The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 191: Live Together, Die Together

Chapter 191: Live Together, Die Together

Live Together, Die Together . . .

The moment Cha Eun Xiao's words reached the ears of the assassins, their fury ignited like a blazing fire. The Tianyuan cultivators among them were particularly incensed. With a collective shout, they rallied, their determination to end this swiftly resolute.

"Brothers, let's put an end to him!" Their battle cries filled the air as they surged forward toward Cha-Eun Xiao with a menacing intent.

In the face of the impending onslaught, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but smile faintly. Summoning every ounce of energy he had left, he executed a desperate maneuver. Eighteen needles were unleashed simultaneously, each aimed at a different target. Furthermore, three concealed knives positioned in his hair and shoes were poised to strike as well.

This was his final gambit.

The battle had taken a brutal toll on him. Cha-Eun Xiao had been unable to consume any Supreme Dan Beads amidst the chaos. As he launched this last offensive, he was acutely aware that his own life hung in the balance.

Yet, just as the assassins closed in for the kill, an unexpected turn of events brought the entire confrontation to a standstill.


It happened suddenly, without warning.

"Stop!" A shrill, panicked voice cut through the chaos—a girl's voice, brimming with terror and anxiety, as though her most precious possession teetered on the brink of loss.

Everyone froze in response.

Even Cha-Eun Xiao was momentarily stunned.

All eyes swiveled toward the source of the piercing cry. There, amidst the tumult, they beheld a disheveled figure in a white dress with disordered dark hair billowing in the wind. The tears streaming down her face could not mask the undeniable beauty of her features—it was Su Ye-Yue herself. Gasping for breath, she ran towards Cha-Eun Xiao with a determination that defied exhaustion, as if her life depended on it.

Her labored breathing was nearly drowned out by the racing of her heart, but she pressed on with unwavering resolve. Her course led her straight toward Cha-Eun Xiao, paying no heed to the menacing figures surrounding her. It was a sight that left everyone dumbfounded, an outcome no one had anticipated.

Meanwhile, the men who had pursued Su Ye-Yue from another direction were now returning to the scene. Her unexpected trajectory had brought her directly back into harm's way.

Cha-Eun Xiao watched the approaching beauty with a mix of astonishment and frustration. When he had propelled her away earlier, he had used a tremendous amount of force. His intention had been clear: she was to fly in one direction and, upon reaching a specific point, change course. That point was the cave where he had once defeated Gu Jin-Long—a passage that connected to various destinations.

However, Su Ye-Yue had defied his plan by returning to him. Incredulous and agitated, he couldn't help but berate her. "You fool!" His voice was laden with anger and worry.

Su Ye-Yue paid no mind to the danger that surrounded her. Her focus remained solely on one person. She locked eyes with Cha-Eun Xiao upon hearing his shout.

And then, with astonishing resolve, she continued her headlong sprint toward him, disregarding the perilous presence of her pursuers.

With a muffled "puff," she collided into Cha-Eun Xiao's embrace, clinging to him with all her might. In that moment, she felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over her as she heard his labored breaths. Tears flowed freely as she wept, releasing the pent-up sorrow and fear that had gripped her heart.

Cha-Eun Xiao could only sigh, his heart filled with a mixture of emotions in the face of Su Ye-Yue's unwavering determination.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't quite discern his own feelings in that crucial moment, caught between the gravity of the situation and the unexpected return of Su Ye-Yue.

"Why did you come back? Now we are both in their hands," he uttered, his voice carrying a bitter edge.

A rueful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It was a moment of reckoning where one of them should have had a chance at survival. Cha-Eun Xiao could have chosen to abandon Su Ye-Yue and flee alone, a decision that would have secured his own safety with a ninety percent certainty. Yet, he had willingly opted to protect her, prepared to face death head-on. Their plans had diverged, but the outcome remained the same—a shared descent into perilous folly, the consequence of two hearts deeply entwined in the throes of love.

"We are both going to die?" Su Ye-Yue finally comprehended the gravity of the situation, her eyes wide with alarm. She blinked rapidly, her anxiety palpable, before letting out an exasperated huff. "I just want to die by your side!"

Cha-Eun Xiao sighed deeply, wincing against the pain coursing through his battered body. Despite his discomfort, he managed a wry smile. "But the problem isn't about dying by my side or not. By returning, you've put yourself in their hands. They intend to use you as leverage against your father."

"What?! I completely forgot about that..." Su Ye-Yue's tone shifted from anxiety to concern as she gazed at Cha-Eun Xiao with a mixture of affection and worry. "What should we do then? I don't want you to die!"

In that moment, a complex emotion washed over Cha-Eun Xiao, a feeling that resonated deeply within him. His efforts to save Su Ye-Yue had been fueled by love and, to some extent, a sense of male responsibility. But when she had returned to him, it was simply because she didn't want to lose him.

Perhaps it was a foolish act on her part, but it was profoundly moving.

As he looked at the earnest girl before him, Cha-Eun Xiao found himself tempted to pull her close and shower her with affectionate kisses.

"I had already resigned myself to giving my life to protect you," he mused internally, "believing that my death would hold some purpose. Yet here you are, returning to me, rendering all my sacrifices in vain. Now, my efforts seem futile."

He understood, however, that he couldn't place blame on her. She had come back out of pure love—a love that he couldn't fault.

With a heavy heart, he gazed at her tear-filled eyes and sighed inwardly. "Very well. Let us face our fate together."

"Aha, turns out they're lovers," a burly man with a muscle-bound countenance sneered. "No wonder he fought so fiercely. They've forsaken life's chances to embrace death together."

"Wait!" Su Ye-Yue suddenly disentangled herself from Cha-Eun Xiao, her tear-streaked face resolute. She turned her attention to their captors and made a plea. "Aren't you here for me? You can have me, but in return, you must release him."

"Release him?" Some among the group laughed derisively. "He's slaughtered so many of our comrades. What makes you think we'd release him at your mere request? Both of you are now within our grasp. Do you truly believe you can escape this predicament?"

Su Ye-Yue fixed her determined gaze upon the man before her, her teeth clenched in unwavering resolve. "You intend to capture me and use me as leverage against my father," she began, her voice laced with determination. "But do you truly believe that my death will accomplish that? If I were to die now, your plan would crumble, and it might even enrage my father further. However, if I willingly cooperate with you, the situation changes. I'm certain you understand the implications."

Her thoughts were crystal clear, and she continued, speaking deliberately, "As long as you release him, I will accompany you willingly. I give you my word that I won't attempt to take my own life. I promise."

One of the men sneered, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Ah, young love," he mockingly remarked. "Daughters are often considered expendable. You're willing to forsake your father's life for the sake of a man you love. Ha ha ha! Prince Hua-Yang's got himself quite the devoted daughter, it seems."

Su Ye-Yue held her tongue but simmered with frustration. Internally, she thought, *[As soon as Xiao Xiao is out of harm's way, I'll end my own life. I won't let these wretches use me to threaten my father. I won't keep any false promises before this gang of rogues!]*

"Enough with the talk!" declared the man who appeared to be their leader, his voice sharp. "Tie her up, and make short work of that guy!"

Ultimately, they dismissed her proposal.

They simply couldn't afford to let Cha-Eun Xiao go free. They understood that their chances of returning home unscathed would be slim if he remained among the living. An adversary as formidable as him would pose an enduring threat to them.

Then, in a swift and ominous twist, a sword hurtled toward Cha-Eun Xiao like a bolt of lightning, aimed squarely at his chest. He watched with a bitter smile, too drained to dodge the impending blow.

But as Su Ye-Yue sprinted back toward him, he made a critical decision. Cha-Eun Xiao released the last vestiges of strength he'd been conserving, forcing himself to stand tall and upright. Although he was too fatigued to evade the impending strike, he resolved to face it head-on.

With a sharp metallic clash, Su Ye-Yue's blade collided with the oncoming sword, the impact reverberating through her body. The longsword in her hand shattered into two pieces, and a sharp gasp escaped her lips as a thin trail of blood trickled from her wounded hand. Yet, the threat remained unabated—the deadly sword continued its inexorable path toward Cha-Eun Xiao's chest.

Su Ye-Yue let out an anguished cry as she took a desperate leap forward, her voice filled with resolve. "I am your wife today!" she declared in a trembling but unwavering tone.

Her fragile form positioned itself defiantly between Cha-Eun Xiao and the hurtling blade, attempting to shield him from the impending doom.

The audacity of her sacrifice stunned everyone present. They hadn't anticipated this young woman would be willing to give her own life to protect her beloved. Despite knowing that her actions wouldn't halt the sword's trajectory, she displayed a fierce determination to meet her end before Cha-Eun Xiao. Her act of courage and love left the assembled onlookers utterly astonished.

Through his blurred vision, Cha-Eun Xiao gazed at Su Ye-Yue's delicate figure, now interposed between himself and the impending doom. Despite the dire circumstances, a bitter smile graced his lips. He couldn't muster the strength to utter a single word to dissuade her.

Inwardly, his heart ached with a profound sense of regret.

*[Why have I always faltered in fulfilling my responsibilities?]* he agonized.


Although the course of events might lead to Su Ye-Yue's death right before his eyes, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but acknowledge that her capture, used as leverage against Prince Hua-Yang, would be a more strategically sound outcome. Ultimately, she would still meet her demise once Hua-Yang's reign had fallen. Yet, the burden of shame and failure weighed heavily on Cha-Eun Xiao's heart, etching this moment into his memory.

*[Why am I so powerless? If only I were stronger, I could have resolved this predicament!]* he lamented.

*[If only I possessed the strength to prevent her death here and now!]*

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