The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 466: How Dare You!

Chapter 466: How Dare You!

How Dare You! . . .

Bu Jingtian's countenance paled in disbelief. It was a rare sight, for those who knew him were aware that this heralded a dangerous and bloodthirsty intent building within him. Yet, Cha Eun Xiao's contemptuous response appeared to have rattled the foundations of Bu Jingtian's self-assured demeanor.

"Could it be that you genuinely remain oblivious to my renown in the martial world?" Bu Jingtian inquired, a hint of frustration evident in his voice. "A figure of my stature, and you treat my name as though it were of no consequence? Have you never heard of the name Bu Jingtian?"

Cha Eun Xiao's response dripped with sarcasm. "Bu Jingtian, a renowned name? Is it a name that should command my attention? Is it worth acknowledging?"

Long Tianyun, who had been observing this exchange, felt a cold sweat trickle down his spine. He realized the perilous path Cha Eun Xiao was treading. It was as if he were playing with fire, and the consequences of his actions could be catastrophic.

"Young man, you must understand," Long Tianyun interjected hastily, speaking in a low and urgent tone, "this is Bu Jingtian, the No. 1 Cultivator in Sunlight Sect. His reputation as the world's most powerful cultivator is well-established. You must exercise caution and respect."

The realization had dawned upon Long Tianyun; this was not a foe to be trifled with.

Cha Eun Xiao, on the other hand, maintained his air of indifference, a sardonic smile gracing his lips.

"I see," he mused, his gaze locking onto Bu Jingtian. "You are indeed famous. Admirable. However, Bu Jingtian, let us dispense with pleasantries. I have stated repeatedly that I am exceedingly fatigued. It is time to forgo formalities and arrive at the crux of the matter. My patience wanes."

Cha Eun Xiao had uttered a variant of "tired" and "no time" four times in rapid succession. He observed Bu Jingtian closely, a challenge implicit in his repeated assertions.

Bu Jingtian, however, appeared undeterred. His face contorted with a strange smile, brimming with suppressed fury. In his eyes, a gleam of murderous intent flickered, his voice lowered as he leaned toward Cha Eun Xiao.

"I had believed Feng Monarch to be a heroic figure," Bu Jingtian began, his tone disdainful. "A man who could stir chaos and, with his decisive mind and shrewd actions, quell that chaos. Yet, the reality disappoints me. I am disheartened by the man before me. I perceive you as nothing more than ordinary—a man bereft of respect. Such an individual holds no value in this world, merely squandering resources. Cooperation with you seems futile. Why not permit me to send you to your final resting place today? You may find the eternal rest you seek in the embrace of death."

As Bu Jingtian's hand descended toward his sword, a palpable tension filled the air. The movement was graceful and swift, resembling the coiling of a dragon, a mesmerizing spectacle to all who beheld it.

In response, Cha Eun Xiao issued a cold and resolute laugh, firmly delivering his own verdict. "Send me to my end? With your frail, decrepit form? Do you wish your tongue to be severed by the wind?"

The stage was set for a fateful clash, where words would transform into actions, and the outcome remained uncertain.

Cha Eun Xiao met Bu Jingtian's gaze without flinching. The intensity in his eyes was unmistakable, brimming with an audacious fearlessness that left no room for apprehension. To him, it seemed as though no peril existed in Bu Jingtian's presence. Instead, his eyes held a tinge of disdain, as if the situation posed no threat whatsoever. "Your words reveal your own foolishness," he remarked with a sneer. "You've truly demonstrated your exceptional talent, for you dare to ignore the stark reality that your body is decaying, with only three months to live. In your audacity, you've dared to plot my demise. It's quite a feat."

The tension in the air was palpable as Cha Eun Xiao continued to speak. His voice carried a tone of cold authority, and his words were piercing. "Bu Jingtian, you have the audacity to challenge me."

Bu Jingtian's movements came to an abrupt halt. Their eyes locked in a piercing confrontation, but in Bu Jingtian's gaze, there was a sudden shift. The once-potent aura of impending violence gave way to a disconcerting blend of fear and reluctance.

Cha Eun Xiao, Cha Nantian's son, exuded an air of regal confidence and unwavering authority. It was the pride of a monarch, a ruler's certainty that there was but one dominant power. In this moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation.

"Do you dare to take my life?" Cha Eun Xiao's voice was cold and tranquil, the question delivered with an air of superiority, condescending from a higher plane to a lower one.

In those words, the monarch's pride was unyielding, asserting itself in its full splendor. The gaze he fixed upon Bu Jingtian was imbued with an unshakable conviction, a testament to his authority.

For Bu Jingtian, it wasn't just a question; it was a challenge, a verbal barb that cut deep.

"Why wouldn't I dare?" Bu Jingtian's immediate impulse was to throttle Feng Monarch, to erase him from existence. Yet, deep down, he lacked the audacity to carry out such a reckless act. There were lines even he wouldn't cross, and Feng Monarch was a boundary he dared not breach.

Bu Jingtian's emergence from seclusion had been shrouded in secrecy. His arrival was an enigma, a move that confounded even the most senior members of Sunlight Sect. The city's woes, while significant, did not typically warrant Bu Jingtian's personal intervention. He was a pivotal figure in Sunlight Sect, and his direct involvement was a rare occurrence.

Moreover, the underlying threat posed by the House of the Chaotic Storms and its formidable leaders, Wan and Xiu, loomed large. The risk was too great for Sunlight Sect to take lightly, a gamble they could not afford to make.

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