The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 183: The Four Battles Had Fallen; General Cha Took Charge

Chapter 183: The Four Battles Had Fallen; General Cha Took Charge

The Four Battles Had Fallen; General Cha Took Charge . . .

Although people all knew that the Western General, Wu Gong-Lie, was very possibly not a match to the prince of the Kingdom of Lan-Feng, Wen-Ren Jian-Yin, nobody had expected that he would fail within such a short time so miserably!

It was only a half month, and 3 thousand miles of the western territory had already fallen in the enemy's hands!

Wu Gong-Lie was forced back to the Iron Line Passage. It was the last passage from the west to the Kingdom of Chen, an important place in military strategy. That was the only obstacle holding back Wen-Ren Jian-Yin.

If the Iron Line Passage fell, there would be nothing to stop the enemy from getting into the capital.

If Wen-Ren Jian-Yin broke the Iron Line Passage, that meant lots of lives would be massacred!

The situation had been under such a serious situation!

"What now?" The officials were all worried.

They were also worried about the killing monster around them — Cha Nan-Tian. How could they not be anxious!

"Report! Urgent report from the east battle!"

Another report arrived with terrible news!

"What again? The east shouldn't be as bad as the west…" The officials all nearly cried out with tears.

"Report! Zhan Qian-Shan from the Kingdom of Tian-Yu has been leading millions of men pushing the eastern frontline! The Eastern General, Gon-Sun Nu, fought with full efforts but kept failing to defend. Now the battle has been drawn back 700 miles to our kingdom. The Army of Tian-Yu kept attacking at all times. The east battle is falling! They request support!"

Both the east and the west were in danger.

The officials looked at each other and couldn't think of any practical things to help.

It was the first time the Kingdom of Chen encountered such a severe situation since it was built.

"Report! Report from the north!"

"The tribes of the north have gathered as one troop. The vanguard of the Wolf Army has 400 thousand men pushing through the borders. There are also another million men waiting behind them. They will get to our men straight away within a month… The northern army needs help…"

The north was at least temporally stable. However, General Cha wasn't in the north at the moment, if the enemy attacked, there would be 1.4 million men rushing over…

Well, it wasn't a good situation though.

"Report! Report from the south!"

"Prince Hua-Yang and his army have arrived in the south! They won the first battle and pushed back the enemy by 300 miles. The battle is still ongoing..."

The arrival of this news was a ray of light in the midst of darkness. At least one of the four battlefronts had seen some success. The kingdom wasn't crumbling on all fronts. However, despite this glimmer of hope, the weight of the situation pressed heavily upon the hearts of the people.

The ongoing war had plunged the entire world into chaos, and the pressure was suffocating. In such dire times, the kingdom's officials convened to make a crucial decision: to appeal to the king to send Cha Nan-Tian back to the north.

They understood that the north would become the most perilous of the four battlefronts without Cha Nan-Tian's leadership. The northern tribes were amassing a million-strong army, with intentions to seize the north and march southward—an unprecedented and alarming development.

This sudden surge in aggression from the northern tribes could be attributed to their realization that something significant was happening in the Kingdom of Chen. Cha Nan-Tian's abrupt departure left the northern army vulnerable, and the tribes seized the opportunity to strike with all their might.

The situation was clear-cut; there was no need for extensive analysis to discern which front was the most perilous. If the Kingdom of Lan-Feng and the Kingdom of Tian-Yu were victorious, the country might endure, albeit with changes. However, if the northern tribes breached the kingdom's borders, the consequences would be catastrophic. The entire populace would suffer immensely under their merciless rule.

Hence, the decision to dispatch Cha Nan-Tian back to the north was both pragmatic and necessary. He was the only one capable of regaining control in the north, even surpassing Prince Hua-Yang's abilities.

As the king convened a meeting with his officials and Cha Nan-Tian entered the hall, a heavy silence enveloped the gathering. The officials' expressions were a mix of complex emotions, for Cha Nan-Tian was a man who wielded power ruthlessly, often seemingly above the law.

However, in these turbulent times, he was the kingdom's sole hope, the one individual who could guide them through the chaos. Perhaps that was why he could operate seemingly beyond the constraints of the law, as his actions were driven by a singular purpose: the survival of the kingdom.

"Great General Cha," the king's voice resonated with authority, "Have you concluded your reckless actions?"

In the presence of the officials, Cha Nan-Tian, out of deference for the king, bowed slightly and replied, "Nearly done... It didn't go exactly as I had envisioned, but since there's hope for my son's recovery, I've chosen to spare some lives. The war is in a precarious state, and I believe it's time to focus more on the battle at hand."

Several veteran officials exchanged disapproving glances, shaking their heads in response.

"You've taken the lives of thousands," their unspoken thoughts echoed, "and you dare to claim you're 'almost done'? Moreover, it turns out your son can still be saved, so why persist in this madness? If your son's fate had been sealed, would you have slaughtered every soul in the city? Most confounding of all, after this bloodshed, you speak of prioritizing the war. What words can we muster in response to this?"

The king nodded with a trace of sarcasm in his tone, remarking, "Your son's recovery is a relief. However, my court now finds itself significantly emptier."

To this, Cha Nan-Tian responded calmly, "Out with the old, in with the new, Your Highness. The Kingdom of Chen boasts many wise individuals capable of steering the nation toward peace."

When he uttered "out with the old, in with the new," Cha Nan-Tian cast a deliberate, meaningful glance at the assembled officials, sending shivers down their spines. He delivered an unmistakable message: "Interfere with my son, and you will be relegated to the ranks of the 'old guard.'"

It was a clear threat, and the officials were seething, yet they dared not voice their objections. Attempting to reason with a man seemingly unhinged would be an exercise in futility, akin to courting their own demise. The military faction within the court stood steadfastly beside their formidable general.

"General Cha is an indomitable force," the officials privately conceded, "his influence rivals that of the entire kingdom and even the entirety of the Land of Han-Yang!"

The king couldn't help but curl his lips in irony. "Presently, all four borders are under threat. General Cha, do you have a strategy to confront this perilous situation?"

Cha Nan-Tian responded with measured confidence, "We shall defend when the enemy attacks. What is there to fear? Though the situation may appear dire, in my eyes, these are but feeble creatures unable to withstand even a single blow."

An elderly man with a flowing white beard could no longer contain his disappointment and anger. Trembling with emotion, he spoke up, "General Cha, I have long admired your dedication to our nation and its people. I hesitated to speak out. However, this is a critical juncture for our kingdom, and it stands on the brink of collapse. Yet you speak of it so casually. I am eager to hear what grand plan you have that will lead us to victory!"

Cha Nan-Tian's response was brimming with pride, "Old Master Wang, I assure you, you will witness that plan firsthand! I guarantee it!"

With a deep bow to the king, Cha Nan-Tian raised his clenched fist and made an audacious request, "Your Highness, I humbly request to be appointed as the Kingdom's General Commander. I seek both the Tiger Token and the Dragon Token. I wish to command all the kingdom's forces and lead them against our enemies. Grant me the authority to fight for the enduring glory of your empire!"

A hushed silence enveloped the entire hall in the wake of this bold declaration. In such perilous times, Cha Nan-Tian had laid forth an ambitious demand, showcasing his unyielding courage. The assembled officials were keenly aware of the sheer audacity behind this general's request, which only magnified their awe of his character.

Yet, amidst the admiration, there lingered an undercurrent of trepidation. Cha Nan-Tian, already in command of the northern forces, had exhibited an unwavering determination to enforce his own brand of justice, often defying established laws and exacting lethal retribution as he saw fit. If he were to assume control over every soldier in the kingdom as the General Commander, what would become of the nation's future? Would it succumb to his absolute dominion?

As the silence persisted, the Crown Prince's countenance grew pallid. His gaze remained fixed upon Cha Nan-Tian, who stood resolute in the center of the hall, an imposing figure that seemed impervious to mortal constraints. It was as though the man embodied the notion that the fate of the world rested within his grasp—an overwhelming presence that cast a long shadow.

The Crown Prince was beset by a profound sense of remorse. He couldn't help but berate himself internally, lamenting his ill-fated decision to provoke a man of such indomitable stature. In hindsight, meddling with Cha Nan-Tian had been nothing short of courting his own demise.

After an extended period of collective silence, the king abruptly rose from his throne. His eyes gleamed with intensity as he fixed his unwavering gaze upon Cha Nan-Tian. The monarch remained wordless, allowing the weight of his intent to hang heavily in the air.

Cha Nan-Tian, undaunted, maintained his unblinking stare, meeting the king's gaze with a resolute determination that mirrored his unwavering conviction.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the king's booming voice resounded through the hall, sending shockwaves through the assembly.

"Fetch the Dragon Token!" he commanded.

A wave of bewilderment swept over the officials. They were left grappling with the notion that such a monumental decision could be reached with such apparent ease.

"Retrieve the Tiger Token!" the king ordered once more.

Panic rippled through the assembly as some officials, on the brink of despair, nearly cried out in desperate pleas. They fell to their knees, their eyes brimming with tears, as they implored, "Your Highness, please reconsider! You cannot proceed with this! Spare us, Your Highness, we beseech you..."

The king, however, dismissed their entreaties with a decisive wave of his hand and declared, "My decision is final!"

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