The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 304: In a Way Like Thunderbolt!

Chapter 304: In a Way Like Thunderbolt!

In a Way Like Thunderbolt! . . .

The gathered crowd fell into a hushed silence as they listened intently to Wan of the Clouds' words. Yet, despite their outward composure, they couldn't help but harbor internal complaints.

Wan-Er had just uttered the phrase "their life will be more prosperous and flourishing" in a peculiar tone that left people with disconcerting thoughts. It prompted a grim reflection: How exactly would their lives become prosperous and flourishing? Would it be prosperity painted with blood and surrounded by fire, or would flourishing result from the souls emerging from their lifeless bodies?

As for the Sunlight Sect, it had effectively ceased to exist, while the Starlight Sect remained as one of the prominent sects in the land. Li Wanchun, the leader of the Sunlight Sect, dared not utter a single word or make the slightest noise; he remained meek and apprehensive.

Initially, when he witnessed Wan of the Clouds humiliating the Sunlight Sect, he had relished the spectacle. The satisfaction of seeing his rival being debased before him had lightened his spirits and filled him with excitement. At that moment, he had even wished that he himself were the one humiliating the Sunlight Sect.

However, as events unfolded and escalated into an uncontrollable frenzy, the appearance of Master Bai had instantly shattered Li Wanchun's happiness. His brow glistened with sweat, and fear gripped his heart.

It was crucial to remember that the Sunlight Sect wasn't the sole party that had bullied Ling-Bao Hall; the Starlight Sect had been involved as well. In their previous discussions, the Starlight Sect had dismissed Ling-Bao Hall as a mere commercial organization with ample financial resources, implying that they could be bullied without repercussions. Little did they know that Ling-Bao Hall was as formidable as a supermassive ironclad fortress, and its backing was a resolute, unyielding force.

Both the Sunlight and Starlight Sects had unwittingly provoked a mighty opponent—one that was more than willing to exact vengeance.

Now that the Sunlight Sect had been effectively dismantled, it was evident that Master Bai's attention would inevitably turn to the remaining party—the Starlight Sect. The future did not bode well for them.

The realization dawned on Li Wanchun with chilling dread—the target of Master Bai's attention was none other than himself. Cold beads of sweat formed on his forehead as fear gripped his every thought.

Internally, he fervently pleaded for leniency, reiterating that he had not actively taken part in the ruthless actions against Ling-Bao Hall. He had merely intended to intimidate them, not to drive them to despair. He had refrained from participating in any bids. He begged Master Bai to release him, emphasizing that the punishment meted out to the Sunlight Sect had already served as a warning to all, and that he would unquestionably heed it. He swore to be the one who learned the lesson.

But fate had other plans.

Master Bai, with a tinge of bitterness in his voice, broke the silence. His words heralded the beginning of another ordeal, and Li Wanchun could feel his tears welling up.

Escape was no longer an option.

Master Bai turned his attention to Wan of the Clouds, inquiring about the identity of the remaining sect. This was the moment Li Wanchun had been dreading—a reckoning he could no longer avoid.

In a desperate attempt to maintain some semblance of control, Li Wanchun hastened to identify himself, "Li Wanchun from the Starlight Sect. I am truly honored to be in your presence today, Master Bai."

Master Bai responded with a nonchalant "oh," remarking on the Starlight Sect's self-assured demeanor. This observation sent Li Wanchun's anxiety into overdrive. He was drenched in perspiration, and a bittersweet smile crept onto his face. But he understood that under Master Bai's watchful gaze, self-assurance was a luxury he could not afford.

Master Bai expressed his preference for those who remained humble in his presence, hinting that such individuals were considered honest. He then extended an offer that left Li Wanchun dumbfounded. Master Bai presented a dan bead and proposed that Li Wanchun pay a staggering five billion in exchange for it.

Li Wanchun couldn't believe his ears. The magnitude of the demand left him in utter shock.

[Is Master Bai asking me to spend five billion for a single dan bead?]

The predicament that had befallen the Sunlight Sect now faced Li Wanchun, leader of the Starlight Sect. The weight of five billion taels hung heavy in the air, and Li Wanchun was acutely aware that declining was not an option. He couldn't afford to defy Master Bai; the consequences were too dire. Rejecting this demand could potentially lead to a fate even worse than what had befallen the Sunlight Sect.

In the presence of onlookers, Li Wanchun surrendered all his available funds, and he reached out to the two men by his side, who followed suit. Despite their wealth, pooling their resources still fell short of the five-billion-tael requirement. To make up the difference, Li Wanchun had no choice but to borrow an additional one billion from another sect. With a heavy heart, he gathered all the money and approached the Sky No. 1 Room.

Once he arrived, he was instructed to wait outside while the funds were accepted. After a brief interval, an emissary emerged, holding not the expected Bone Ablutionary Dan bead but instead a wax bead.

Li Wanchun's initial confusion transformed into dismay. He couldn't help but voice his confusion, expecting to receive the same supreme dan bead that Master Bai had seemingly "acquired" from the Sunlight Sect.

However, his expectations were swiftly shattered. Wan of the Clouds responded from within the room, denying any knowledge of a Bone Ablutionary Dan bead promised to him. Li Wanchun was left flustered and speechless.

[What has happened here?

Master Bai implied that I would acquire the supreme dan bead in exchange for the five billion tael payment. But now, I'm holding a mere wax bead in my hand.

Did I misunderstand something? Was there a mistake?]

Li Wanchun's frustration and anger began to brew, yet he dared not voice his grievances. His options were limited. If he remained silent, he would bear the burden of the five billion tael expenditure for a seemingly worthless wax bead. However, confronting Master Bai's actions or Wan of the Clouds' assertions appeared futile.

He stood there in a state of bewilderment, his face alternating between pallor and an angry flush. Wan of the Clouds added insult to injury by offering him a cup of tea as a semblance of apology, which he begrudgingly accepted.

Just as Li Wanchun was about to leave, his frustration reaching its peak, Wan-Er's words cut through the air like a blade. She admonished him for his cavalier entrance and exit, implying that their establishment was not a place for casual visits. Her tone shifted from politeness to anger, and with a swift motion, a frigid light darted out of the room, severing Li Wanchun's right arm at the shoulder.

He screamed in agony, his arm falling to the ground, as pain and shock overwhelmed him. The message was clear—there would be no disrespect tolerated here.

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