The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 148: Someone Became The Scapegoat

Chapter 148: Someone Became The Scapegoat

Someone Became The Scapegoat . . .

A contingent of House of Cha blood guards, stationed nearby, also reacted with shock and hurried over to assess the situation. Song Jue took charge, issuing urgent commands amidst the growing commotion. "Don't move the young master. His bones are all broken. It will only worsen the situation if we handle him improperly. Someone, please, fetch something sturdy, perhaps a door plank... Yes, quickly now!" His voice was laced with desperation as he urged the bystanders into action.

As the chaos ensued, a middle-aged man among the crowd expressed skepticism, casting doubt upon Cha-Eun Xiao's condition. "All his bones are broken? I find that hard to believe. He looked perfectly fine while riding the horse. How could his bones suddenly shatter? Such an improbable coincidence, don't you think? You might want to try harder to convince us..."

Song Jue's patience wore thin as he heard these disparaging remarks. In an instant, he lunged forward and seized the man's collar, his own voice rising into a furious roar. "You ignorant fool! Are you blind? Can't you see what's unfolding before your very eyes? Would I ever joke about something as serious as this? Open your damn eyes! You insufferable imbecile! What an absolute moron!"

Song Jue's wrathful outburst was swift and unrelenting. Although the man had feigned bravado, he was merely a steward, not a seasoned warrior like Song Jue, who had weathered countless battles. Overwhelmed by the older man's intensity, the steward quickly succumbed to fear and lost consciousness.

"Useless wretch!" Song Jue spat on the fallen man and delivered a disdainful kick. His angry tirade had the desired effect on the surrounding onlookers. Witnessing his ferocity, they dared not intervene.

Meanwhile, the blood guards from the House of Cha, bearing witness to the scene, erupted into a synchronized display of aggression. Thirty gleaming longswords were unsheathed, their keen edges glinting menacingly. Their collective gaze bore down upon the crowd, regarding them as nothing more than livestock awaiting slaughter.

The leader of the blood guards stepped forward, addressing Song Jue with determination. "Chief, give the order! We will avenge our young master by cutting down these offenders without delay!"

Song Jue was caught between a rock and a hard place. He appreciated the loyalty and dedication of his blood guards, but he knew that Cha-Eun Xiao was orchestrating an act, and they could not unleash violence without justification.

"Maintain composure," Song Jue instructed sternly. "Our priority is to save the young master. We can address these individuals later."

With precision, two robust men brought forth a door plank while Song Jue summoned a peculiar, shimmering blue mist. This ethereal energy gently lifted Cha-Eun Xiao's seemingly lifeless body from the ground, placing him delicately onto the door plank. Throughout the entire process, Cha-Eun Xiao remained unmoved, maintaining his feigned posture.

Curiosity and skepticism coursed through the crowd as they inched closer to witness the strange occurrence. Many among them possessed cultivation skills and attempted to use their martial arts to examine Cha-Eun Xiao's condition. Their findings left them astounded and wordless.

"Jing and Mai are broken, and the bones are shattered... This is far more severe than just 'broken bones'... It's as though the bones have vanished completely..."

Those who knew Cha-Eun Xiao well reflected on how he had appeared perfectly healthy before inexplicably succumbing to such a dire state. An unsettling conclusion began to form in their minds.

The mere mention of the 'Melting Bone Palm' sent shockwaves through the crowd, leaving them in a state of stunned silence. It was a martial art technique notorious for inflicting gruesome injuries, and its implications weighed heavily on those gathered.

The assembly had initially converged with intentions of reproaching Cha-Eun Xiao, but now, they were left floundering, unsure of how to proceed. Their righteous anger had been supplanted by bewilderment and fear.

Song Jue, his eyes ablaze with fury, addressed the crowd in a cold and accusing tone. "Today, my young master escorted Prince Hua-Yang on his journey and remained unscathed throughout. It was only after a confrontation with the worthless ruffians from your respective houses that he ended up in this wretched state." His voice dripped with disdain and animosity.

Among those present, a man who appeared to be another steward attempted to alleviate the tension, though his efforts were met with skepticism. "Steward Song, please understand..." he began, only to be swiftly cut off.

Song Jue's wrath flared, and he lashed out at the man. "What makes you think you can address me as 'brother'?" he bellowed, his anger unrestrained. "A wretch like you?" He continued his tirade, threatening, "Should any harm befall my young master, none of you shall escape my wrath."

The crowd listened with a sense of dread, their thoughts mirroring their apprehension.

Meanwhile, the steward, feigning a sheepish smile, sought to clarify the situation. "Steward Song, I implore you to believe that we are not involved in this matter. You possess formidable martial prowess; surely, you can discern the truth. Lord Cha's injuries appear to be the result of an obscure technique known as the 'Melting Bone Palm.'"

The steward's words, however, did little to dispel the mounting tension. They incited the ire of those belonging to other houses who interpreted his statement as an attempt to absolve themselves of guilt.

A voice from the crowd finally broke the silence. "In our house, no one possesses such skills," the voice called out, aiming to justify their innocence.

Song Jue, growing increasingly impatient, waved his hand dismissively and scolded, "Enough of your nonsense! Has someone died in your house?" His sarcasm hung heavily in the air, forcing them into reluctant silence.

In frustration, he then singled out the steward from the Right Minister's House, striking him on the forehead with a forceful jab that sent the steward stumbling backward. Song Jue continued his physical reprimand, shouting, "Begone, you scoundrels! Leave now! If any harm befalls my young master, I shall ensure your collective demise, regardless of your involvement."

He turned his attention to the guards who stood nearby, urging them into action. "Why do you stand idly by? Dispatch a carrier pigeon immediately! Inform the great general to return swiftly, for he may lose the chance to see his son one last time." His words were charged with urgency and concern.

With his initial directive accomplished, Song Jue spun around to address the departing crowd. "Why do you linger?" he jeered, his taunt dripping with disdain. "Do you seek refreshment? A drink, perhaps?" The mockery in his voice only hastened their retreat.

As they dispersed, emotions ran high, with anger and fear vying for dominance within their hearts. The realization that their young lords might have had a hand in Cha-Eun Xiao's dire predicament gnawed at their conscience. The ominous implications of their prior threats echoed ominously in their minds, as they contemplated the possible consequences of their actions.

News of Cha-Eun Xiao's grave injuries began to circulate, drawing the attention of those who held a vested interest in his well-being.

Guan Zheng-Wen, with purpose in his strides, hastened to the Crown Prince's study room. The Crown Prince, engrossed in his writing, greeted him with a warm smile, "Master Guan, what brings you to my chambers today?"

As Guan Zheng-Wen entered the room and securely closed the door, he lowered his voice and responded, "The wound inflicted by the Melting Bone Palm on Cha-Eun Xiao... it has been activated."

A shockwave of astonishment rippled across the Crown Prince's face. His concentration wavered, inadvertently causing an ink blot to stain his parchment. Swiftly, he raised his gaze to meet Guan Zheng-Wen's, a sense of urgency palpable in his expression. "Are you absolutely certain?" he inquired.

Without a hint of doubt, Guan Zheng-Wen confirmed, "Without question."

The Crown Prince's countenance grew solemn as he contemplated the implications. He began, "In that case, we must prepare for the next phase. Should Cha Nan-Tian dare to rebel..."

Guan Zheng-Wen interjected, his demeanor subtly reassuring, "The scion of the gods enjoys divine favor. Your Highness shall be upheld by the heavens themselves. We have successfully diverted suspicion onto another, allowing Your Highness to proceed with confidence."

The Crown Prince, now intrigued, inquired further, "Indeed? And who is this fortunate scapegoat? I implore you, share the details."

Taking a seat with an air of anticipation, he added, "Pray, enlighten me about these developments."

The Crown Prince's joy was palpable. Cha Nan-Tian, a legendary figure in the Kingdom of Chen, held the potential to sway the tides of power. His neutrality had posed a challenge to all the princes vying for his allegiance, including the Crown Prince. However, the Crown Prince believed that once he ascended to the throne, Cha Nan-Tian's loyalty would naturally fall into place.

Throughout the realm, even the reigning monarch had been unable to sway Cha Nan-Tian's unwavering resolve. There existed only one person capable of such influence – Cha-Eun Xiao, his son.

The Crown Prince had cultivated the Mu Clan as his principal support, but a grievous conflict had arisen between the Mu Clan and Cha-Eun Xiao. Fearing retaliation from Cha Nan-Tian, the Crown Prince had resolved to eliminate Cha-Eun Xiao through the sinister art of the Melting Bone Palm, hoping to remain undetected in the process.

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