Chapter 441: King

King . . .

Figures shrouded in black emerged from every corner, exuding an air of bloodlust. They converged upon Ling-Bao Hall with the intent to slay!

Their faces were concealed, leaving only their eyes visible, and their gleaming swords.

Once inside Ling-Bao Hall, they did not utter a word. Their sole purpose was to kill, and they surged forth with ruthless determination.

In no time, Ling-Bao Hall was overrun by these shadowy assailants. More black-clad figures continued to pour in and out of the premises. In the distance, countless men in black drew nearer like an unstoppable tide.

The pervasive aura of death and violence radiated throughout the city from Ling-Bao Hall.

Initially, it was the palaces of the three princes that were set ablaze, immediately following the chaos at Ling-Bao Hall. Shouts and the sounds of violence reverberated. Next in line was the Royal House.

The black-clad intruders inundated the Royal House like an inexorable deluge.

Subsequently, chaos consumed the entire city, with smoke rising from various quarters.

The capital of the Kingdom of Chen was abruptly thrown into turmoil!


The Royal House's defense forces had been prepared to repel any assaults. They remained composed and dutifully followed orders, engaging in combat.

Horns and drums echoed throughout, and the clattering of iron horseshoes reverberated like thunder from all directions...

The cacophony of battle and death resounded throughout the city, turning it into a chaotic battleground.


Within Ling-Bao Hall.

As the men in black stormed the premises, a cold voice issued a chilling command: "Kill them all!"

It appeared to be one of the black-clad intruders who had given the order.

After all, every head within Ling-Bao Hall came with a hefty price on it.

However, to everyone's astonishment, the command had not originated from one of the men in black, but from a member of Ling-Bao Hall itself!

The one who uttered these words was Boss Wan, a man whose corpulence was so extreme that not even divine weapons could cleave through his ample frame.

In ordinary circumstances, he was consumed by an overwhelming fear of death, but in this moment, he displayed a surprising degree of dignity.

"Very well! I shall stake my life on this!" Boss Wan bellowed, his stout figure charging forward with a fierce countenance. It was an unmistakable declaration: 'Killing one of you is satisfactory, but two would be even better.'

Fully cognizant of the situation, he understood that the chaos was directed at Ling-Bao Hall and that it had already begun. Positioned in close proximity to Feng Zhiling, it was nigh impossible for him to survive...

Liu Changjun materialized like a tempest, positioning himself in front of Wan Zhenghao, and admonished, "You corpulent fool, retreat into the room! It is not your place to shout yet!"

Wan Zhenghao wore an expression of great despondency. "Retreat? But to where? Brother STD, calm down. I have lived for thousands of years. I may not best them in combat, but I can crush them to death with my weight..."

Liu Changjun rolled his eyes and kicked Wan Zhenghao in the belly, causing the rotund man to cry out and tumble back into the room.

Utilizing the recoil from the impact on Wan Zhenghao's belly, Liu Changjun leaped skyward. His longsword unleashed a barrage of star-like streaks plummeting toward the mob.

Through gritted teeth, he muttered, "I detest it when people call me Brother STD... I don't have any sexually transmitted diseases at all... You wretched pig, Wan Zhenghao!"

From inside the room, Wan Zhenghao's pained wail echoed, "I loathe it when people call me a wretched pig. Haven't you always called me that..."

Liu Changjun rolled his eyes once more and thrust himself into the ranks of the assassins. His longsword danced like a torrential rain, swift and incisive. He no longer paid any heed to the hefty man!

The force of his kick against Wan Zhenghao had not only propelled him skyward but had also left his leg slightly numb. [Curses, that guy's gut is even harder than a wall!]

Following Liu Changjun's lead, seven hundred assassins materialized from the shadows and confronted the black-clad assailants, plunging headlong into combat.

In the heavens above, a streak of azure light burst forth, illuminating the sky like a cascade of lightning. A slender figure materialized on the rooftop, exuding an air of icy determination. His voice cut through the tumult, cold and relentless, "Ning Biluo has arrived. Who among you wishes to take my life?"

A collective shock rippled through the assembled throng of men.

To them, Ning Biluo was nothing short of a monarch, reigning supreme in the world of assassins, a living legend. And now, this legendary figure had materialized among their foes, a manifestation of their direst adversary.

This meant that they were pitted against the foremost legend in their realm, fighting a battle against the very harbinger of death itself.

The black-clad men were rattled, and some even ceased their combat in their disorientation.

Their confusion was palpable.

Deep down, they harbored no desire to wage war against the King of Assassins.

In the next heartbeat, another resonant cry pierced the air, suffused with an aura of solitude and melancholy. Another shadowy figure emerged, standing back-to-back with Ning Biluo. Together, they levitated above, gazing down at their adversaries with unyielding pride.

Back to back, these two slender, impassive figures exuded an overwhelming presence of death.

"Zhao Pingtian is here. Who has the temerity to face me?!"

Both of their voices reverberated like thunderclaps.

The King of Assassins and the Killer King!

The two monarchs of the assassin's realm had descended upon the scene.

Both stood resolute in support of Ling-Bao Hall!

"Two of the most formidable assassins serving as their protectors? How opulent Ling-Bao Hall must be?!"

In an instant, they found themselves in a surreal dreamlike state, reeling from shock and astonishment.

In the distance, numerous assassins were advancing. Upon sighting these two legendary figures, they were struck dumb with awe, halting in their tracks.

"By the heavens! The two kings stand before us. We're surely destined to meet our end here!"

Certainly, some possessed the sagacity to grasp that although the two kings were aligned with Ling-Bao Hall, they could not alter the course of events. Ling-Bao Hall remained the adversary of the entire world, and even the combined might of Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian could not single-handedly shift the balance.

However, what troubled them was that the arrival of Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian would herald an initial bloodbath. While it was improbable that they could slay every adversary, they would most certainly claim a substantial number. These black-clad men had assembled for the bounty, not to meet their end at the hands of two assassins of such repute.

Whether astute or misguided, they remained rooted in place, unsure of their next course of action.

The entrance of these two exceptionally potent assassins had irrevocably altered the dynamics of the confrontation.

The King of Assassins and the Killer King!

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