The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 204: Taboo About Ladies

Chapter 204: Taboo About Ladies

Taboo About Ladies . . .

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu was seething with anger. Her teeth clenched, and she trembled with fury. "Feng Zhi-Ling! You! Don't push me! I will kill you!"

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback, his brows furrowing. "Kill me? Why? Don't you want me to cure your master?"

But before he could finish speaking, Wen-Ren Chu-Chu lunged at him, her sleeves billowing as she moved with incredible speed. In an instant, a multitude of small white hands materialized and filled the space, all descending upon Cha-Eun Xiao.

Cha-Eun Xiao had not anticipated her launching a genuine attack. After all, she was the one in need of assistance. It seemed out of character for her to attack him, even out of frustration. Determined not to appear weak, Cha-Eun Xiao had emitted an air of confidence, hoping to reassert his authority before her.

However, he had not anticipated the intensity and swiftness of her attack.

Fortunately, Cha-Eun Xiao was an experienced cultivator, and his initial shock did not devolve into panic. He sidestepped and raised his hand, conjuring a golden glow. With a resounding "Bang!" he struck out with his golden hand, simultaneously stepping back to maintain distance.

He had no fear of confronting Wen-Ren Chu-Chu in combat. Their paths had crossed once before, albeit with Cha-Eun Xiao primarily on the receiving end of her punches. Nevertheless, he now had a better understanding of her abilities. During their previous encounter, she had been at the ninth level of the Grade of Diyuan. Given the relatively short period since then, her progress was unlikely to be significant. Breaking through to the Grade of Tianyuan would already be an impressive achievement.

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's origins hinted at a powerful background, perhaps even a connection to the Qing-Yun Realm. Cha-Eun Xiao knew he could not underestimate her. Nonetheless, being so close to reaching the Grade of Tianyuan himself, he was confident in his ability to defeat an opponent of roughly the fifth level of the Grade of Tianyuan. As he faced Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's fierce assault, he remained composed and focused.

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's attack was wide-ranging, leaving Cha-Eun Xiao with minimal room to evade. Unable to sidestep further, he made the calculated decision to stand his ground and defend with the golden hand. He understood that dividing her power among multiple strikes would weaken her overall impact. His Golden Hand was formidable and potent, and he believed it would ensure his victory in this exchange.

However, reality did not align with his expectations.

Confronted with the golden radiance of the Golden Hand, Wen-Ren Chu-Chu remained undaunted. She continued her relentless assault, her eyes sharpening, and her hands descending upon Cha-Eun Xiao with unwavering determination.

The impact was resounding as their forces collided, and it became evident that the stronger individual would emerge victorious.

Cha-Eun Xiao felt a sudden jolt course through his body, as if struck by lightning. A strange power surged within him, akin to a frigid stream. He staggered backward several steps, yet Wen-Ren Chu-Chu remained stationary. In fact, she seemed to step forward, undaunted by the collision.

Cha-Eun Xiao realized that he was in a precarious situation. He had retreated nearly eight steps, yet it had not diminished the force of the impact he had absorbed. He was backed up against a wall, with no more room to maneuver.

Quick to react, he leaned heavily into the wall, bracing himself. The wall groaned and then succumbed to his potent force, creating a substantial hole. Dust filled the air, obscuring Cha-Eun Xiao from view, and then he vanished within the swirling particles.

This was the One Laughter In Skyline technique, a swift and evasive maneuver.

In a matter of moments, Cha-Eun Xiao had come to a startling realization: Lady Wen-Ren was undoubtedly one of the most formidable cultivators he had ever encountered.

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's newfound strength was far beyond the initial levels of the Grade of Tianyuan. She had ascended to what could only be described as the Grandmaster Levels of Tianyuan. The abilities she demonstrated to Cha-Eun Xiao this time were a stark departure from her previous level of cultivation.

The rapidity of her advancement was nothing short of astounding. In the span of a brief period, she had ascended to such a higher level, a feat that was difficult to fathom.

Despite being aware of Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's formidable prowess, Cha-Eun Xiao wasn't overly concerned with her newfound strength or the reasons behind it. He understood that he lagged far behind in terms of cultivation and wouldn't be a match for her in direct combat. Nevertheless, he had confidence in his ability to elude her grasp. Moreover, given that she sought his assistance, he was certain that she harbored no intention of killing him.

Though her attacks had been aggressive, they lacked the intent to kill. As someone who had once held the position of Monarch in the Qing-Yun Realm, Cha-Eun Xiao was well-versed in discerning the true nature of her actions.

What perplexed him, however, was the source of her intense anger. He couldn't fathom why she had become so irate and had attacked him so vehemently. In his view, she must have been somewhat unhinged.

[What's her issue?]

Deciding to put distance between them, Cha-Eun Xiao opted to make a swift exit. He reasoned that Wen-Ren Chu-Chu was the one in need of help and would eventually seek him out again. Escaping her clutches was preferable to being apprehended, as the latter would undoubtedly lead to a more significant problem than their previous encounter.

With his mind made up, he departed promptly.

As he managed to escape the dust cloud that had obscured their earlier confrontation, he sensed a powerful force approaching from behind. A long, white sleeve, resembling a dragon's form, extended toward him with the intent of ensnaring his waist.

Cha-Eun Xiao let out a startled cry and rolled his body, activating the One Laughter In Skyline technique to its fullest extent.

With a tremendous burst of energy, he shot forward, covering dozens of meters in the span of mere moments. His movements were akin to a flying star hurtling through the streets of the city.

Amidst his rapid retreat, he couldn't help but voice his exasperation. "What the hell! How can you run so fast with your fat body!"

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's response was immediate, her anger ignited to a fever pitch. "What did you just say?" Her voice thundered, and her rage seemed to pierce the heavens.

Without hesitation, she soared into the sky, surveying the landscape below. With unparalleled swiftness, she darted forward in pursuit of Cha-Eun Xiao, rapidly gaining ground.

In her determination, she paid little heed to the possibility of exposing her identity or her figure.

Cha-Eun Xiao found himself increasingly flustered by the situation. [What is going on with this woman? Her behavior is completely unreasonable!]

Indeed, she was the one in dire need of his assistance. Yet, she had arrived and immediately subjected him to a series of intense attacks. While they may not have been lethal strikes, they were undeniably painful.

And now, she was recklessly chasing after him.

Women, Cha-Eun Xiao mused, were incredibly difficult to understand.

He also surmised that Wen-Ren Chu-Chu must be accompanied by a genuine superior cultivator this time. Such a protector would be capable of ensuring her safety even amidst countless adversaries. Otherwise, her uncharacteristically rash behavior would be unfathomable.

Contemplating these perplexities, Cha-Eun Xiao changed his course, diverting away from the House of Cha. He was now heading toward the city's outer wall, away from the urban bustle.

As he navigated the situation, he remained baffled by the enigmatic behavior of Wen-Ren Chu-Chu. In truth, even she couldn't fully comprehend the source of her seething anger and irrational actions.

When Wen-Ren Chu-Chu first laid eyes on Feng Zhi-Ling, she experienced an inexplicable surge of happiness. Her heart raced at the sight of him, and she couldn't resist following him for a few steps. However, her elation took an unexpected turn when she heard Cha-Eun Xiao abruptly halt and begin reciting a verse in a melancholic tone—a verse that unmistakably spoke of a sentimental love story with a girl.

The verse caught her off guard, and an inexplicable anger surged within her. It was as if her anger had sprung to life out of nowhere, overpowering any previous intentions she might have had. She abandoned her initial plans and decided to confront him, her sole purpose now to give him a thorough thrashing.

[You deceitful scoundrel! How dare you deceive me!

You are the Monarch of the Ling-Bao Hall, yet you lied to me, claiming to be nobody!

And to think you've harbored feelings for a girl!

You had no such feelings the last time we met!]

Her fury blazed hotter and hotter within her heart, and she found herself unable to contain the burning desire to vent her rage. Feng Zhi-Ling had unwittingly become the perfect outlet for her pent-up anger.

She gave her all to catch up with him, her mind singularly fixated on reaching him, pinning him to the ground, and delivering a sound beating.

[How dare you call me fat!

I weigh just over forty kilograms! How dare you label me as fat?

You ignorant imbecile! What gives you the audacity to call me fat? Have you ever seen my true appearance? Have you personally weighed me?

This is beyond the pale!]

Her teeth gritted together, producing an audible grinding sound, as she doggedly pursued Feng Zhi-Ling. Her actions betrayed a level of recklessness she hadn't displayed since she was a mere ten-year-old child. Yet, she couldn't rein in her behavior this time.

Had she been aware of her actions in that moment, she would have undoubtedly found herself utterly perplexed. It was simply inconceivable!

Completely and utterly inconceivable!

Feng Zhi-Ling continued to dash forward with great speed, employing his full mastery of flying martial arts. The two of them raced over the landscape like two radiant shooting stars. In the blink of an eye, they exited the town and entered the untamed wilderness beyond.

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu's fury only intensified. [He is clearly inferior to me in terms of cultivation. How is it possible that I can't catch up to him... What an insufferable scoundrel!]

Unbeknownst to Cha-Eun Xiao, his choice of words had deeply wounded the young lady. He had committed two cardinal sins: never call a lady fat, and never call her ugly. In his careless remarks, he had both insulted her appearance and implied that his aversion to her was due to her perceived lack of attractiveness.

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu had harbored complex feelings for him, making her current outburst entirely unsurprising. After all, women were known for their enigmatic emotions.

As Cha-Eun Xiao sped through a forest like a whirlwind, he headed straight for the ice mountain. It struck him as odd that this ice mountain, a place he was reluctant to visit, seemed to exert a mysterious pull on him—a feeling he couldn't quite explain.

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