The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 368: Until Death!

Chapter 368: Until Death!

Until Death! . . .

Throughout an entire night, Cha Eun Xiao and Cha Nantian's efforts had borne fruit in the form of escalating discord between two formidable powers, the Sunlight Sect and the Boundless Lake, the foremost martial sect and the most influential assassination guild in the Land of Han-Yang, respectively. Their actions had ignited a historical feud that engulfed nearly half of the capital in violent clashes.

What had begun as a matter of factional rivalry had spiraled into a chaotic bloodbath. The conflict was no longer about grievances or misunderstandings; it had simply devolved into a frenzy of death and destruction.

The rising body count was an undeniable testament to the ferocity of the confrontation. When four members of the Sunlight Sect met their demise at the hands of assassins, the situation took a disastrous turn. Two of the most accomplished assassins from the Boundless Lake had dispatched two senior cultivators from the Sunlight Sect, paying for their success with their own lives.

Among these assassins, one held the distinguished title of a vice master saint, a position that typically came with considerable strength and longevity. However, he met an untimely end while on a mission to procure Maiden Red, a potent alcoholic beverage he held a deep affection for. It was a rare opportunity to indulge in his favorite pastime, and he seized it with utmost enthusiasm. By the time the drinking bout was over, he had consumed an astonishing quantity of over a dozen jars of Maiden Red, an extravagance that could have been fatal even to someone as mighty as he was.

Inebriated and unable to fully harness his martial prowess, the vice master saint's vulnerability had been exposed. His reckless state made him a prime target amidst the ongoing turmoil. He found himself caught in a life-and-death scenario, akin to a drunken cat unwittingly stumbling into a fierce brawl among dogs.

His words, spoken in jest during the drinking session, bore an eerie truth: "Who knows? Maybe I won't have any chance to drink anymore." Unbeknownst to him, this grim prophecy was about to become a tragic reality.

Intoxicated and bereft of fear, the vice master saint had descended into a state of inebriated recklessness. He had reached a point where he dared not even face the prospect of death. Consequently, he became the first fatality on the Boundless Lake's side, and the Maiden Red he had so eagerly procured ended up being his final libation.

That bottle of Maiden Red, once a beloved indulgence, had unwittingly become a toast to the realm of the departed, transitioning from an elixir of life to a beverage of farewell.

The tragic losses of two esteemed members sent shockwaves through the remaining assassins of the Boundless Lake. These were not ordinary individuals but top-tier assassins who had forged an unbreakable fraternal bond over many decades. The sudden absence of two of their own cut deep into their hearts, leaving them with bloodshot eyes and a profound sense of grief.

Boundless Saint, a veteran among them and renowned for his skill with needles, wailed in agony as if his cries could resuscitate the fallen. Regret gnawed at him, and he directed harsh condemnation toward himself. In his self-reproach, he questioned the wisdom of indulging in alcohol during such perilous times. His own folly had led to the demise of two of his oldest companions, a burden he would carry forever.

The vice master saint had been a man of considerable power, having reached the eighth level of the Sky Origin Stage. He was typically a composed and prudent individual, but alcohol had altered his temperament, rendering him audacious and impulsive. This change of character had led to his untimely death. In the realm of confrontation involving multiple adversaries, cautious restraint was the path to survival, not aggressive assault.

Boundless Saint, gripped by grief, vented his turbulent emotions by engaging in a frenzied onslaught. He wielded a sword, a departure from his usual reliance on needles. This sword was an enigmatic weapon, at times visible and at times concealed, radiating an aura that foretold impending bloodshed. The needles he unleashed were swift and deadly, a cacophony of screams accompanying their flight.

The battle raged on with dozens of superior cultivators locked in intense combat. Their passage left a trail of chaos and destruction in its wake. The Heaven Worship Square, just before the royal house, became a shattered battleground, while the Crown Prince's Palace bore the brunt of the conflict, with half of its structures reduced to ruins. Fortunately, the duration of their conflict within the palace was brief.

Yet, the most substantial victim of this strife was the House of Zuo, the former residence of the Boundless Lake. It endured devastation that exceeded fifty percent, its splendor now marred by the unrelenting chaos.

Zuo Wuji, green-faced and seething with anger, peered up at the tumultuous skirmish in the skies above.

"These wretched individuals! Why must they choose my rooftop for their impromptu battleground?" His muttered curse spoke to his frustration as the chaos continued unabated.

Unbeknownst to him, Cha Eun Xiao played an indirect role in triggering the chaotic brawl that unfolded. It was an unintended achievement, one that was sure to surprise him if he were aware of the outcome. Cha Nantian had provided Cha Eun Xiao with critical information about the Boundless Lake, offering advice and devising the strategic blueprint.

As the plan was set into motion, it unfolded precisely as Cha Nantian had conceived. The collaboration was seemingly on track, but neither of them could foresee the collateral damage that would befall Cha Nantian's residence, resulting in a fate worse than anyone could have imagined. If the truth came to light, Cha Nantian would likely be overwhelmed with sickness, to the point of nausea that might prove fatal. It was clear that he would take swift action to ensure the swift reconstruction of his house.

The violent skirmish between the Boundless Lake and the Sunlight Sect eventually drew to a close, leaving both factions battered and bruised. Boundless Saint, embarrassed and defeated, led his top assassins in a hasty retreat, accompanied by a proclamation that left a haunting promise in its wake. "From this day forward, the feud between the Boundless Lake and the Sunlight Sect shall never cease, not until death claims me."

Had those words fallen from the lips of a commoner, they would have been nothing more than empty rhetoric. It was already a remarkable feat to survive a confrontation with the most formidable sect in the Land of Han-Yang. Vowing revenge until death might be perceived as nothing more than a pleasant delusion. However, when Boundless Saint, a formidable presence, uttered those words, they carried a grave significance. It was a declaration that portended a future drenched in blood, a vengeance that Sunlight Sect would come to rue.

In truth, even if Boundless Lake chose to forgo their revenge, Sunlight Sect had already suffered immeasurable losses. Boundless Lake had sustained the loss of two top assassins and a vice master saint, with five others injured but escaping. In contrast, Sunlight Sect's losses were staggering. Twenty-four of their cultivators had engaged in the battle: sixteen initially and eight more later. Yet, when the dust had settled, only eleven remained standing, and the fate of the fallen was more gruesome than words could describe. The sect had paid a harrowing price.

Ji Chengfeng, the highest-ranking figure within Sunlight Sect, observed the grisly aftermath. His face darkened, and he clenched his teeth as he contemplated the senseless carnage that had unfolded. With unwavering resolve, he issued a chilling declaration, one that left no room for negotiation.

"Boundless Lake, whether this feud was born of a mistake or not is irrelevant. From this day forth, we are sworn enemies until the very end. This conflict shall not cease until the Boundless Lake is utterly eradicated.".

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