The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 158: Reined Wan Zheng-Hao

Chapter 158: Reined Wan Zheng-Hao

Reined Wan Zheng-Hao . . .

Cha Eun Xiao's gaze bore into Wan Zheng-Hao, carrying an icy intensity that emphasized his newfound dominance. He spoke with an air of authority, his words laced with promise, "Wan Zheng-Hao, if you satisfy me, please me… I can make you live forever, and I can give you a normal man's body, with which you will enjoy all the pleasures in the world, endlessly."

Gone were the titles and honorifics. He had ceased addressing him as 'Wan' or 'Boss Wan,' opting instead for the use of his full name—Wan Zheng-Hao. This shift in address symbolized the shifting power dynamic, clearly establishing who held the upper hand.

In response, Wan Zheng-Hao's rapid breath betrayed his excitement. Each Life Extending Dan Bead granted a century of life, while the Slimming Dan Bead offered the chance to reclaim his virility. Together, they represented the promise of eternal joy and vitality, a prospect that overwhelmed him with desire.

Voice trembling, he stammered, "Brother Feng, you can't joke about such matters."

Cha Eun Xiao's countenance darkened at the suggestion of deceit. "Do I need to lie to you? It is merely a few Life Extending Dan beads," he retorted. "While I may not craft supreme dan beads, creating normal Life Extending Dan beads is a simple task."

The complexity of emotions played across Wan Zheng-Hao's face as he spoke through gritted teeth. "The truth must be seen! Once I lay eyes on either of these two dan beads, I will willingly pledge my life to you, Master Feng. My life no longer belongs to me. I have already been willing to sell it to Gu Jin-Long, so why not to you?"

A wry smile touched Cha Eun Xiao's lips as he continued, "Wan Zheng-Hao, in your long life, you must have learned one undeniable truth."

Wan Zheng-Hao nodded in agreement. "Indeed."

"People possess souls, while their bodies are but vessels, mere physical forms," Cha Eun Xiao asserted. "You must be aware of this fundamental principle."

Wan Zheng-Hao affirmed, "That's true."

"The Life Extending Dan beads bestowed upon you by Gu Jin-Long may not be as benevolent as they seem," Cha Eun Xiao intoned, his voice laden with gravity. "Each time you ingest one of these dan beads, do you not experience a moment of disorientation? A silence befalls the world, akin to a brush with death."

Wan Zheng-Hao's gaze held a mixture of astonishment and curiosity as he inquired, "How do you know?"

Cha Eun Xiao revealed his insight, saying, "Because every time you consume a Life Extending Dan bead, you undergo a form of death—a temporary death. Subsequently, you are reborn, effectively extending your own lifespan. However, in doing so, you are overdrawing the time allotted to your subsequent lives. Each of these future lives becomes tethered to your present existence, and you continue to live these subsequent lives within your current corporeal form."

Wan Zheng-Hao admitted, "Yes."

"Consequently, even in the event of your demise, your soul will not find immediate release," Cha Eun Xiao elaborated. "You will endure an arduous journey through the depths of hell for over three thousand years. Should you have committed any immoral acts, this period may extend to four or even five thousand years. Only after enduring this spiritual purgatory can your soul attain purity and embark on the path of reincarnation. However, you will no longer return as a human, as you have already spent over three millennia inhabiting a human form. In your subsequent lives, you will take on different incarnations, no longer afforded the privilege of humanity."

A shudder coursed through Wan Zheng-Hao at the implications of his choices.

"However," Cha Eun Xiao continued, a sardonic smile gracing his lips, "I share this with you to convey that the true name of the Life Extending Dan should, in fact, be the Dark Soul Dan."

"Dark Soul Dan," Wan Zheng-Hao whispered, his corpulent face ashen. Beads of perspiration glistened on his skin, akin to droplets squeezed from his ample flesh.

Cha Eun Xiao's voice dripped with cold indifference as he declared, "The genuine purpose of the Dark Soul Dan is not to extend one's life but to shackle the soul, preventing it from reincarnating."

Dread hung heavy in the air as the weight of this revelation settled upon Wan Zheng-Hao.

"It should only be used on someone you hated the most in the world, when you want him to suffer for all his lives. It is a vicious dan. Whoever takes it, their soul will be restrained inside his body forever. He will suffer everything forever and will never have the chance to start over again," Cha-Eun Xiao elucidated, his voice bearing the weight of grim knowledge. He continued to elaborate on the sinister nature of the dan, "It is the most vicious dan in the Qing-Yun Realm. Its original purpose was for use on souls, but Gu Jin-Long, in his twisted genius, incorporated the Nine Silence Grass and the Opposite Bank Flower into its formulation. This alteration enables it to be used on living beings."

As the unsettling revelations unfolded, Cha-Eun Xiao posed a pointed question to Wan Zheng-Hao, his inquiry unapologetically direct. "But the Nine Silence Grass will undoubtedly wreak havoc on the human body. The relentless weight gain you've experienced is merely one of its adverse effects. It will gradually render a man as neither fully male nor female. Wan Zheng-Hao, have you not noticed a waning interest in the desires of the flesh? To put it bluntly, have you lost your virility, having grown indifferent to the charms of both men and women?"

Wan Zheng-Hao stood frozen in shock, his eyes vacant, as the words of Feng Zhi-Ling bore a disturbing accuracy.

Recollections of his youth, filled with amorous pursuits, surfaced in his mind. But as he aged, the fervor had waned, to the point where he had forsaken these desires entirely. His corpulent form further distanced him from the world of physical intimacy, rendering him almost a stranger to the realm of romantic pursuits.

[For my entire existence, I have dedicated myself to Gu Jin-Long, and he treats me as if I were his sworn enemy. All the while, I have admired and respected him unconditionally...]

Then came Cha-Eun Xiao's offer, a proposition laden with life-altering promises. "Wan Zheng-Hao, I can restore your body to its natural state, provide you with a genuine Life Extending Dan, alleviate the sins you've unwittingly accrued, and rekindle your virility," he declared. "Your choice, Wan Zheng-Hao, is before you."

Wan Zheng-Hao quivered, raising his gaze to meet Cha-Eun Xiao's unrelenting stare.

The sight before him was that of a sovereign, a ruler of the highest order, gazing down upon a humble subject kneeling at his feet. Cha-Eun Xiao's aura exuded a dominance far surpassing that of Gu Jin-Long.

This unexpected revelation left Wan Zheng-Hao in a state of bewilderment. His mind raced to comprehend this new figure, one whose presence overshadowed even the mightiest of kings.

[Who is this Feng Zhi-Ling? How can his presence eclipse that of Gu Jin-Long, the formidable leader I have served for so long? Is he merely a dan-maker, or does his unassuming demeanor conceal an unimaginable power?]

Wan Zheng-Hao sat in his opulent chamber, his mind spinning like a whirlwind. What had just transpired seemed nothing short of miraculous. He blinked repeatedly, attempting to anchor himself in reality. It felt like a dream, a fantastical vision of a future he had longed for but had never dared to hope might become reality.

He found himself rendered almost speechless, his voice reduced to a mere whisper when he finally mustered the strength to speak. "I..." His throat felt parched, his emotions too overwhelming for words.

But Cha-Eun Xiao understood the unspoken sentiment that hung heavily in the air. His demeanor remained composed, a serene smile gracing his lips as he extended his hand towards a nearby table. "I comprehend your thoughts," he assured Wan Zheng-Hao in a soothing tone. "Allow me to provide you with evidence of my claims." He revealed a jade bottle containing a half-finished Smiling Dan bead and placed it before Wan Zheng-Hao. "This is a testament to my intentions. To prove my words, you need to prepare a sizable tub. When you consume this dan bead, you will likely experience a burning sensation. At that moment, take a knife and make a small cut on the middle finger of your right hand. Place it in the tub and witness the miraculous transformation. You shall see how much of the excess weight can be drawn out of your body. Then, and only then, can you truly gauge the authenticity of my promises."

With these instructions imparted, Cha-Eun Xiao rose from his seat, his movements graceful and purposeful. "I shall take my leave now," he declared, a sense of anticipation in his voice. "I will return tomorrow night, eagerly awaiting your decision. Until then, fare thee well."

As if summoned by a silent command, he transformed into a blur of dark energy, darting through the window and vanishing into the enshrouded night.

In the solitude that followed Cha-Eun Xiao's departure, Wan Zheng-Hao remained motionless. Time seemed to stand still, the weight of his impending choice bearing down upon him. His mind swirled with conflicting emotions, each vying for dominance.

He finally shifted his gaze towards the jade bottle, its presence a tangible reminder of the life-altering decision before him.

Wan Zheng-Hao grappled with the tumultuous thoughts racing through his mind. Cha-Eun Xiao had presented him with everything he had ever desired, but at a price he couldn't fully comprehend.

He couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that Cha-Eun Xiao was no ordinary figure. The humility and innocence displayed earlier now seemed like a facade, concealing a power far greater than even Gu Jin-Long's.

There was a nagging sense that under Cha-Eun Xiao's control, his servitude would be absolute, extending beyond a single lifetime. It was a daunting prospect that left him torn between his desires and his reservations.

His eyes flickered with a kaleidoscope of emotions. He stared at the solitary dan bead contained within the jade bottle, his breath quickening.

After a protracted internal struggle, Wan Zheng-Hao made a resolute decision. He steeled himself, acknowledging the sacrifices he had already made in a lifetime of servitude. With renewed determination, he muttered to himself, "I've spent my entire existence serving others. How much worse can it be to serve another? Besides, this time, I will regain my physical form and relish life's pleasures once more. It's a worthwhile trade. I must elevate my standards for the quality of my life."

His resolve crystallized, and he no longer hesitated. He reached for the jade bottle, determination etched across his features. In a decisive moment, he declared, "Someone! Fetch me a large tub!"

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