The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 426: Harder Than Touching the Sky!

Chapter 426: Harder Than Touching the Sky!

Harder Than Touching the Sky! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao, upon understanding Zhao Pingtian's limited knowledge of higher-stage cultivators, felt the need to provide a comprehensive explanation. He knew that the world of cultivation was a complex hierarchy of stages, and Zhao Pingtian's familiarity had been limited to the Sky Origin Stage.

With a calm demeanor, Cha Eun Xiao posed a question, "You are currently at the master levels of the Sky Origin Stage, correct? At the pinnacle of the Sky Origin Stage?"

Zhao Pingtian confirmed this with a nod, and Cha Eun Xiao proceeded to illuminate the path beyond the Sky Origin Stage, revealing the structure of higher realms. He said, "Beyond the Sky Origin Stage, lies the Spirit Origin Stage, which consists of nine levels. Even further above that is the Dream Origin Stage, with another nine levels. However, Dao Origin Stage is the realm beyond the Dream Origin Stage, and it also consists of nine levels. Each level within the Dao Origin Stage is referred to as a heaven, signifying its remarkable elevation."

In a matter-of-fact tone, Cha Eun Xiao described the gods worshiped by the people of their world, "The deities revered in this realm are typically Spirit Origin Stage cultivators, and some foreign Dream Origin Stage cultivators have occasionally made appearances in the Land of Han-Yang. However, these higher-stage cultivators are not indigenous to this world. They arrived here unintentionally, and their abilities already transcended the limitations of this realm, which is why a Sky Origin Stage cultivator, upon achieving a breakthrough, can access the upper realms."

Zhao Pingtian's countenance underwent a significant change. A wave of pallor swept over his features as the weight of despair bore down upon him. The realization that he had only scratched the surface of the vast realm of cultivation was disheartening.

He had dedicated himself to reaching the ninth level of the Sky Origin Stage, a feat that had required immense effort and determination. However, it had never occurred to him that even greater challenges and higher stages lay beyond. The thought of progressing through the Spirit Origin Stage and the formidable Dream Origin Stage was daunting. But the ultimate revelation of the Dao Origin Stage left him aghast.

He dared not even contemplate what it would take to ascend to that stage, as he understood that Dao Origin Stage cultivators had likely spent millennia honing their skills and enduring untold hardships. The quest for assistance from a Dao Origin Stage cultivator, especially one at or beyond the fifth level, felt like an insurmountable task. Such individuals were rare and possessed tremendous cultivation experience, making them invaluable.

Zhao Pingtian's heart was heavy with despair as he pondered the apparent impossibility of their first plan.

Despondent, he lowered his head and fell into silence. After a moment of contemplation, he uttered a low question, "What is the second plan, then?"

Cha Eun Xiao introduced the second plan with hope in his eyes. He explained, "The second plan involves creating a Yin Dan. With the Yin Dan, we can give Rou-Er a physical form, transforming her from a ghostly presence into a tangible existence. While she won't possess a fully human body, you will be able to see her, interact with her to some extent, and she can begin to cultivate her soul. If she makes significant progress in her cultivation, the two of you can share your lives together."

Zhao Pingtian's heart swelled with anticipation upon hearing this, recognizing the tremendous potential this plan held. However, he also sensed there must be significant challenges ahead.

Cha Eun Xiao continued, shedding light on the grim realities of the second plan. He said, "Creating a Yin Dan is an arduous and reviled task that no alchemist has ever willingly undertaken. The reasons for this reluctance are twofold. First, collecting the required ingredients is an exceedingly difficult and dangerous process. But the main issue lies beyond that. Any alchemist who succeeds in creating a Yin Dan is destined to incur divine wrath."

Zhao Pingtian's expression darkened as he was well-versed in the perils of divine wrath, divine hardship, and divine penalty. He understood the severity of these celestial punishments. Divine hardship was a trial faced by cultivators when nearing a breakthrough. Divine penalty was imposed for interfering with the natural order. Divine wrath, on the other hand, was the harshest punishment, reserved for those who provoked the gods and resulted in dire consequences.

Recalling the fate of Master Bai, who had once been a formidable cultivator but was now a crippled existence due to divine wrath, Zhao Pingtian grew increasingly alarmed. He understood the grave nature of their predicament.

With a hint of unease, he ventured, "Cha Eun Xiao, I comprehend your alchemical prowess, but I hesitate to request your assistance with this endeavor."

Cha Eun Xiao, somewhat embarrassed by his own capabilities, addressed Zhao Pingtian's concerns. He admitted, "I have the ability to craft a Yin Dan, and I am willing to assist you. However, acquiring the nine rare and elusive ingredients is a daunting task. Among these, the Ninefold Netherworld Water, the Three Pistils of the River Yond Flower, the Nine Gloomy Grass from the Nine Gloomy Gates, and the Abyss Jade from the Abyss Bridge in hell are the most challenging to obtain."

The mere mention of these materials made Zhao Pingtian feel overwhelmed. His face lost its color as he battled the vertigo that threatened to overtake him. Still, he remained resolute, standing tall and clenching his teeth.

"Please," he urged, "continue. What are the remaining four ingredients?"

"The remaining four materials," Cha Eun Xiao explained, "are no longer associated with the netherworld. They consist of the Nine Cloud Jade Ganoderma, Green Heaven's Grass, Death Bacteria Ginseng, and the inner core of a spiritual beast at the ninth level. Importantly, the inner core must be over a thousand years old."

He sighed, his expression troubled. "The first five materials can be found in the netherworld, while the Nine Cloud Jade Ganoderma and Green Heaven's Grass hail from the Heaven's Realm. The Death Bacteria Ginseng is relatively easier to obtain and is typically found in places with numerous deceased individuals and an abundance of cold qi. As for the inner core of a beast, it resides in the Qing-Yun Realm. However, capturing a beast with a thousand-year-old inner core is no small feat. Even the most capable individuals below the Dao Origin Stage would struggle to accomplish this."

Upon hearing the detailed requirements for the materials, both Rou-Er, who was concealed in the grey fog, and Zhao Pingtian appeared crestfallen. Their faces had lost their vitality, and the daunting nature of the two plans weighed heavily on their shoulders.

Both plans seemed utterly unattainable, like reaching for the unreachable stars.

With a faint glimmer of hope, Cha Eun Xiao proceeded, "For the first plan, crafting the Soul Protection Dan is within my capabilities. Acquiring the materials for the plan may be challenging, but with patience and dedication, we can gradually gather them. The most arduous part is finding a Dao Origin Stage cultivator willing to assist us. Although the prospect of locating one is daunting, if we prepare to offer a significant price and perhaps stumble upon a stroke of fortune, it may become a possibility."

As he spoke, he offered a heartfelt suggestion to Zhao Pingtian, "With dedicated effort, you may advance to the fifth level of the Dao Origin Stage in the future. At that point, you could potentially help Rou-Er undergo rebirth yourself. It is a noble aspiration, and through diligence and a touch of serendipity, the first plan may one day become a reality."

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