The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 274: Who Has Needles in the Martial World?

Chapter 274: Who Has Needles in the Martial World?

Who Has Needles in the Martial World? . . .

Among the two lifeless forms sprawled on the ground, one was identified as Chen Yuanfeng from the Sunlight Sect. His passing didn't raise much concern, for he was considered a minor figure, and his demise didn't carry significant weight. However, the other body belonged to none other than Nan Tianxing of the Starlight Sect.

The sight sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.

In this city, how many possessed the capability to dispatch someone like Nan Tianxing?

The answer was universally known among those present. If it were easy to overcome Nan Tianxing, he would have been captured and brought to justice by the Kingdom of Chen long ago. Yet, he had remained elusive, for he was a formidable, experienced, and indomitable figure.

His arrival in the capital of the Kingdom of Chen had not been casual; he would not have dared if he hadn't been confident.

However, the fact remained that this eminent figure had met his end in this silent corner, a revelation that sent shockwaves through the assembly.

Furthermore, among all the influential individuals gathered in the city, those who possessed the capability to best Nan Tianxing didn't number more than ten, and this included members of the Starlight Sect itself.

The assembly divided into two groups, with one contingent examining Chen Yuanfeng's lifeless form and the other scrutinizing Nan Tianxing's. Troubled expressions masked their emotions as they deliberated.

"Yuanfeng appears surprised," one of them commented. "Even though he was cautious and maintained his guard, he must have been caught off guard by the fatal strike. The wound on his throat is remarkably small, and his sword lay close by. It seems he clung to it tightly until his final moments. All signs point to the fact that he was fully prepared when attacked. Nevertheless, he succumbed to a single, lethal blow, which explains his look of surprise. The assailant must be at least of Sky Origin Stage."

"It was an unexpected assault," added another.

An elderly member of the Sunlight Sect spoke thoughtfully, "To poison Yuanfeng, an Earth Origin Stage cultivator, such a formidable cultivator must have used an extremely potent toxin. Regarding the weapon that inflicted the wound... it must be a sharp-pointed instrument, narrow in shape, perhaps even resembling... a needle."

He rose to his feet and questioned the assembly, "In the realm of martial arts, who is known to employ poisoned needles as their weapon of choice?"

Simultaneously, representatives from the Sunlight Sect put forth their own theories. "Observe the numerous sword wounds covering Nan Tianxing's body," one of them remarked. "None of these strikes reached his bones. Evidently, these wounds alone were insufficient to claim his life. The true cause of his death was the potent cold poison that entered his body through those minuscule puncture wounds..."

"This individual must have been gravely injured by Nan Tianxing as well. After dispatching Nan Tianxing, he must have expended his own energy. It was then that Chen Yuanfeng appeared, seizing the opportunity, which likely accounts for his astonishment."

Both groups raised a common query: "In the realm of martial arts, who employs cold poison needles as their weapon?"

An abrupt hush enveloped the assembly. The question hung heavily in the air as those present contemplated the answer. Some exchanged bewildered glances, their faces betraying their ignorance, while others gazed skyward, displaying indifference to the fallen men.

Then, someone dared to shatter the silence with another pressing question. "These two individuals hailed from different sects. How did they meet their demise simultaneously?"

This inquiry sent shockwaves through the assembly. Indeed, they were disparate in their cultivation levels—Nan Tianxing, an eighth-level Sky Origin Stage cultivator, and Chen Yuanfeng, a sixth-level Earth Origin Stage cultivator. Such a discrepancy rendered it improbable for them to be in each other's company. Nan Tianxing was known to be a solitary figure, and Chen Yuanfeng would never have dared to accompany him, lest he be toyed with and met an untimely end.

The circumstances surrounding their simultaneous demise puzzled everyone. Chen Yuanfeng's perplexed expression only added to the enigma.

"In the martial world, there seems to be only one individual... who wields needles as his weapon," someone ventured in a hushed tone.

Immediately, all eyes turned to the speaker. He was a diminutive, slender figure with a mouse-like mustache. The scrutiny of several prominent cultivators nearly caused him to falter; his legs trembled, and his speech became incoherent.

The great cultivators present at the scene swiftly came to the realization that their own potent energies had been inadvertently unleashed. One among them, a man sporting a mustache reminiscent of a mouse, was notably frail, a fact that undoubtedly contributed to his fear-stricken countenance. Thankfully, his apprehension did not cost him his life. The assemblage of esteemed cultivators promptly reined in their surging energies and directed their inquiries at him with an air of curiosity.

"Pray, tell us," they inquired, "to whom do you allude? Which renowned cultivator wields needles as their chosen weapon?"

With an unmistakable tremor in his voice, the man with the mouse-like mustache responded, "It is... none other than the legendary Boundless Saint, the esteemed leader of the Boundless Lake sect... His chosen weapon indeed consists of needles." He continued, his voice quaking, "And... his needles possess an elusive, ever-shifting quality..."

"That is inconceivable! It cannot be him!" they chorused in unison, their heads shaking vigorously to dismiss such a notion.

"Behold, there is blood here," one among them exclaimed, his tone urgent. "Observe its hue; it assuredly does not match the blood of Chen Yuanfeng or Nan Tianxing. This must be the blood of the perpetrator! I am convinced of it."

"If the Boundless Saint were the culprit, there would be no need for him to shed blood. With his formidable power, dispatching Nan Tianxing would be effortless, and Chen Yuanfeng need not even be mentioned! Such injuries would be beyond unlikely for him!"

An elderly gentleman, his white beard lending an air of gravitas, spoke with a solemnity that commanded attention.

Nods of agreement rippled through the gathering.

The enigmatic Boundless Saint possessed a repertoire of extraordinary martial arts, far surpassing the capabilities of Nan Tianxing. Discord between them was deemed implausible. Dispatching Chen Yuanfeng would be as simple as drawing breath. The use of needles against him was an absurd notion.

Yet, if not the Boundless Saint, then who could it possibly be?

"Over here!" suddenly, someone interjected. "There are additional wounds on Nan Tianxing's body."

The crowd huddled closer to inspect these newly discovered injuries. A palpable hush descended upon them.

Despite their meticulous examination of the body, they had somehow overlooked these nearly imperceptible wounds. These enigmatic wounds were slender and elongated, bearing a resemblance to needle punctures, but upon closer inspection, it became evident that they were not.

"These wounds seem to have been inflicted by exceedingly narrow throwing knives..." remarked an elderly gentleman, using two of his fingers to illustrate their likely dimensions. "I would venture to estimate them to be about this long."

With this revelation, a fresh wave of bewilderment washed over the assembly.

[Who, in the name of all that is sacred, could possibly wield both needles and knives simultaneously?]

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