Chapter 488: Declined!

Declined! . . .

What Xiu-Heavens said had a ring of truth to it. If Cha Eun Xiao agreed to help, he could potentially save the world. However, refusing to assist would mean that anyone the House of the Chaotic Storm harmed in the future could indirectly blame Feng Zhiling for not intervening.

Xiu-Heavens' words sent a shiver down Ling Wuxie's spine. He realized the gravity of the situation and thought, "Oh no..."

Inwardly, he chastised the maids' approach. "I thought Bai Chen's two maids were quite intelligent. How could they make things worse? We've been observing Feng Zhiling for a long time; how could they not understand his personality? He appears tough on the outside but is compassionate within. He only responds to sincerity and cannot be coerced by power. What they said will only stoke his rebellious spirit. He's a wise man, and if we cannot eliminate him instantly, we'll have to deal with long-term revenge."

He also found it foolish that they tried to threaten Cha Eun Xiao when they were the ones in need of assistance. "Most importantly, they need his help. How could they even consider threatening a man who is both a master dan-maker and a master poison-maker? Isn't that a reckless move?"

After Xiu of the Heavens had spoken, silence descended upon the room. Cha Eun Xiao lowered his head, as if deeply contemplating the situation. The silence was so profound that even the sound of a needle falling to the floor would have been audible.

The awkward hush persisted for a significant amount of time.

Then, Cha Eun Xiao lifted his gaze and fixed his eyes on Xiu of the Heavens. He spoke with a soft yet resolute tone, "Lady Xiu-Er, you are overestimating me. Do you genuinely believe I care that much? Do you truly think I'm such a hero?"

A faint sneer played on his lips. "The entire House of the Chaotic Storms is overestimating me. I thank you for placing me on such a high pedestal. Even though I understand your intentions are not to praise me, it still feels good."

He claimed to feel good, but the sentiment was far from genuine.

Wan of the Clouds sensed that something had gone awry and attempted to interject, "In fact..."

Cha Eun Xiao, however, cut her off decisively. "You're wrong!"

He was determined not to let her continue. He stated firmly, "You are utterly mistaken!"

"I am just a shop owner! I'm an ordinary man!"

"What I genuinely care about are the people in my life—my friends, family, brothers, and loved ones. These are the individuals who matter most to me. As for this world and this country, I do have a degree of concern, but it's not as substantial as you might imagine."

"I hold no kingly responsibilities here. I have no obligations to the people of this land. If I choose to take on those responsibilities, I will do so willingly. However, if I decide against it, no one can impose them upon me."

"I have only tender feelings for this world. I will strive to protect it as long as doing so aligns with my intentions. But if those responsibilities are thrust upon me..." Cha Eun Xiao declared with pride, "I can abandon them in an instant!"

"In death, everything ceases. Life requires making choices. When I can't carry the weight of all my responsibilities, I'll choose to prioritize some. When I can't hold all the things I wish to protect, I'll let go of a few. When there's nothing left that I can forsake, I may even give up on myself. Once I'm gone, even the House of the Chaotic Storms and Master Bai, no matter how formidable, cannot threaten a deceased man."

"What you are doing now is pushing me to that precipice."

Cha Eun Xiao fixed his gaze on Xiu of the Heavens, and an unyielding smile graced his lips. "Simply go ahead and eliminate everyone. Why should I be concerned?"

"To think you can threaten me with the lives of the entire world! What a ludicrous notion!" He burst into hearty laughter. "No matter what you employ to coerce me, do you genuinely believe I'm the kind of man who yields to threats? Of course, I'm well aware that the House of the Chaotic Storms can effortlessly obliterate Ling-Bao Hall. Wan and Xiu, the two of you, could snuff out my life within seconds. You can extinguish me, obliterate everything around me, but you can never intimidate me. I am a man who refuses to be cowed by threats!"

Xiu of the Heavens wore a crestfallen expression, her words held at bay. Wan of the Clouds, initially aiming to salvage the conversation, now found herself at a loss for words.

Feng Monarch might assume a passive role in everyday life, but when it came to matters of significance, he was resolute. His words left everyone with a resounding conclusion: "This is a man who cannot be coerced! He might acquiesce to persuasion or be swayed by the prospect of gain, but forcing his hand is impossible. No matter what tactics are employed, he will not capitulate."

"Feng Monarch, what do you consider the most paramount aspect of a person's life?" Ling Wuxie interjected suddenly.

He felt compelled to contribute. Both Wan and Xiu had faltered, and if the conversation continued in its previous direction, it would lead to a dead end. Ling Wuxie, despite his apparent eccentricities, possessed a shrewd ability to tackle significant issues. This capacity was precisely why Bai Chen regarded him as a brother.

"Undoubtedly, the most critical aspect is the self," Cha Eun Xiao replied coldly. "I am that self. Only when 'I' exists do things have significance. Without 'I,' nothing in the world, nothing in the firmament holds any weight. Nothing holds meaning without 'I.'"

"In regard to 'I,' integrity is paramount—my unwavering determination!"

"Do you comprehend my words?" He rose from his seat. "I'm well aware of your formidable cultivation prowess. With a mere wave of your hand, you can upend the world. Yet, if you have no intention of killing me at present, I implore you to leave. Please depart!"

"As for the Heaven Seizing Supreme Dan, I will not furnish you with more than what I initially pledged."

His determination was resolute, leaving no room for argument.

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