Chapter 217: Selfish?

Selfish? . . .

Gathering information like this typically required the collective efforts of a sect over generations. How could Cha-Eun Xiao possess such profound and extensive knowledge? Wen-Ren Chu-Chu was beginning to realize that the man in front of her was far more knowledgeable than he appeared.

"How many people in your sect are still cultivating the Ling Xiao Ice Art?" Cha-Eun Xiao inquired further. "I mean, as of now, how many practitioners are left?"

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu wore a bitter smile as she responded, "We once had over three thousand cultivators practicing the Ling Xiao Ice Art. However, after the disaster, we suffered the most casualties. More than seven hundred of our fellow practitioners perished, with over two hundred grandmasters losing their lives to the celestial body impact. Some were left incapacitated, while others, like me, had their cultivation severely impaired."

Her eyes filled with sorrow as she continued, "In the aftermath of the disaster, we confirmed the ruin of our Renascence Saint Garden. There is no hope for recovery. Nearly eighty percent of our practitioners had to abandon the Ling Xiao Ice Art and switch to other martial arts from different sects. Currently, we number less than fifty individuals who continue to persevere in practicing the Ling Xiao Ice Art. Among them are senior grandmasters and elder prime grandmasters who can no longer advance in their cultivation. Their primary role now is to protect the sect for as long as possible."

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback. "Less than fifty..."

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu sighed sadly, "Without the Regeneration Lotus, cultivating the Ling Xiao Ice Art is akin to courting death. If we fail to secure more Regeneration Lotus, even I may have to switch to a different martial art. But we are reluctant to give it up. We refuse to accept it."

She spoke with a heavy heart, "We are unwilling because if no one in the Misty Cloud Palace continues to cultivate the Ling Xiao Ice Art, our sect, once one of the most powerful in the Qing-Yun Realm, will eventually decline into a second-tier sect. At that point, it will pose a real threat to our survival. When that day arrives, our sect could face extinction."

Cha-Eun Xiao furrowed his brows and solemnly stated, "That day will inevitably come."

In the history of the Qing-Yun Realm, the downfall of a sect usually began when it started to weaken. Once other sects saw an opportunity to eliminate it, even the allies of that sect would not hesitate to take action. Inevitably, as the sect weakened, its abundant resources would become a tempting prize for other sects.

No one would pass up the chance to seize these resources. Morality, justice, and virtue often meant little when confronted with such potential gains.

Cha-Eun Xiao continued, "If all of you are as noble-minded as your master, willing to sacrifice yourselves for the greater good, how many of your fellow practitioners are you prepared to sacrifice?" His words sent shivers down Bing Xin-Yue's spine.

"But if we don't follow that path, what alternative do we have to save our sect? Our situation is dire," Wen-Ren Chu-Chu argued, her voice filled with frustration. She hadn't agreed with her master's willingness to sacrifice herself, but now, when Cha-Eun Xiao rejected the sect's approach, which involved everyone making sacrifices, she felt compelled to defend it.

Cha-Eun Xiao responded firmly, "The best approach is to allow everyone to contribute in their own way. People desire to live, so we should let them use their individual strengths and methods to fight for their own survival. The prosperity of a great sect is not built upon the sacrifices of its members. It relies on everyone striving to become stronger themselves."

He continued, "While it is noble to give up one's life for others, it is also true that each sacrifice diminishes the sect's overall strength. If you continue sacrificing individuals one after another, what will happen when only one person remains? Who will they sacrifice for then?"

"I currently have the ability to cultivate Regeneration Ink Lotus. Despite my limited cultivation prowess, with the support of your sect and my unique methods, I can supply you with enough lotuses to stabilize your situation in the short term," Cha-Eun Xiao explained. "As I grow stronger, I can work on cultivating Regeneration Jade Lotus and even Renascence Jade Lotus, or even the Heavens Golden Lotus. It's only a matter of time, not a mere dream."

He assured them, "Before you encounter significant obstacles in your cultivation journey, I can assist you in breaking through important levels and prevent your Jing and Mai from freezing. We can afford to be patient and wait. You don't need to abandon your cultivation. Continue at your regular pace and fulfill your responsibilities."

Cha-Eun Xiao's tone turned stern as he concluded, "In such circumstances, those who still insist on sacrificing themselves for the sake of nobility are not only foolish but also hastening their own demise."

Wen-Ren Chu-Chu was initially taken aback by Cha-Eun Xiao's response, but her understanding quickly dawned upon her. [Cha-Eun Xiao must be saying this to motivate my master to keep on living,] she thought. Encouraged by his words, she decided to elaborate further. "Brother Feng," she began, "there might be something you're not aware of regarding our sect's martial arts, particularly the Ling Xiao Ice Art. It demands its practitioners to maintain absolute physical and mental purity. If one loses their virginity or wavers in their commitment to this ideal, their progress will come to a standstill."

Cha-Eun Xiao dismissed this notion with a smile, saying, "That's utter nonsense. Such taboos were likely concocted by the elder women of your sect who held a bias against men. When they achieved great strength, they probably developed a sense of superiority over all men. That's likely why they imposed rules against their disciples having relationships with men. It's simply preposterous."

He continued with a hint of frustration, "Even if adhering to these strict requirements were indeed a unique aspect of your martial art, I'm merely attempting to use my own martial skills to combat the disease within your body. How could that possibly be related to 'losing one's virginity'? Are you going to tell me that you'll become pregnant because a man's energy was channeled through your Jing and Mai, thus forfeiting your virginity? That's absurd! And as for 'wavering in belief,' that's equally absurd. As long as both of us maintain pure intentions and focus on eradicating the disease, why would your faith waver?"

He pointed out the irony of the situation, "Your sect is facing a dire crisis, with a chance right in front of you to ensure its survival for millennia. Yet, in your heart, you seem more concerned about notions of so-called virginity and unwavering commitment, which appear far less critical than the survival of your sect."

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