The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 405: God Slayer Team!

Chapter 405: God Slayer Team!

God Slayer Team! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao had a striking revelation. He couldn't help but let his mind dwell on the staggering reward awaiting the person who would seize his head. The prospect of acquiring a fortune beyond imagination - six billion in riches - tantalized him beyond measure. The notion of such wealth left him both awe-stricken and incredulous.

"My children and the children of my children can just lie there all their lives and eat till the end of the world..." Cha Eun Xiao mused. The possibilities that could stem from this immense wealth seemed boundless.

And then, the truth dawned upon him. They had indeed captured him. He felt like a commodity, an object to be sold. The prospects of wealth were being used to purchase his life. He couldn't deny that he was "sold."

While Cha Eun Xiao couldn't identify the person who had brought these men to him, he had no doubt they were affiliated with Master Bai.

"Cunning, shameless old bastard!" Cha Eun Xiao cursed. "I merely gave you a taste of your own medicine with a little beating. Was it really necessary to go to such lengths?"

With an air of nonchalance, he emerged from his hiding place and casually descended into the encirclement. He glanced at the slim middle-aged man who stood at the forefront of the group. Inquiring with feigned innocence, he asked, "And who might you be? I don't recall ever meeting you before. As far as I can recollect, you don't appear to hail from the Kingdom of Chen, is that correct?"

The middle-aged man stood an imposing head taller than Cha Eun Xiao, with striking blue-glowing pupils that betrayed his status as a Sky Origin Stage cultivator.

Ye Xiao, however, had never encountered this individual. Ji Mengzhan, as he introduced himself, hailed from the Kingdom of Tianyu and was confident that his name should ring a bell.

Cha Eun Xiao's response was dismissive. "Ji Mengzhan? Never heard of you. Where do you come from, exactly? Your name doesn't resonate with me. Names like yours are as forgettable as dust."

Ji Mengzhan, incensed by this reaction, fumed. "You may not know me now, but you will come to know me well. When I'm holding your severed head, you'll remember my name for all eternity."

With a nonchalant smile, Cha Eun Xiao brushed off this threat. "Kill me? You believe a 'garbage' like me can be so easily dispatched?"

Unbridled anger overtook Ji Mengzhan, and he thundered, "Kill him! Bring down this 'mountain of gold' upon us!"

In Cha Eun Xiao's mind, his head had become nothing less than a literal mountain of gold, tantalizingly close yet perilously vulnerable.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't feign ignorance when it came to Ji Mengzhan. This was no insignificant character. However, Cha Eun Xiao's decision to publicly belittle Ji Mengzhan had its own rationale, a rationale rooted in the fact that Ji Mengzhan was, by all accounts, utterly unhinged.

The origins of Ji Mengzhan's descent into madness were found within his family. He was the sole heir of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tianyu, and from the early days, it was clear that he harbored a vehement disdain for the world of politics and literature. Instead, he embarked on a path that grew ever darker with time.

As Ji Mengzhan matured, he became an embodiment of brutality, exuding an alarming aura of cruelty. His penchant for bloodshed was undeniable. He took pleasure in the art of torment, prolonging the suffering of his victims rather than dispatching them swiftly. Given the opportunity to slay an opponent with a single blow, he would instead subject them to a protracted agony.

Becoming Ji Mengzhan's adversary was a dire fate. His method was simple but excruciating: he would capture, mutilate, ensure the victim remained painfully conscious, and subsequently kill their family members, ravage their women, and ultimately deliver a death blow.

Such a slow and agonizing descent into darkness was the trademark of Ji Mengzhan, a man marked by intense cruelty.

Despite his unhinged tendencies, Ji Mengzhan enjoyed a rather unusual stroke of favor. The King of the Kingdom of Tianyu took a liking to him and entrusted him with a significant responsibility—the leadership of the Tianyu God Slayer Team. This team was the official assassination group, reporting directly to the King and the King alone.

The power wielded by this group was immense, and its purview was broad and deep.

What set Ji Mengzhan apart was his investigation of his own father, the Prime Minister. He had manipulated evidence, ensuring that his father would be incarcerated. The act of a son concocting a false case against his own father was nothing short of unbelievable. Cha Eun Xiao was acutely aware that such an individual, unhinged and ruthless, was now standing before him.

The fabricated evidence Ji Mengzhan concocted was nothing short of convincing. Each detail meticulously fabricated, it mirrored reality with unnerving precision. This wasn't surprising, for he was intimately acquainted with his own father's secrets. Any evidence he manufactured would bear the stamp of authenticity.

A son standing in opposition to his father was a sad and, unfortunately, not an uncommon tale. However, the extraordinary aspect of Ji Mengzhan's tale lay in the gruesome extent to which he tortured his own flesh and blood. He subjected his father to relentless torment until death intervened, his hands the instrument of his father's suffering. The agony endured for a full seven days before life finally relinquished its grip on his father.

This appalling truth was enough to send shockwaves throughout the world, etching Ji Mengzhan's name indelibly in the annals of history. It was an act that reverberated across the globe and left all who heard it dumbfounded.

Ji Mengzhan had indeed astounded the world, but in Cha Eun Xiao's eyes, he was nothing more than detestable refuse. To Cha Eun Xiao, anyone capable of incarcerating their own father, then subjecting him to unrelenting torment that culminated in death, was the epitome of deranged inhumanity.

In the simplest terms, Ji Mengzhan was nothing but a scumbag of the highest order, devoid of the most basic human compassion.

As Ji Mengzhan's voice reverberated, five individuals, their countenances icy and devoid of emotion, leaped toward Cha Eun Xiao. Their attire was uniform—resplendent in shades of yellow—and their faces bore no expression. Earth Origin Stage cultivators all, they were distinguished by their unwavering composure. Whether facing the mightiest foes or teetering on the brink of death, their stoic countenance remained unchanged. This was the trademark of the God Slayer Team—a team that evoked fear and trepidation across the Kingdoms of Lanfeng and Chen. Every member of this team displayed ruthless determination and fought with an unmatched intensity.

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