The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 156: Take Over The Ling-Bao Hall

Chapter 156: Take Over The Ling-Bao Hall

Take Over The Ling-Bao Hall . . .

Considering the condition of the Land of Han-Yang, Cha-Eun Xiao realized that reaching the second level of his cultivation would require a considerable amount of time.

In this grading system, advancing from the first level of the Grade of Diyuan to the second was equivalent to doubling one's power. Achieving the third level would necessitate eight times the power, while the fourth level would require sixty-four times as much power.

The prospect of reaching the second level of the East-rising Purple Qi seemed daunting to Cha-Eun Xiao, who knew it would demand an effort thousands of times greater than what it took to attain the first level.

There were a total of nine levels for the East-rising Purple Qi. Contemplating the lengthy and arduous journey ahead, Cha-Eun Xiao felt a surge of motivation.

Reaching the fourth level would mark a significant milestone, equivalent to his peak strength in his previous life – the ninth level of the Grade of Daoyuan. That level was already at the pinnacle of the Qing-Yun Realm.

Envisioning his progress beyond that point filled Cha-Eun Xiao with excitement.

The following morning, the Crown Prince paid a personal visit to Cha-Eun Xiao and spent a considerable amount of time at the House of Cha. He expressed genuine concern, delivering precious medical supplies and dispatching men to find skilled physicians. Despite being the Crown Prince, he demonstrated remarkable dedication to assisting Cha-Eun Xiao's recovery.

Though this level of concern from the Crown Prince might move others to tears, Cha-Eun Xiao remained indifferent. Meanwhile, Song Jue observed the entire spectacle with a skeptical eye.

[He's attempting to buy favoritism, but he's sorely mistaken...]

After an eventful day, the House of Cha finally returned to a semblance of calm during the following night. Song Jue remained by Cha-Eun Xiao's side, baffled by his resilience.

[He's been lying still for so long. Isn't he exhausted?]

Cha-Eun Xiao had been maintaining this state by employing his martial arts.

[Can he really keep this up for so long? It's unbelievable!]

"I think that's enough for now," Song Jue said as he shook Cha-Eun Xiao.

Cha-Eun Xiao, still dedicated to his act, responded weakly, "Have... Have they all left?"

Amused, Song Jue remarked, "It's just me. Stop pretending. Acting is more exhausting than fighting ten battles. I'm wiped out!"

Cha-Eun Xiao took a deep breath and stretched, causing his bones to crack. Sitting up in bed, he replied, "Uncle Song, you should be content. You're better at this than me. I nearly died trying to stay still. I felt so foolish. You've been busy all day. Why don't you take a rest..."

Sympathetic, Song Jue nodded, "Ah, you do have a conscience after all... Hmm. What did you say? Lie down for you? You want me to act like a dead man for you?"

Cha-Eun Xiao smiled, "Uncle Song, you're tired, aren't you? Just lie down and do nothing. It must be easy and comfortable..."

Song Jue retorted, "No way! You cheeky rascal. How dare you! Need to do nothing? That's impossible! I don't need your sympathy right now... Enjoy it yourself. Go back to your bed and lie there till the end of the world!"

Feigning a sorrowful expression, Cha-Eun Xiao implored, "Uncle Song, please. I know you've always treated me well. Just do me this favor. It's truly unbearable. Have pity on your beloved nephew, won't you?"

With a begrudging expression, Song Jue remarked, "You know it's unbearable, yet you still want me to do it. Unbelievable..."

After a bit more pleading, Song Jue reluctantly agreed to lie in bed for Cha-Eun Xiao. Given his affection for his nephew, he decided to provide the comfort of "doing nothing."

Dressed in black robes, Cha-Eun Xiao slipped out of the window...

After only a few seconds, Cha-Eun Xiao disappeared into the dark night.

There was a matter that had been on his mind for quite some time, and now he finally had the opportunity to address it, though he had spent a significant amount of time persuading Song Jue earlier.


Inside the Ling-Bao Hall Salesroom, the portly Wan Zheng-Hao reclined partway in his chair, an anxious expression on his face.

"It's been two and a half days since the god-master left. Did he truly depart already? He always came without informing me. I doubt he'd tell me if he decided to leave. He keeps me in a constant state of anxiety. What should I do now? I don't even know where he is," Wan Zheng-Hao muttered to himself, his worry palpable.

"Alright, I'll wait for another three days. If the god-master doesn't return, I'll have to go back to my place on my own. This isn't a suitable environment for someone of my girth... Every step is agonizing," he sighed.

Wan Zheng-Hao had acquired the secret to immortality with the assistance of Gu Jin-Long. It was indeed a remarkable boon for him. However, the price he paid was that he would remain perpetually obese, and his weight would steadily increase. When he initially founded the Ling-Bao Hall, he weighed around 90 kilograms. Now, he tipped the scales at a staggering 700 kilograms, making him the world's most obese individual.

Legend had it that this corpulence was the curse he had incurred in exchange for the longevity he should not have had, according to Gu Jin-Long.

As he lamented his substantial girth, Wan Zheng-Hao heard a gentle knock at the door. Master Guan, standing outside, reported, "Boss, Feng Zhi-Ling requests an audience."

Wan Zheng-Hao was taken aback and exclaimed, "Brother Feng? Why is he here? Quickly, invite him in!"

Moments later, Feng Zhi-Ling sauntered in and seated himself confidently before Wan Zheng-Hao.

"Brother Wan," Feng Zhi-Ling greeted with a self-assured smile.

"Brother Feng, do you happen to know the whereabouts of Master Gu?" Wan Zheng-Hao inquired anxiously.

"Hmm, I sent a message to him earlier. Brother Gu has already obtained what he sought, and he immediately embarked on a cultivation journey," Feng Zhi-Ling replied nonchalantly.

"I see. That's wonderful news!" Wan Zheng-Hao exclaimed, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "I'm leaving tomorrow then."

Feng Zhi-Ling's countenance turned chilly as he countered, "No, you can't."

Perplexed, Wan Zheng-Hao asked, "Brother Feng, what do you mean by that? And what about Brother Gu?"

Feng Zhi-Ling maintained his serious demeanor as he spoke, "Brother Gu expressed his gratitude when I located his family's treasure for him. He was so thankful that he swore a brotherly oath with me, making us blood brothers of different names. We kowtowed to the heavens eight times and became life-and-death brothers."

Wan Zheng-Hao stared at Feng Zhi-Ling with a mixture of astonishment and incredulity, his mouth agape.

"Sworn brothers? Life-and-death brothers?" he stammered in disbelief. "Isn't this all happening too quickly?"

"Oh, you don't believe it? Well, Brother Gu knew that you wouldn't. Look, what is this?" Cha-Eun Xiao placed several items on the table, including a distinctive jade token radiating a purple glow with the word 'decree' inscribed upon it, and another jade token bearing Gu Jin-Long's name.

Wan Zheng-Hao's ample frame began to quiver as if his excess flesh was in a state of turbulence, causing his rolls of fat to jiggle around him with audible 'Pah! Pah! Pah!' sounds.

The second jade token, inscribed with Gu Jin-Long's identity within his sect, was an item he would never part with. Meanwhile, the purple jade token represented Cha-Eun Xiao's authority over the Ling-Bao Hall. The presence of both tokens in Feng Zhi-Ling's possession held a singular significance – Gu Jin-Long had passed on control of the Ling-Bao Hall to Feng Zhi-Ling.

For Wan Zheng-Hao, this meant that he had acquired yet another superior who held authority over him. He now had a boss who could directly oversee his actions.

As he stared at the two tokens, his expression shifted from initial shock to one resembling someone who had just tasted something utterly revolting.

If he had discovered these tokens himself, he would have been overjoyed, interpreting their presence as a sign that he would no longer be subject to external authority. However, with Feng Zhi-Ling now in possession of the tokens, it meant that he had effectively become Wan Zheng-Hao's second boss, in addition to Gu Jin-Long.

Feng Zhi-Ling's soft smile only served to deepen Wan Zheng-Hao's sense of bewilderment and fury.

"What on earth is happening?" he thought, his mind a chaotic swirl of emotions.

In the past, whenever Ling-Bao Hall acquired valuable items, Wan Zheng-Hao had to allocate the best ones to Gu Jin-Long. However, Gu Jin-Long rarely visited Ling-Bao Hall, making only sporadic appearances roughly every century, and stayed for just a few days. This arrangement had allowed Wan Zheng-Hao to amass considerable wealth and secure access to the life-extending medicinal materials he so coveted. Consequently, he had been content with the state of affairs within Ling-Bao Hall.

Now, everything had changed with the emergence of another authority figure, Feng Zhi-Ling.

Firstly, Feng Zhi-Ling was unlikely to remain hands-off like Gu Jin-Long had been. He would undoubtedly take a more active role in the operations of Ling-Bao Hall.

Secondly, Feng Zhi-Ling was not an outsider from a higher realm; he was a native of the Land of Han-Yang. This meant he would not only be occupied with crafting dan beads but would also invest a significant amount of time overseeing the affairs of Ling-Bao Hall.

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