The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 239: An Astonishing Gift

Chapter 239: An Astonishing Gift

An Astonishing Gift . . .

The transition from the Diyuan grade to the Tianyuan grade might seem like a mere step, but the chasm between them was vast. For Cha-Eun Xiao, reaching the Tianyuan grade marked the commencement of his true journey in the world of cultivation.

In the Land of Han-Yang, however, achieving the Tianyuan grade was considered a pinnacle of martial prowess.

Yet, Cha-Eun Xiao had a different perspective. He viewed entering the Tianyuan grade as merely scratching the surface of the intricate world of cultivation. It was, to him, a beginning rather than an ultimate destination.

With each day, Cha-Eun Xiao could sense his progress. It filled him with a sense of satisfaction and joy. After his cultivation sessions, he would promptly visit Bing-Er. As he grew increasingly accustomed to caring for her, he found himself shouldering a growing burden of responsibility.

This weight became more evident with each passing day.

Experiencing the warmth of affection and subtle emotions nurtured his sense of contentment.

"These are the warm affections of life," Cha-Eun Xiao mused, aware that his spiritual awareness was evolving. He found that, despite the mounting responsibilities, he was far from fatigued. Unlike his previous life, where he was solitary and driven solely by the desire for strength, his existence now felt richer and more meaningful.

"This is what life should be," he reflected. "Responsibility, duty, guardianship, purpose—they are not just about becoming stronger. Such a singular focus would only lead to loneliness."

"In truth, cultivation, love, and affection—all of these experiences define our lives. The more fulfilling our lives, the more interesting they become. I should continue to explore and experience everything, so that I won't be lonely until the end."

This newfound understanding marked a fresh chapter in his journey of self-discovery.

Over the ensuing days, Cha-Eun Xiao diligently tended to Bing-Er's meridians, gradually removing the blockages caused by her injuries. During this process, he stumbled upon a remarkable revelation. As he inspected her meridians, he was astounded by their exceptional clarity.

Although there was no qi currently present, her meridians were naturally suited for cultivation.

In essence, her physique was extraordinarily conducive to efficient cultivation, regardless of the path she chose to pursue.

Cha-Eun Xiao marveled at the extraordinary physique possessed by Bing-Er. He had never encountered such a remarkable constitution before.

To put it into perspective, even before Su Ye-Yue's body underwent the transformation into the Phoenix Body, she was already considered a highly gifted individual. Without any tutelage from accomplished masters, she had managed to reach the seventh level of the Renyuan grade—a feat of exceptional rarity. Such a physical condition would have been highly sought after by the prestigious sects of the Qing-Yun Realm, qualifying as a first-class physique. Cha-Eun Xiao himself, in his previous life, would have found it difficult to compete with her.

However, Bing-Er's natural gifts surpassed even those of Su Ye-Yue. Her physique, in particular, stood out as exceptional. With her extraordinary body, she could cultivate a martial art in a single day that would require a typical person an entire year, and she might achieve even better results.

This remarkable potential left Cha-Eun Xiao astounded. His new responsibility was to teach her how to read, following the stories he narrated. Initially, he introduced her to ten characters at a time, but he soon realized he had underestimated her.

Despite her memory loss, she possessed an incredible ability to retain knowledge. She could remember everything she saw, and more impressively, she could apply her newfound knowledge effectively. Cha-Eun Xiao was delighted with her progress and began teaching her more characters. Within a few days, she was learning at a rate of three hundred characters a day—an astonishing pace even by his standards.

Soon, she had mastered all the commonly used characters. This rapid progress was reasonable, considering that she had likely learned how to read before losing her memory. Deep within her subconscious, she retained this knowledge, requiring only a brief review to regain her proficiency.

With this revelation, Cha-Eun Xiao felt a sense of relief. After teaching her the everyday characters, he moved on to more advanced topics related to Jing, Mai, and martial arts. To his amazement, she proved equally adept at mastering these subjects. Her ability to memorize and draw connections between different concepts astounded him.

Despite her physical limitations and serious condition, every time Bing-Er listened to Cha-Eun Xiao's lessons, she exhibited a sense of pride, eagerly anticipating his praise.

In addition to her incredible learning capacity, another revelation left Cha-Eun Xiao astonished. Despite her precarious condition and limited mobility, Bing-Er had started attempting cultivation under his guidance. After three days of effort, she began sensing the spiritual qi in the world around her.

"I feel as though there are countless tiny living creatures in the world," she mused. "They all seem eager to rush into my body, but I can't seem to pinpoint their location. I can't reach them. What's wrong? Am I too foolish?"

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't hide his astonishment at Bing-Er's seemingly 'stupid' question. In his mind, her inquiry held far more significance than she realized.

[Stupid? If you are stupid, then cultivators across this world, including those in the Qing-Yun Realm, might as well hang their heads in shame!]

What Bing-Er referred to as "little living things" were, in fact, the ethereal spirits of the spiritual qi that permeated the world. Ordinary individuals might only come to recognize their existence, and even then, only a fraction of cultivators ever reached such a level of understanding. Those who could sense the emotions of these spirits were considered the most gifted cultivators, and it typically took many years of dedicated practice to achieve even a limited connection.

Yet, in a mere three days, Bing-Er had advanced to a stage that the majority of cultivators would never reach in their entire lifetimes.

Cha-Eun Xiao was overwhelmed by this revelation, unable to contain his amazement.

[What kind of extraordinary constitution does she possess?]

Despite his bewilderment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of elation. With Bing-Er's newfound ability to sense the spiritual qi, her recovery accelerated exponentially under Cha-Eun Xiao's guidance. Her injuries and wounds were healing at an astonishing rate, leaving him both astounded and delighted.

[Could I have stumbled upon a truly remarkable individual? A rare gem in the vast universe?]

The possibilities filled Cha-Eun Xiao's mind with wonder and intrigue.

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