The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1708: The Two Supreme Masters in History

Chapter 1708: The Two Supreme Masters in History

The Two Supreme Masters in History . . .

The landlord of the tavern coughed even worse now. He coughed for quite a while, and then finally got his steady breath back. He looked powerless.

The Flower King was confused, so he said, "Master Landlord, why do you cough so badly? You are such a powerful man!"

"Powerful man? Ah…" The landlord in cyan clothes smiled bitterly. The bitter smile looked so piteous.

Cha-Eun Xiao said in a low voice, "I think the reason why you saved me must be the cough of yours. Am I right?"

The landlord bitterly smiled and nodded. He wanted to say something but didn't say it out, just breathed a deep sigh.

He looked at Xuan Bing, the Flower King, and the King of Poisons. He waited for a while and then said, "You are all Lord Monarch's friends, then I should not evade from you either…"

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded and said, "You don't need to. These are my friends, and I trust them. We won't tell anybody else. You have my word."

They all knew that the landlord wanted to tell only Cha-Eun Xiao his disease, so he hesitated. However, he didn't want to annoy Cha-Eun Xiao, so he didn't say anything.

Cha-Eun Xiao's words had given him the answer beforehand.

Xuan Bing lowered her head, sitting beside Cha-Eun Xiao. Her small hands were holding Cha-Eun Xiao's hand. She felt so sweet in her heart. After all that she had been through, she finally got what she eventually wanted; to stay with Cha-Eun Xiao.

They finally met each other again. All the sufferings became sweetness in her heart.

The Flower King looked at Cha-Eun Xiao with a complicated expression.

The King of Poisons was excited!

'He trusts me!'

'He said he trusted me!'

'Lord Monarch recognizes me! It is such an honor!'

However, they were all confused. The landlord was definitely a top-class superior cultivator who should be very influential in the world. However, he gave them an impression of a weak man. Why?

He did not act like a superior cultivator at all!

Cha-Eun Xiao looked at the landlord in cyan clothes for a while. He frowned and said, "Can I have your name, please?"

The landlord in cyan clothes said, "Please… You sure can. I am Ji, Ji Wumou."

Cha-Eun Xiao's lips were twisted.

'He is Ji… His name is Ji Wumou… A name which means having no intelligence…'

'Holy hell…'

'I am totally shocked…'

'You are Ji Wumou, as a useless man, a man without plans… Oh, that is great!'

"Master Ji, now you have told me the situation. I am going to be frank, and please remember, I don't mean to be offensive…" Cha-Eun Xiao said, "It is not a disease, is it? Your cough."

Ji Wumou's eyes lit up, and he said, "You are truly a marvelous doctor, Lord Monarch! It truly isn't a disease!"

"It is not a disease or an injury. Am I right?" Cha-Eun Xiao frowned and said.

"You have a pair of sharp eyes! That is correct! You are right!"

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded and thought for a while. He said, "Since you showed yourself, you coughed randomly. However, there is always a reason. When you killed the Ghost King, you coughed. When you moved us to this place, you coughed again. You consumed the energy in your body, so it caused the cough!"

Ji Wumou nodded and said, "They are right! You are brilliant! That is correct!"

Cha-Eun Xiao shook his head and said in a deep voice, "That is nothing. Every doctor can make that judgment. It was obvious. There is one thing I need you to tell me… You must be honest. The technique you used to kill the Ghost King is your martial art. Am I right? It is not some power from the martial art you cultivate! Is that right?"

Cha-Eun Xiao asked an abrupt question, and it confused Xuan Bing.

The Flower King understood every word Cha-Eun Xiao said, but that made him feel even more confused…

As Cha-Eun Xiao said, the technique was a martial art, or an energy blast, or an attack on the soul, or some power from the heavenly Dao…

The Flower King knew what Cha-Eun Xiao meant, so he was confused! If that technique was not one of those powers, how could the old man kill the Ghost King, who was such a powerful cultivator? As far as the Flower King was concerned, there was no other type of power that could kill the Ghost King.

However, Ji Wumou's eyes lit up brighter. He said, "You are right!"

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded and stayed silent for a while. He thought for a while and said, "Is this a hereditary disease from your family clan? Do your grandfather, your father, your children have the same disease?"

Ji Wumou was totally astounded. He suddenly stood up and said, "Monarch Cha, you are truly a marvelous doctor as they say! I have seen many doctors in my life. Some of them knew a little about my situation, but nobody knew as much as you do. I am impressed!"

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded. It seemed he had confirmed something. He said in a deep voice, "Different doctors have different methods in medicine. I can't say who is the best. Now, as you know where your disease comes from, please tell me more. I need the details."

Ji Wumou breathed a long sigh.

After a while, he said with a sad face, "It goes back to one hundred and eighty thousand years ago. The five Sky Kings hadn't climbed to the top of the world yet… The two Supreme Masters controlled the Human Realm Upon Heavens. One in the north, while the other in the south."

"The South and North Supreme Masters!"

The Flower King suddenly started shaking. He abruptly stood up and said, "Are you saying the South and North Supreme Masters? Ji in the South and Ce in the North? Are they? Brother Ji, are you the descendant of Ji Qingxiao, the South Supreme Master?"

Ji Wumou raised his head and looked proud. He said, "After one hundred and eighty thousand years, somebody actually knows the name of my great ancestor! In the name of my clan, I appreciate it, Flower King."

The Flower King sat down on the chair. His face turned pale. He was shocked by the names.

Cha-Eun Xiao seemed to be calm, but deep down, he was astounded as well.

The King of Poisons and Xuan Bing were really unaffected. The King of Poisons didn't know the history, so he wasn't shocked. Xuan Bing knew nothing about this world. She didn't even know the Seven Colored Lords, the twelve kings, or anybody else in this world!

According to some ancient books, the two Supreme Masters ruled the world. They were the two kings in the world, one ruled the south while the other ruled the north. The king in the south was Ji Qingxiao, who was named the Supremacy of the South, while the king in the north was Ce Xingchen, who was known as the Supremacy of the North!

Because of an incidence, the five Sky King rose up and became the new conquerors. The names of the two Supreme Masters faded in the long river of history. People started to forget them. However, a legend was always a legend. Their stories were still remembered and respected by the top-class superior cultivators in the world!

However, nobody had ever expected to hear the names of the two great people and met the descendant of one of them.

"Because the two Supreme Masters were missing, the world fell into a great war. Powerful cultivators rose to fight for the position on top of the world…" Cha-Eun Xiao knew the stories about the two Supreme Masters, but he only learned from the old books that he had read. After all, that was one hundred and eighty thousand years ago…

"That's right…" Ji Wumou looked pretty upset. He said, "Back to then, my ancestor and Ce Xingchen were sworn enemies… Our two clans had been fighting against each other for thousands of years…

"My clan, the Ji Clan, had a talented man who was the hope of the clan to completely destroy the Ce Clan. However, the Ce Clan had a talented man as well, Ce Xingchen!

"The two powerful men started a fight that had lasted for tens of thousands of years… Many clan members died in these two men's hands… It made the hate in the two clans grow even deeper… There was nothing anybody could do to solve the problem of hostility anymore.

"The two brilliant men were both peerless cultivators in history. They had fought against each other for their whole lives… As the fight went on, they became the two legends in the history of the Human Realm Upon Heavens, the two Supreme Masters!

"In the end, my ancestor conquered the south while Ce Xingchen ruled the north. The border between the two clans was the Limitless Ocean. However, they didn't stop planning for the battles in the future. The final war was unavoidable, which was meant to decide the only Supremacy of the World!

"Before the war started, they both wanted something simple. They both wanted the opponent to die, but neither of them could kill the other.

"They couldn't end the fight, so they started to develop their own forces… In the end, it became the great war between the south and the north in the Human Realm Upon Heavens!"

"After the war began… Before the final battle… Ce Xingchen sent a mind message to my ancestor…" Ji Wumou made a sigh and said, "The Supreme Master Ce Xingchen said, 'It is time to solve the problem and end this mess between us. It is never good for any of us to hold the war longer… However, our final battle, the war between the south and the north, will involve billions of cultivators in the Human Realm Upon Heavens. If anything goes wrong, the entire Human Realm Upon Heavens will be ruined! This should be a personal issue between only you and me… If the world is ruined because of us… We can't be this selfish!'"

"The Supremacy of the North truly was a great man!" Cha-Eun Xiao breathed a sigh.

As Cha-Eun Xiao said it, his face turned red. 'If Ce Xingchen wasn't such a great hero, how could he built such a great force with so many heroes to follow him?'

"My ancestor replied, 'Instead of leading the world to death, we should end it between just you and me! You and I are both at the top of the world. I don't think we can make any progress in our limited lives anymore. Why don't we end it right now?'

"Ce Xingchen said, 'This should be a fight about life and death, about ending the hate and hostility. Death will put an end to this conflict. When either of us dies, the hostility between the two clans ends.' My ancestor agreed. Ce Xingchen made another suggestion, which my ancestor agreed with as well."

Ji Wumou breathed a deep sigh. His eyes were full of respect.

"What was the last suggestion?" Cha-Eun Xiao asked.

"Ce Xingchen said, 'I have many women in my life, but I don't have children. I don't want to see my children die in your hands, so I decided not to have any." My ancestor said, 'Me as well.' Ce Xingchen said, 'Let's give each other eighteen years to raise our children, so they can carry on our heritage. Each of us should only have one child.'

"My ancestor said, 'That is a good idea. Eighteen years later, before we start the final battle, if my child is a girl while yours is a boy or mine is a boy while yours is a girl, they marry each other. If they are both girls, they serve the same husband. If they are both boys, they are sworn brothers, and this agreement passed on to the next generation. After our final battle, there should be no conflict between the Ji and the Ce!'

"Ce Xingchen laughed and said, 'That's right. We are bound to be enemies, and only death can stop our fight. However, the conflict between the two clans should end with us. Before we die, we should build an intimate relationship between the two clans.

"'But the fight between you and me will still only end with death!'

"My ancestor said, 'Absolutely. No death, no end! After that, the hostility ends!'

"After that, the two great men made a palm hit as an agreement."

Cha-Eun Xiao, Xuan Bing, the Flower King, and the King of Poisons were all shocked.

They had never thought that the two great men would make such a decision!

However, as they thought deeper, they only made a long sigh.

The two of them were both great men. Ji Qingxiao and Ce Xingchen actually agreed to put down the enmity, but they really couldn't do it willingly.

After all, their parents, families, brothers, and sisters, died in each other's hands.

That enmity was never going to be forgiven!

However, for their children, for their clans, they had to put an end to the enmity!

They both understood how important it was to end the long-lasting hatred and hostility. When they were alive, the world was still under their control. However, if they died and their descendants kept the hostility and hatred forever…

They decided to let it end with themselves. They wanted to put an end to it with the death of either of them!

They decided to let their children become a family, so their children would live in happiness and peace.

At least, nobody had to carry the burden anymore…

"Eighteen years after, the boy of the Ji Clan and the girl of the Ce Clan got married, witnessed by the two great ancestors! That night, the two great men sat and drank together for the first time in their lives.

"My ancestor said, 'Ce Xingchen, if we were not enemies…'

"It was such a coincidence… When my ancestor spoke, Ce Xingchen said the same thing, 'Ji Qingxiao, if we were not enemies…'

"Both of them stopped. They just laughed and didn't say a word."

Cha-Eun Xiao finally breathed a long sigh and said, "How destiny fools people! If they weren't enemies, they should be brothers who trusted each other with their own lives… However, if they weren't enemies, the world wouldn't have the two Supreme Masters."

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