The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 459: Chaos from a Tap of a Finger

Chapter 459: Chaos from a Tap of a Finger

Chaos from a Tap of a Finger . . .

Ling Wuxie's admiration for Cha Eun Xiao was evident, and the fact that a figure of his stature found favor in him was undoubtedly heartening to Cha Eun Xiao.

"That is a real chaotic storm. Impressive!" Wan of Clouds couldn't help but nod in appreciation. Their eyes, full of admiration, reflected the profound impact Cha Eun Xiao's strategy had had.

This trio had rushed to the scene with the intention of ensuring Feng Zhiling's survival, prepared for the worst-case scenario. Their primary objective was to secure Feng Zhiling's life, and they were ready to deploy their utmost abilities to save him if the situation was dire. However, what they encountered exceeded their expectations.

Cha Eun Xiao hadn't perished; instead, he had taken control of the entire situation. He had skillfully altered the course of events in a manner that had been unimaginable to them.

Ling Wuxie, a cultivator from a higher realm, couldn't help but be astounded when he witnessed Cha Eun Xiao's manipulation of the potent poison. With wide-open eyes, he commented on the overwhelming nature of the toxin, stating, "What is that poison? How can it be so overpowering? It is even challenging for me to identify. Feng Zhiling is truly an extraordinary individual. He excels not only in crafting dan but also in concocting poisons. He must be highly skilled in poisoncraft. We needn't fret now. He is safe. Let's observe the unfolding events. I'm curious to see how this situation will develop."

Thus, they remained suspended in the sky, intently observing the situation. With Cha Eun Xiao's life potentially hanging in the balance, they stood ready to intervene immediately.

As Cha Eun Xiao battled against the crowd and unleashed another wave of poison to sway the situation in his favor, he took an unexpected turn by introducing the monetary aspect of his strategy. It was his audacious financial move that revitalized his seemingly doomed circumstances, propelling him into a significantly more favorable position.

Xiu of Heavens, however, couldn't help but express disdain, attributing Cha Eun Xiao's success solely to his wealth. Xiu of Heavens stated, "He is just rich, that is all. He has amassed considerable wealth. Look at him, acting like a nouveau riche. It's not impressive at all. Humph!"

Yet, Ling Wuxie, with his sagacity, recognized that Cha Eun Xiao's prowess extended beyond mere affluence. He saw the strategic brilliance behind Cha Eun Xiao's actions. Money was just one tool in Cha Eun Xiao's vast arsenal. What truly set him apart was his intellect and capability. The ability to seize the initiative with minimal effort, to orchestrate a perfect turn of events in the face of dire circumstances, was a testament to his exceptional acumen.

Ling Wuxie clarified, "He has spoken of money extensively, but money is merely a weapon in his arsenal. What truly makes him formidable is his wisdom and skill. He has turned a dire situation into an advantageous one with astonishing finesse. Apart from your master, I have seldom witnessed anyone with such talent. He is the second person I've seen who can achieve such a feat."

This statement startled Xiu of Heavens, who found it difficult to accept that Cha Eun Xiao could be remotely comparable to their master. However, Wan of Clouds interjected, acknowledging Cha Eun Xiao's remarkable capabilities. He asserted, "He seized the opportunity perfectly, adeptly analyzed the situation, and made a series of decisive decisions. His actions, including the most recent one, were of immense consequence. Even the slightest misstep could have resulted in failure. However, he executed his strategy flawlessly. Such competence is truly admirable."

Ling Wuxie concurred, saying, "Indeed, that's precisely what I meant."

Xiu of Heavens, though grudgingly, disagreed, asserting, "I still don't think he's all that exceptional. He entangled one kingdom in a conflict with the entire world. That was a foolish move. No amount of wisdom can justify such a decision. Even though he has managed this situation effectively, he's nothing out of the ordinary. If he were truly intelligent, he would have initiated his financial strategy much earlier. Money is undoubtedly an irresistible force in this world."

"Wrong!" Ling Wuxie and Wan of Clouds responded simultaneously, correcting the misconception.

"First, you must take into account the nature of the individuals Cha Eun Xiao is dealing with. He is currently pitted against assassins! What defines an assassin? An assassin is someone who carries out killings in exchange for money. Money is an incredibly effective tool when dealing with assassins."

"Should Cha Eun Xiao have initiated this strategy earlier than tonight, the bounties he posted would have undoubtedly ignited a war. It would have been nearly impossible for him to discern which faction posed a threat, plunging him into a precarious situation."

"What transpired tonight, however, is distinct. Cha Eun Xiao didn't appear early on. He allowed Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian to make their entrance, not to resolve the issue at hand, but to showcase the alliances he had formed. He wished to convey the message that he was no pushover."

Wan of Clouds elaborated, "It resembled more of a prelude to war that he broadcast through these two prominent assassins. He aimed to make the entire world aware that these two accomplished assassins stood on his side. This may not have had a profound impact on the sects, but it certainly sent shockwaves through the assassin community. A King of Assassins and a Killer King are more than enough to subdue every assassin worldwide!"

"So, when they made their appearance, most assassins were taken aback and grew apprehensive. They comprehended that even if they succeeded in eliminating Cha Eun Xiao, they would be pursued relentlessly by the two illustrious assassins. As an assassin, who could evade the relentless pursuit of the King of Assassins and the Killer King? In the Land of Han-Yang, no one can. Cha Eun Xiao was launching his opening salvo. While it appeared that Ling-Bao Hall was on the back foot, they were actually initiating a counteroffensive. It was a subtle signal."

"Subsequently, Cha Eun Xiao materialized. He commenced with some deceptive rhetoric, feigning vulnerability. In reality, it was yet another signal. He then deployed that potent poison to shock them, marking his third move. Afterward, he retracted the poison and began showcasing his martial prowess. Even without his dan and poison, he remains a formidable adversary... a crucial aspect of his strategy."

"If you were an assassin facing a target who excelled in martial arts, was a master of poison, and virtually impossible to eliminate, what course of action would you choose?" Wan of the Cloud posed the question.

"You would have to abandon the mission and escape to preserve your life. You cannot willingly jeopardize your life for an objective that seems nearly unattainable. Life takes precedence over money," Ling Wuxie promptly replied.

"Indeed. However, would you regret simply walking away? Would it leave you feeling disheartened?" Wan-Er inquired.

"Certainly. Such sentiments are intrinsic to human nature."

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