The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 343: Undercurrent; Map!

Chapter 343: Undercurrent; Map!

Undercurrent; Map! . . . .

"Elder, what is our course of action now? Shall we endure this affront?" The members of the Sunlight Sect were ablaze with fury, their breaths heavy and laden with indignation. Their recent insult had struck at the core of their pride and self-respect.

[This is utterly suffocating!

The humiliation is unbearable.]

In this moment, their emotions raged, surging within them, eager to find an outlet. As they beheld their comrade lying in miserable agony on the ground, their collective heartstrings tugged with empathy, knowing full well the extent of his injuries.

[And yet she labeled it as... an act of mercy?

Simply because she happened to be in a good mood today?

What if she wasn't? What would her actions have entailed?

This was a form of cruelty beyond comprehension, an outrage of the highest order!]

With a fiery glint in his eyes, the elderly Ji Chengfeng declared, "You inquire as to our next step? We shall execute what we have planned from the outset!"

His voice resonated with unbridled anger. His temples throbbed, the visible manifestation of his near-crazed rage.

Each member of the sect seethed with fury, teetering on the precipice of a berserker-like fury. Wan of the Clouds had undeniably thrust them into the churning maelstrom of their emotions, on the brink of detonation.

Such intense emotions, once harnessed, would drive their actions on future missions, no longer burdened by any sense of mercy. Regardless of the identity of their targets, they would unleash unrelenting violence without a second thought.


Having subjected the Sunlight Sect to humiliation, Wan-Er proceeded to the Starlight Sect, repeating her performance. She taunted and struck them, scolding and issuing stern warnings, fanning the flames of their rage.

The people of the Starlight Sect found themselves transformed into living volcanoes, their anger simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to erupt at any moment.

Wan-Er, having left them, had vanished completely from their presence.


Both great sects seethed with resentment and frustration. The House of the Chaotic Storms didn't desire to further suppress them physically, as that might lead to an undesirable outcome. It would be counterproductive if the two sects became too terrified to take any action.

Wan-Er proceeded to a new destination, a concealed and confidential location, which was not a House of the Chaotic Storms' secret base. Instead, it belonged to the Kingdom of Lanfeng. At first glance, it appeared to be a granary owned by the Kingdom of Chen. However, in reality, the personnel working there were loyal to the Kingdom of Lanfeng, even though they received their wages from the Kingdom of Chen.

With a wave of her hand, Wan-Er vanished into the dark night.

A whistling arrow pierced the air and landed within the granary. It was retrieved by someone who discovered a map on the arrow's shaft. The map contained an abundance of information, such as the royal house's guards, shift schedules, positions, and the names of their leaders. It also detailed the city's defense strategy, pinpointing the locations of military forces, as well as the positions, numbers, and cultivation levels of the guards at granaries and warehouses.

"Whoever crafted this map is nothing short of brilliant; they must be a genius!" remarked a bearded official inside the granary. "I've never seen a map so rich in detail. It's a testament to the future of Chen-Xing City. It should never exist! It can't be real!"

"The kingdom's protector couldn't have created such a map, even if they tried," he added, gazing at the map in profound admiration.

"Captain, could this be a trap that the Kingdom of Chen has set for us? Are they trying to lure us in?" inquired a cautious man beside him.

"A trap? You imbecile! Can't you use your brain?" the bearded captain retorted. "If the people of the Kingdom of Chen knew our identity, would they need to set a trap like this? They could simply send an army to exterminate us. That would be much more efficient. You moron! I'll tell you this: even if all the information on this map is fabricated, the craftsmanship involved in creating it is more valuable than our lives. This is a masterpiece!"

Many others in the room, after hearing the captain's words, nodded in agreement, as if they had suddenly gained enlightenment.

The consensus among those gathered in the granary was that the map had to be genuine. After all, if their identity had already been exposed, there would be no need for such an elaborate ruse. Whoever had sent the secret arrow was undoubtedly highly skilled, capable not only of crafting such a detailed map but also of potentially eliminating them with ease.

"Then this map is real... Does this mean that we now have the power to do as we please in the capital of the Kingdom of Chen?" remarked another man, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"That seems to be the case," mused the big-bearded captain as he stroked his chin. "However, having the means to carry out a plan is just as important. We are isolated in this location, which limits our capabilities. Nevertheless, we can leverage external forces. In Chen-Xing City, more than half the population harbors resentment towards the Kingdom of Chen. We should harness their power..."

He contemplated for a moment before continuing, "This time, we'll only provide information and avoid direct involvement in the actions. Someone else will naturally execute the plan. We must remain concealed in the shadows."

"Go and contact our operatives embedded within those factions. Provide them with the information from this map. Hurry," he instructed.

A gleam of satisfaction flickered in the big-bearded captain's eyes as he added, "What a brilliant scheme. The Kingdom of Chen is about to plunge into a severe crisis..."

However, a frown marred his expression the next moment. "But who on earth is the individual who supplied us with this map? How did they come to know our true identities?"

Indeed, it was clear that the map's provider possessed knowledge of their true identities, as they would never have entrusted them with such valuable information otherwise..

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