The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 524: Exquisite Beauty!

Chapter 524: Exquisite Beauty!

Exquisite Beauty! . . .

The man dressed in black winced as his finger was sliced open, causing crimson beads to seep from the wound. His shock was palpable; he hadn't anticipated the need for defense. The weapon in Bing-Er's grasp was an extraordinary divine sword, and though her physical strength was limited, her weapon had shattered the man's spiritual shield effortlessly.

His wounded hand throbbed with pain, stoking his fury. "You little witch! You'll pay for this!" he snarled, his hands emitting a faint azure radiance. Clearly, he had chosen to employ his full strength, leaving nothing in reserve.

Yet as the azure glow illuminated the area, his eyes widened in amazement. Before him materialized the visage of a resplendent maiden with a figure of impeccable grace, adorned in a robe as white as the purest snow. Her cascading tresses framed her shoulders, and her countenance bore the allure of a celestial being. Currently, her delicate features were etched with dread.

Fear radiated from her, yet it only served to enhance her enchanting aura. Her purity and elegance remained undiminished, though her body quivered in trepidation. In her petite hand, she clutched a lustrous, snow-white divine sword, but the man sensed no menace from her whatsoever. She stood there with a trembling body, her lips sealed in silence.

The two men in black, captivated by her beauty, were temporarily paralyzed. In the presence of such an otherworldly woman, their malevolent intentions waned.

"Now I understand why Second Prince entertained such a foolish idea during this critical juncture," one of the men remarked. "Such a woman possesses an unparalleled beauty, virtually unmatched in the entire universe. How could he remain unmoved? How could he not desire her?"

Both men, struck by Bing-Er's ethereal beauty, pondered similar thoughts. However, in their momentary trance, Bing-Er anxiously inquired, "What have you done... What have you done to my Brother Xiao?"

When Bing-Er called out to Cha, there was no response, even though he was in close proximity. A sense of unease took hold, causing Bing-Er to fret about Cha's well-being.

"Your little brother is perfectly fine. You, on the other hand, are about to experience a remarkable transformation. Rest assured, it is an extraordinary gift," the man in black declared with a grin, his tone unusually soft. He spoke as though he held a bright future in store for the young woman.

In the presence of this stunning beauty, he, too, seemed to have been touched by an unexpected emotion.

Although Bing-Er lacked experience, she was far from na?ve. She did not place trust in his words. After brief consideration, she darted into the inner chamber where Cha was.

The two black-clad men were swift to block her path, moving with astonishing speed. Bing-Er, taken aback by their agility, realized that challenging them was futile.

In a swift mental calculation, Bing-Er reasoned that these intruders had come for her and her alone. In leaving this location, she believed that Cha would be unharmed.

With this resolve in her heart, Bing-Er made a decision.

Under the azure radiance, her countenance was strikingly beautiful, emanating an air of purity and intelligence. The black-clad men were stunned by her loveliness, leaving them momentarily rooted to the spot.

As Bing-Er moved to escape, her graceful exit was executed with such seamless fluidity and grace that the two men could only watch in admiration, momentarily caught in the allure of her presence.

In a confrontation between superior cultivators, mere seconds can determine the outcome. Had Bing-Er been on par with the two black-clad men in terms of skill, they would have met their demise dozens of times over during their momentary hesitation. Even now, armed with the Ice Soul Sword, Bing-Er possessed the potential to eliminate them if she could seize the perfect opportunity. Her inexperience, however, thwarted her attempts to do so.

"Master... Uncle Song..." Bing-Er called out in distress as she emerged from the room. Her voice brimmed with concern. "Please, come..."

No sooner had she raised her voice than the two men positioned on the roof descended, their light-hearted laughter echoing. One of them commented, "Chief and Third Brother truly miscalculated this time. Failing to capture a young girl... I wonder what they will have to say."

Simultaneously, the remaining black-clad figures emerged from their hiding spots, each of them chuckling deeply.

Beneath the night sky, as the wind rustled the departing clouds, the moon bathed the ground in its radiant glow, illuminating Bing-Er's figure. Clad in white, she possessed a face of unparalleled beauty, every facet of her form flawless. Even in her state of disarray, she remained exquisitely lovely.

Her eyes resembled intricate paintings, her beauty transcending the limitations of mere words. She was a veritable ethereal being, a singular beauty in the universe.

Under the moonlight's gaze, all eight men found themselves utterly captivated by Bing-Er's visage. In an instant, they seemed to forget the purpose of their mission.

They harbored the same thought: capturing this breathtaking young woman and delivering her to someone like Second Prince would amount to a tragic waste.

Regret stirred within them, an unfamiliar sensation in the execution of their duties. They had engaged in numerous similar missions before, but they had never experienced this level of remorse.

Yet, their responsibilities as agents of Second Prince left them no choice but to continue.

They sighed internally, bemoaning the squandering of such a unique and enchanting beauty. The brief moment of pause and regret passed, and they steeled themselves for their task.

"Stay away! I-I am quite formidable!" Bing-Er declared, her trembling sword clutched tightly in her hand, her complexion drained of color. She retreated cautiously, her determination warring with fear. Confronted by eight adversaries, each more powerful than her, it was impossible not to feel terror.

"Little lady, let's go. You won't escape us tonight, no matter what," the leader of the group said from his elevated vantage point. However, to the ears of his comrades, his tone took on a soft, gentle quality. Remarkably, all seven other men in black agreed wholeheartedly with their leader's words. They considered his approach appropriate and essential.

When conversing with a captivating maiden such as Bing-Er, softness and gentleness were the right tone, they believed.

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