The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1540: The Return of the Divine Throne

Chapter 1540: The Return of the Divine Throne

The Return of the Divine Throne . . .

The inaugural battle of the legendary contest marked the competition for the esteemed position of One Blade. Qiu Luo stood tall, his weapon, the Blade of Protection, gripped firmly in his hand, as he awaited his challenger. The tension was palpable as the contest began, and Qiu Luo's Blade of Protection glistened with an aura of cold light.

His opponent, a robust middle-aged man, brandished a hefty broadsword with an air of vintage ferocity. As the contest got underway, it quickly became apparent that Qiu Luo was in a class of his own.

In mere moments, Qiu Luo's superior combat skills dominated the exchange. Despite his adversary's considerable strength, he underestimated the newly improved Qiu Luo, believing him to be only at the fourth level of the Divinity Origin Stage. Unbeknownst to him, Qiu Luo had achieved the eighth level within a single month.

The middle-aged man's underestimation of Qiu Luo led to his swift surrender. Three moves were all it took for Qiu Luo to assert his dominance. In the end, it was clear that underestimating one's opponent was a grave mistake, regardless of one's level of cultivation. The victorious Qiu Luo, despite his rival's prowess, had proved himself as the One Blade.

As Qiu Luo continued to defend his position in subsequent challenges, his Blade of Protection remained as formidable as ever. With each successive bout, the weapon appeared even mightier, as if it had grown more potent with time. Cha-Eun Xiao, the ever-watchful Lord Monarch, observed these contests with keen insight.

The results of the competition and Qiu Luo's remarkable performance were in line with Cha-Eun Xiao's expectations. He had known that with the right conditions, Qiu Luo was capable of securing the position of One Blade.

Despite his own modest cultivation, Cha-Eun Xiao's profound understanding and experience allowed him to accurately predict the outcomes of these fights. He had developed an extraordinary perception of combat, an ability that had expanded significantly after entering the Divinity Origin Stage. He had found that, contrary to his previous limitations, he now possessed a keen insight into the abilities of those in his stage and below.

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback by the sharpness of his newfound vision. As a Faery Origin Stage cultivator, he had struggled to discern details about Divinity Origin Stage practitioners. However, his transition to the Divinity Origin Stage had granted him the ability to peer into the strengths and weaknesses of others in the same stage. Even those on the cusp of attaining the Saint Origin Stage could not hide their secrets from his discerning eyes.

The Lord Monarch contemplated the potential of the Three Phases, a set of skills he had learned in the Qing-Yun Realm. Although he had not yet employed these abilities, he had an intuitive understanding of their effectiveness. He believed that they could be used to defeat opponents at his current stage and were particularly valuable for facing fellow Divinity Origin Stage cultivators in the Monarch's Hall. Yet, he had not yet tested their effectiveness in practice.

The incredible notion that the participants of the Monarch's Hall were unaware of the Tittle Phase's martial skills puzzled Cha-Eun Xiao. As he observed the contests, it became increasingly evident that none of the participants possessed this vital knowledge.

Cha-Eun Xiao began to wonder if the Human Realm Upon Heavens was fundamentally different from the Qing-Yun Realm. His ability to discern combat techniques appeared to be unique to this realm, giving him a distinct advantage in the understanding of his fellow cultivators.

As he observed the battles, Cha-Eun Xiao could not help but notice the dishonorable tactics employed by some contestants. Their underhanded strategies and deceitful maneuvers were not lost on him. With each fight, he mentally cataloged the names of those who displayed a lack of honor and respect in their martial engagements.

This, he believed, marked individuals who were suited to roles within the Tiger Unit or Snake Unit—adept at covert and clandestine forms of combat. Cha-Eun Xiao remained vigilant, ever watchful for those whose skills and disposition made them ideal candidates for these specialized roles within the Monarch's Hall.

Standing tall and triumphant on the center of the stage, Qiu Luo surveyed the crowd, his numerous victories having garnered the utmost respect from his fellow cultivators. His extraordinary achievements and virtuous conduct during the contests earned him a well-deserved reputation. Everyone marveled at the power and compassion of the Blade of Protection, which Qiu Luo wielded with unwavering dedication. His motto, "My blade, the Blade of Protection! It protects the Monarch's Hall. My brothers, my people!" resonated with all those present.

On the opposing side of the arena, the Dark Evil Spirit and Bai Long faced more challenging circumstances. Their relative weakness compared to Qiu Luo, combined with the fact that they employed weapons other than sabers, made their trials notably more difficult. Within the realms of the Qing-Yun Realm, the Human Realm Upon Heavens, and the Land of Han-Yang, swords were the choice of around sixty percent of cultivators, sabers appealed to thirty percent, and the remaining ten percent wielded various other weapons. This skewed distribution meant that while challengers for Qiu Luo's One Blade position were scarce, both the Dark Evil Spirit and Bai Long faced a higher number of formidable contenders.

Had it not been for the competitors aspiring to join the Seven Stars, the Dark Evil Spirit and Bai Long might have found themselves in more precarious positions. The Twelve Divine Stands, by comparison, seemed less sought-after. Those who aimed to become leaders of the Twelve Divine Stands had occupied positions of authority in other contexts, suggesting a deeper sense of responsibility. These potential leaders carefully considered the weight of their decisions before entering the competition.

Amidst the heated contests, individuals vied for leadership in the Tiger Unit, the Rat Unit, the Dragon Unit, the Ox Unit, and the Snake Unit, each representing a unique symbolic animal and its corresponding characteristics. The Great Thunder, Lei Dongtian, expressed his aspirations to lead the Tiger Unit, inspired by the tiger's reputation as a marauder that only accepted success. Peng Youlie, the Meridian Saber, contemplated his suitability for leadership in the Rat Unit, noting the rat's cautious and honest nature. Long Tiansheng, the Dragon in Clouds, revealed his fascination with the dragon's grace, magnificence, and mystery. Other candidates likewise explored their affinity with their chosen units, highlighting the qualities of honesty, strength, and cold-blooded cunning.

Master Guan meticulously documented these speeches and lavished praise upon the contenders. While the words might have seemed unpolished, they resonated with honesty and integrity, promising a promising future for the Monarch's Hall as it began to take shape.

As time passed, the contests continued late into the night. The Dark Evil Spirit, battered and bruised, stood defiantly upon the stage. His hoarse voice echoed through the arena as he challenged, "Who else? Who wants the position from me?"

Yet, the response was silence, as the audience contemplated the formidable challenge posed by the Dark Evil Spirit's claim to the Two Warriors position.

On the opposite side of the stage, Bai Long made his way toward the Dark Evil Spirit, both warriors clearly fatigued after their arduous trials. Their weariness was palpable, but as their eyes met, a sense of accomplishment and mutual respect brought forth smiles on their faces. It might have appeared unusual for these two formidable men to exchange such warm looks, yet their shared relief and triumph over adversity were the sole reasons behind it.

Together, they had endured and prevailed. The unspoken words that hung in the air were potent, echoing their shared sentiments: "We... We finally made it!"

Their bond solidified as they declared, "Three years later, we will be waiting for your challenge here! We are the Two Warriors!"

With these decisive statements, the leadership positions within the Monarch's Hall were settled, at least for the next three years. Qiu Luo rightfully claimed the position of the One Blade, an embodiment of unparalleled might.

Meanwhile, the Dark Evil Spirit and Bai Long emerged as the Two Warriors, exemplifying valor and strength in unison. Their united front brought a sense of invincibility to the Monarch's Hall.

Among the remaining coveted roles, the Seven Stars were composed of seven cultivators, each boasting the formidable power of the Divinity Origin Stage, level seven. The Seven Stars formed an illustrious ensemble, united by a common destiny to protect the Monarch's Hall.

Intriguingly, the seven stars wielded seven distinct weapons, creating a vivid tapestry of martial prowess. Qu Wuchen brandished a sword, Gong Wuliang a saber, Shangguan Yun a hammer, Xiong Baiquan a spear, Qiu Yuran a short halberd, Ma Chengzhen a pair of hooks, and Chen Yucheng a rod. The diversity in weaponry lent the Seven Stars a unique edge and flexibility in battle.

Cha-Eun Xiao was highly impressed by the assembly of these seven warriors, as their weaponry composition inadvertently aligned with a formidable array formation he had crafted previously—the Seven Stars Dragon Formation. This intricate formation required either complete uniformity in weapons and techniques, akin to a disciplined army, or, alternatively, an entirely diverse ensemble. The latter scenario, characterized by a variety of weaponry and fighting styles, had the potential to amplify the formation's power significantly.

Witnessing the varied armament of the Seven Stars, Cha-Eun Xiao's initial concerns dissolved. Their diversity enhanced the flexibility and potency of the Seven Stars Dragon Formation, making it ten times more formidable than if all members had used the same weapon.

The Twelve Divine Stands, the leadership roles within the Monarch's Hall, were also determined. Meng Youjiang had initially appointed twelve leaders, but seven of them had been bested during the intense competitions. However, new leaders, including Lei Dongtian and others, had risen to claim these positions. Despite the reorganization, the seven former leaders who had been displaced exhibited admirable humility and resilience. They accepted their temporary setback and embraced the opportunity to grow stronger in the coming three years. Perhaps, in the future, they would seize the positions once more.

The Monarch's Hall continued to strengthen its foundation, ready to face the world with renewed resolve. Every member held the potential to become a legend, standing as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Monarch's Hall in the martial world.

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