' 'trash'—if you weren't the Right Prime Minister's grandson, we would have already exacted vengeance...]

Li Cheng-Ze's indignation mounted, his expression darkening as he spewed, "Damn it! Curse it all... Did I come here to be ridiculed and toyed with? You worthless bunch of cowards just stood there... Weren't you pretending to be heroes? Yet when I needed your valor, you acted like spineless kittens."

His visage grew increasingly malevolent as he mounted his horse. Muttering darkly to himself, he vowed, "Cha-Eun Xiao! You've humiliated me today, but I shan't forget this. Just you wait!"

The young men observed Li Cheng-Ze's inflated bravado once Cha-Eun Xiao had vanished. They exchanged glances, their thoughts mingling, [Was it wise to follow this man and oppose Cha-Eun Xiao all these years?]

[We should have at least sought an ally who possessed strength when it mattered...]

[As it turns out, Cha-Eun Xiao's fists are decidedly more formidable than Li Cheng-Ze's...]

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