The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 220: Heavenly Reverse Impact

Chapter 220: Heavenly Reverse Impact

Heavenly Reverse Impact . . .

After a brief pause, a voice filled with astonishment emanated from within the dense dark cloud – "Yi?" It was a voice that conveyed sudden surprise, as if something unexpected had occurred and the person inside was caught off guard.

The voice possessed a strange blend of elegance and harshness, creating an eerie contrast.

Moments later, without warning, the dark cloud erupted into a deafening explosion – "Boom!" In an instant, it disintegrated into countless streams of obsidian mist, hurtling in various directions. The term "fast" might not sufficiently describe their speed; they raced away like a multitude of arrows released into the sky.

The mansion where the person had resided was lifted into the air and detonated in a spectacular display.

A piercing scream echoed, and a jet of blood shot out at incredible velocity. It pierced through a massive rock formation in front of the palace, leaving a small, crimson orifice in its wake.

In the next moment, a lithe figure streaked through the air like a bolt of lightning. This figure exuded an aura of unparalleled power, soaring toward the heavens as she shouted defiantly, "Gods! Do you truly intend to obliterate the Misty Cloud Palace?"

With her proclamation, she extended her arms, causing the air around her to ripple like the surface of a disturbed pond. The ripples expanded, triggering the sudden collapse of countless mountains within a radius of over three thousand miles.

Simultaneously, over a dozen figures swiftly approached, flying from the palace on the ground. They stared at the figure engulfed in swirling dark smoke, their expressions fraught with trepidation.

[What is happening?

The world-shaking, second-most powerful cultivator, our Prime Grandmaster—how could she suddenly lose control?

Wasn't she peacefully cultivating inside her residence, seeking an opportunity for advancement?

Why has she become so unbridled?]

"What's wrong, Prime Grandmaster?" Several elegant women hurriedly approached her.

"I am doomed."

The Prime Grandmaster's countenance remained obscured by the dark cloud, making it impossible to discern her expression. However, the three words she uttered struck the assembled onlookers like a bolt of lightning, causing them to tremble in midair, almost plummeting to the ground.

["I am doomed"?

Is our Prime Grandmaster facing imminent death?]

The realization of their Prime Grandmaster's precarious condition sent a shiver down the spines of those gathered. Without her, the Misty Cloud Palace's fate appeared grim. Their stronghold in the Qing-Yun Realm had been maintained through the awe-inspiring might of their Prime Grandmaster.

"If we lose our Prime Grandmaster… If she were to fall…"

"Prime Grandmaster, what has happened to you? Why would you utter such ill-fated words?" Their voices quivered with anxiety. They couldn't fathom why their Prime Grandmaster would curse herself. A glimmer of hope remained that perhaps her frustration stemmed from cultivation challenges rather than an imminent downfall.

"The Heavenly Reverse Impact…" The Prime Grandmaster's voice held no sorrow, only a profound sense of pity and reluctance. It sounded serene, almost indifferent, yet beneath that calm surface simmered an incendiary rage that could consume the entire Qing-Yun Realm.

"Heavenly Reverse Impact? It truly is the Heavenly Reverse Impact!" They were collectively astonished.

"Yes, I believed I had three more years of life. With that time, I could seek out the Renascence Jade Lotus and extend my life by a thousand years. I thought I had those three years, that hope remained as long as time was on my side. Finding the Renascence Jade Lotus is undoubtedly challenging, but it's not impossible. Yet, an unforeseen incident occurred during my cultivation— the Heavenly Reverse Impact. It disrupted the path to my extended life, accelerating the onset of my ailment. Instead of three years, I now have but one month left."

The Prime Grandmaster's tone was tranquil, akin to a clear bowl of water. However, her revelation struck her listeners dumbfounded.

[A mere month.

That's all we have before our final guardian, the Prime Grandmaster, passes away?]

When a cultivator of such grandmaster-level prowess met their end, their final breath would ripple through the fabric of the world. The entire Qing-Yun Realm would be bathed in radiant light, and the sky would be adorned with colorful lotus patterns. There would be no denying the momentous event.

The looming reality of their Prime Grandmaster's impending demise hung heavy over the gathering. The Misty Cloud Palace, accustomed to being the paragon of the Qing-Yun Realm, would soon lose its most formidable protector. The news would ripple across the realm, signaling the end of an era.

Inevitably, the sect would crumble, vanishing from existence in a single night. The severity of the situation couldn't be overstated.

"I am going to kill Xue Dan-Ru. You don't need to find me. Just live your lives and be good…" The Prime Grandmaster's proclamation reverberated, and with a burst of energy, she ascended into the sky. Dark smoke coiled around her, merging into a dense cloud as she veered eastward.

As she distanced herself from the onlookers, an anguished cry escaped her lips, laden with an unmistakable sense of reluctance. "Why have the gods forsaken the countless members of the Misty Cloud Palace? How can we hope to overcome this dire predicament?"

The turmoil of emotions was impossible to conceal in her voice: anger, sorrow, and an overwhelming sense of unfulfilled destiny. Her words betrayed a profound sense of despair and hopelessness.

With little more than those two cryptic lines, "live your lives and be good," she imparted a multitude of sentiments. It was a poignant farewell, a glimpse into her inner turmoil and a final plea.

The remaining disciples watched as the Prime Grandmaster, her form obscured by the billowing dark cloud, receded into the distance, as though the very heavens were rending asunder. They couldn't help but accept the grim reality that they might never lay eyes on their beloved Prime Grandmaster again. She was gone, and there was no turning back.

Reluctance held them in its grip, a stubborn refusal to turn away. Their eyes remained fixed on the eastern horizon, where their beloved Prime Grandmaster had vanished.

Then, a remarkable transformation overcame the eastern sky, as if a blazing inferno had ignited across the heavens. A torrent of red hues spilled across the vast expanse, suffusing the atmosphere with the fiery radiance of countless volcanoes erupting simultaneously.

It was a telltale sign—a signal of their Prime Grandmaster's audacious gambit. She had embarked on a mission that required the sacrifice of her remaining days to eliminate the greatest threat to their sect.

Tears flowed freely among the women, their mournful cries echoing in the air. Desperation hung heavily over them as they grappled with the harrowing truth.

"What fate befalls the Misty Cloud Palace without our Prime Grandmaster?"

"Who will champion justice for us, the vulnerable, if not our sect?"

Their emotions spiraled out of control, and their voices grew louder, infused with a profound sense of loss.

"We won't leave."

"Not a single step away. Even if it means our own demise."

"We shall stand defiant, awaiting the day when our Prime Grandmaster's light fades and our adversaries descend upon us. Together, we shall meet our end, entwined with our foes!"

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