The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 318: What A Martial Art!

Chapter 318: What A Martial Art!

What A Martial Art! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao was taken aback as he heard it, and shock coursed through him. Following this, the words spoken by Bing-Er left him utterly stunned.

"Am your... girl!"

"Your girl!"

Cha Eun Xiao's mind wandered to the peculiar giant man and the mysterious martial art he had encountered. He became lost in thought and completely forgot about the beauty standing before him.

Observing his distraction, Bing-Er surmised that Cha Eun Xiao must be preoccupied with something of great importance. She didn't dare to interrupt him and quietly departed.

In previous days, she would have lingered around rather than leaving. However, she now understood the necessity of attending to important matters first before others. She had become more "sensible."

As Cha Eun Xiao contemplated, he considered that Bing-Er now possessed the mindset of a twelve-year-old girl. Indeed, she had become quite sensible in her behavior.

It had taken him just a few days to achieve this transformation. This implied that Bing-Er must have possessed substantial knowledge and education prior to this process. It would likely take only a few more days for her to mature to the age of eighteen.

Cha Eun Xiao felt a sense of accomplishment regarding his efforts.

At the moment, he found himself immersed in thoughts about the Yin Yang Eyes.

He activated his spiritual awareness and attempted to examine the contents within his own mind. As expected, he discovered a book suspended in the air, radiating golden glows. When he focused his attention on it, the book disintegrated into golden specks of light and vanished.

In his mind, he could see text relating to martial arts.

"Universe in the sky, Yin and Yang on the earth. Yin and Yang complement one another, giving birth to all... What is Yin Yang?... Humans who master Yin and Yang will succeed. People are often too ignorant to comprehend this. Now, there is a method concerning Yin Yang. An eye perceives fate, while the other discerns Yin and Yang. This is the Yin Yang Eyes!... Everyone possesses eyes. The left one is Yang, and the right one is Yin. They perceive the movements of the seas and lands, the sun, the moon, and the stars... They see what mortals cannot, observe what mortals are blind to... All the mysteries lie within the Yin Yang Eyes..."

"The first level is perceiving the world's secrets. The second level is discerning Yin and Yang in the world. The third level is gazing upon the sun, the moon, and the stars..."

After reading this martial arts book, Cha Eun Xiao found himself in a state of shock. He couldn't help but contemplate the East-rising Purple Qi he had been cultivating, which encompassed both Yin and Yang aspects.

Now, the Yin Yang Eyes had presented themselves as a new opportunity.

Could they be interconnected in some way?

However, this was not the immediate question he should be pondering. His East-rising Purple Qi was still in its infancy, and he had yet to initiate the Yin Yang Eyes. Even if there was a connection, it wouldn't become evident now.

As the Yin Yang Eyes book indicated, this martial art was truly extraordinary. Given the opportunity, Cha Eun Xiao was determined to embrace it.

He calmed his mind and followed the instructions from the Yin Yang Eyes, cultivating diligently. After completing ninety-nine cycles of spiritual qi, he felt that he had grasped the method. Filled with excitement, he decided to put it into practice. He concentrated on his right eye, observing intently.

At first, he experienced discomfort in his right eye, as though tears were welling up. He was alarmed, fearing that he might start weeping uncontrollably.

Fortunately, this sensation was brief. What he saw through his right eye left him utterly astonished.

Cha Eun Xiao's vision unveiled a different world before him, shrouded in mystery.

Although his room remained unchanged, an oppressive shroud of dense fog now enveloped everything. This fog was chilling and bore a heavy sorrow, resembling a subterranean realm or a place akin to hell. His room, in this altered state, took on a nightmarish quality.

Cha Eun Xiao's shock was palpable. With haste, he deactivated the Yin Yang Eyes. When he looked around once more, the cold and mournful atmosphere had dissipated entirely.

Incredulous, he couldn't resist the temptation to activate the Yin Yang Eyes once more. Yet, to his astonishment, the scene that greeted him was identical to what he had seen before. Dim, amorphous shadows wandered aimlessly. These entities seemed ethereal, their forms shifting from tall to short, from plump to slender.

Unaware of Cha Eun Xiao's presence, they continued their ceaseless wandering, engrossed in some unknown tasks.

Suddenly, an icy gust swept through the space, causing the shadows to vanish as though they had never existed.

Cha Eun Xiao was gripped by fear and confusion. He hastily deactivated the martial art again.

"What purpose does this Yin Yang Eyes serve?" Cha Eun Xiao muttered, his unease apparent. "Is it meant to reveal ghosts? Am I merely deceiving myself? Why have I come into possession of such an enigmatic martial art?"

As he rubbed the gooseflesh that had appeared on his skin, frustration welled up within him.

[Does Yin Yang Eyes truly operate on the principles of Yin and Yang like this?...

Is it genuine?

It seems entirely distinct from the Yin and Yang attributes of my East-rising Purple Qi. They are entirely unrelated!]

Shaken by his discoveries, Cha Eun Xiao resolved not to employ the Yin Eye of Yin Yang Eyes any further.

However, his curiosity remained insatiable, driving him to activate the martial art once more, this time focusing on his left eye, albeit with a sense of trepidation. At the outset, the sensations mirrored those he had experienced with his right eye. It became evident that every time he engaged the Yin Yang Eyes, discomfort and the urge to weep gripped his eyes.

Cha Eun Xiao managed to suppress the urge to shed tears, determined not to let them flow.

His current state of astonishment left him with no desire to succumb to weeping. Instead, what lay before him captivated his attention—a stunning woman gracefully exited her room, her naked form on full display. Each step she took sent a mesmerizing ripple through her chest, an image that was both shocking and utterly surprising, stirring his very soul.

Cha Eun Xiao found himself at a loss for words as he tried to describe the scene unfolding before his eyes. His thoughts were in disarray, and he couldn't discern the nature of his own contemplations.

The enchanting young woman gazed at him with an innocence that was mirrored in her curious eyes. Within the depths of her gaze, a profound sense of affection shone through.

Cha Eun Xiao was overwhelmed by this sight, his gaze locked onto the captivating figure before him. He was powerless to prevent the surge of heat that coursed through his veins, causing his blood to boil and rush to his head.

His nose tingled with a peculiar sensation, threatening to unleash a torrent of blood akin to a spring in full spate.

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