The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1503: Chaos Arose; Recruitment

Chapter 1503: Chaos Arose; Recruitment

Chaos Arose; Recruitment

Bu Xiangfeng suddenly lost words. He was shocked.

Cha-Eun Xiao turned around and said before he left, "Old Bu, stay cautious. Don't let anybody make trouble in our place. I am going to do some cultivation, and I will contact the Brotherhood Alliance. I believe they have some Saint Origin Stage cultivators. My Saint Cloud Dan will be popular. I am sure they will give me a lot of valuable materials for my dan beads."

After that, he walked into the Hall of Life and Death.

Bu Xiangfeng stood right there, muddleheaded.

'Holy hell…'

'All those Saint Cloud Dan beads! Right before my eyes!'

'Those are Saint Cloud Dan beads in supreme level…'

'Holy hell…'

'He just won't give even one to me…'

'And he is going to give them to others… Of course, it will be popular! How could it not?'

'Does it mean I can only watch others eat it?'

'Kill me…'

Bu Xiangfeng wanted to cry.

He still remembered what Cha-Eun Xiao said to him. 'Old Bu, someday, you will beg to stay in the Monarch's Hall!'

When Cha-Eun Xiao said this, Bu Xiangfeng was disdainful. Now the word rang in his head again…

He was so regretful. He might have already beg for the dan beads if he wasn't too proud to do so. He was considering it at the moment, but he thought it was too much to hold Cha-Eun Xiao's legs and beg with tears.

Cha-Eun Xiao held the jade bottle with supreme dan beads and walked into the silent room that was in the back of the Hall of Life and Death. He was smiling like a weasel that had just successfully stolen a chicken.

'Bu Xiangfeng, do you want it?'

'Humph… You know what to do.'

'Why should I give it to you if you don't beg?'

While Cha-Eun Xiao was doing everything he could to build the Monarch's Hall, something else was happening.

The entire City of Chaos was totally in turmoil.

The City of Chaos, for the first time in a hundred thousand years, became a city of chaos!

"The House of Chaotic Storms is recruiting. They will guarantee safety…"

"The Hall of Returning Nature and the Xie League had a fight. The Xie League lost. The Hall of Returning Nature got three superior cultivators injured… They are back to their headquarters now…"

"The Brotherhood Alliance defeated the Thousands Law Sect. The Thousands Law Sect quit the competition in the City of Chaos…"

"The Iron Sword Sect fiercely entered the City of Chaos, who has defeated the Flying Saber Sect."

"The Theft Sect and the Boat Sect had a fight… Both of them got severely weakened. The Mantis Sect took advantage of both sides…"

"The Iron Cloths Alliance defeated the Flying Wolf Sect, and successfully occupied the house of the Li Clan in the east city."

"The Brotherhood Alliance made a big move again, who got defeated and suffered a great loss while taking down the Great Central Hall, attacked by some mysterious cultivators."

Messages kept coming to Cha-Eun Xiao.

Cha-Eun Xiao scanned over all the messages and threw them away. It seemed he was indifferent, but everything in the messages had been marked down in his mind.

He realized that the Monarch's Hall needed an enforcement department.

A man truly knew what he needed when he was experiencing the situation.

He wanted to make a reward and punishment system in the Monarch's Hall, but how? What should a man do to get the things that he needed?

How to evaluate one's credit? There must be a clear standard, and there must be people who made sure everything followed the rules.

To make sure everything worked, he needed a lot more people to work…

Because he thought so much, he started to feel a headache. Day after day, he realized how difficult it was to become a good leader…

Cha-Eun Xiao wasn't good at it. In fact, the Dark Evil Spirit, Bai Long, Qiu Luo, and Bu Xiangfeng all were not good at it. They needed a professional person who could make sure everything work efficiently.

There was a man who used to work for the government in the City of Chaos, who was called the impartial Guan Tiemian. When he enforced the law, he was the most ruthless officer. When the Defender Department was gone, he became an enemy to many people. People who were offended by him all prepared to take revenge soon.

After some investigation, Cha-Eun Xiao decisively recruited him and took care of his entire family. Guan Tiemian would be responsible for the financial affairs, auditing supervision, execution, investigation… All in all, he was in charge of all the logistical supports!

There was nobody who could help after all.

One day after the old Guan Tiemian came, this level seven Mystery Origin Stage cultivator almost passed out because of too much work to deal with…

"Old Master Guan, you have lived in the City of Chaos for so many years. I believe you have quite some connections in this city. Perhaps, you can recommend some friends of yours to me, and maybe I can entrust them our works…" Cha-Eun Xiao tried to convince the old man. "We will guarantee safety and generous payments…"

The most valuable thing in the City of Chaos was not money, but safety…

Old Master Guan was quite attracted to the safety insurance.

Who didn't have good friends?

He invited not only his friends but also those he disliked but capable ones to come…

Because of the effort of Old Master Guan, nearly thirty more people had come to work for Cha-Eun Xiao, all had brought their families to settle down…

Cha-Eun Xiao didn't refuse any one of them. He needed as many people as there could be. He provided positions for all those men, and if some people turned out to be improper, he would just ask them to leave.

Three days later, the Monarch's Hall had the Enforcement Department, Audit Department, Finance Department, Supervision Department… Now he had all kinds of departments for different daily affairs.

He had recruited the head of the patrol in the Monarch's Hall, and the rules of the patrol had been finished.

After that, one awkward problem was right before his eyes. The logistic system was well built, but there was nobody who could manage the system.

He had men for all the positions in the logistic system.

However, he had only three warriors.

Qiu Luo, Bai Long, and the Dark Evil Spirit!

He had nearly one hundred men in different positions, but all these people were providing support to only three men!

Cha-Eun Xiao was muddleheaded!

'F*ck it… Worriers should come first in the recruitment!'

'I can't let these people work just to kill time, can I?'

'Some local bullies and loafers will do…'

'The problem is… It seems to be challenging to find any local bullies and loafers in the City of Chaos!'

'Where are the people?'

'Where is everybody?'

Cha-Eun Xiao was distressed.

Luckily, on that night, something changed.

It was the Hall of Life and Death!

The Hall of Life and Death, which was known as a place that provided a second chance to live!

It was open!

One dying man came for help…

The reason was simple.

That night, there was a big fight in the City of Chaos.

The west city, controlled by the House of Chaotic Storms, got invaded by a lot of superior cultivators!

Disguised cultivators fiercely ran into the area and slaughtered their way in.

The acting headquarters of the House of Chaotic Storms in the west city got destroyed very quickly because it was the target of the invaders.

The House of Chaotic Storms immediately made their counterattacks.

However, people in black clothes kept coming into the west city, and they were all powerful cultivators!

"Send messages to the other sects now!" A middle-aged man who took charge of the acting headquarters of the House of Chaotic Storms gave an order. His eyes blazed up sharp lights. Outside the room, people were fighting in blood and fire, but he was still in the room, giving orders.

"Master… There is no sign of the Hall of Returning Nature outside… In fact, as I can see… These are mostly itinerant cultivators… If we send the messages now, will it make us in the wrong?" The assistant was hesitating.

"You fool! Do you think the Hall of Returning Nature was stupid? They would never do this aboveboard, would they? They hired these itinerant cultivators to make the first wave of attacks! That is how they manage to hold the initiative in the fight!" The middle-aged man stared at the assistant.

"Yes, Master."

"Just send the message, and tell everybody the Hall of Returning Nature is attacking us! Even if these aren't their men, they will be! We frame them!"

"Yes! Master!"

The assistant didn't hesitate anymore and finally sent the messages for help.

After a while, some flickering sounds rang up in the sky one by one. People started to come and joined the battle.

All the people in the battle were in black clothes, except people of the House of Chaotic Storms.

The invaders all had a piece of white cloth on their sleeve, while the others had all different colors.

They had to wear the cloth as a sign because it was late at night. They didn't want to reveal their faces, so they had to show the sign on the sleeves, in case they attacked the wrong men!

The battle lasts until the next morning.

A huge explosive sound drew an end to the fight. In the governor's house of the west city, there were hundreds of dead bodies, and people left the area…

The sun had lit the sky bright, and everything was returned to silence.

In the battle, there was still a smell of blood. The battle was done.

The middle-aged man hadn't shown himself the whole night. He just watched the fight with both hands behind the back, standing in the attic somewhere. His eyes were sharp like lightning. He recognized every man who came to attack the House of Chaotic Storms!

He memorized every detail of the attackers, including the dead ones.

It seemed he was making random decisions in the battle, but every decision he made was perfect.

The sun was rising. People had left the west city. Qi Gang stayed silent.

"Master, what should we do next?" The assistant had returned from the battle, who had been injured.

"Clean it up as soon as we can. Be alerted to the other forces. Calm our men down and provide support to them in our territory." Qi Gang gave a simple answer and then left.

"Yes! Master!"

The assistant admired Qi Gang so much. They had worked together for many years. He knew that Qi Gang was dull and boring, but he also knew that Qi Gang was a schemer.

After this fight, he knew more about Qi Gang.

Qi Gang was still dull and boring. It seemed he didn't do anything special and just stayed somewhere, giving orders while saying no useless words.

As he stood right up there, his people seemed to have the greatest support in the heart.

He casually gave some orders that didn't seem to be rigorous, but they solved all the problems. He did well in dealing with the other forces that came to help. Although those forces all came to help, they weren't getting well along with each other.

Some forces were enemies.

However, Qi Gang always casually pointed out somewhere that two forces should be separated. Nobody knew that their enemy also came to help the House of Chaotic Storms because of the brilliant arrangement of Qi Gang.

How impressive!

How much did he know about the relationship between any two forces? How meticulous was he?

He might seem to be dull and boring, but that was why he was so reliable to his people.

After all, they were all working for the same force.

'Master Qi has done a great job tonight. He did just as well as Master Bai sometimes… I never question Master Bai's decisions.'

'But… Why would I feel unhappy about Master Qi?'

'Perhaps… I am jealous of him.'

'I have to change.'

When the assistant left, he was lost in thoughts.

Power was the most important in the martial world. If one was not powerful enough, working for a powerful organization was a good idea. It was important to be loyal to the organization, but also important to get along well with the others. Solidarity was the most important thing to keep everybody safe.

"Master, we were attacked in the City of Chaos. Over seven thousand people came to attack, but most of them were itinerant cultivators who fought for money. People from the Hall of Returning Nature didn't show up. We have killed over six hundred invaders, including some influential figures, such as…"

"There are people from other forces who have come to help, and they are… Some forces didn't come… Here is the list of the forces who helped, listed from the most helpful one to the least…"

"The Hall of Returning Nature made a big move. I think it is a test, and they will make another move soon…"

"We were expecting them to come, and we were well prepared, but we still got damaged… Our men are anxious. The west city needs another superior cultivator to bring confidence to our men… and it must be a top-level cultivator. Please, master…"

"People in the City of Chaos are rich. I think we can get enough money from our area…"

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