The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 544: Anger of Man and Heavens!

Chapter 544: Anger of Man and Heavens!

Anger of Man and Heavens! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao decided to be direct. He suppressed his anger, or at least attempted to, and addressed Second Prince sternly.

"Let's cut the nonsense and speak plainly now," Cha Eun Xiao stated. "Tell me everything—what your subordinates have done, how many lives you've ordered them to take, the details of everything. You'll say it all, and you'll say it quickly. Remember to smile, and don't test my patience, scum. If you fail to smile or if you utter anything incorrectly or slowly, you know the consequences, don't you?"

He cracked his whip against the floor with a sharp sound—Pah!

Second Prince, terrified, responded hurriedly, "Okay... Okay, I'll tell you."

Cha Eun Xiao scowled. "You didn't smile! Why is that? Are you unsatisfied with my methods?"

He lashed out with the whip once more, causing Second Prince to scream. Second Prince quickly corrected his expression and forced a fake, insincere smile.

"My subordinates," he began, trembling.

Cha Eun Xiao turned away and ceased the whipping.

A Blood Guard, tasked with documenting Second Prince's confession, was deeply disturbed by what was transpiring before him. He had never witnessed such brutal methods of torture, especially against a royal prince.

The guard pondered Cha Eun Xiao's actions, wondering if they might coerce the prince into admitting to false accusations. He felt conflicted, torn between his loyalty and moral principles. Nevertheless, he resumed his record-keeping as quickly as possible, silently condemning the cruelty he was witnessing.

As the confession continued, the guard's discomfort grew. Eventually, he couldn't bear it any longer. He sprang from his chair, his eyes blazing with fury, and snatched up the whip. He rained down blows upon Second Prince with all his might.

Second Prince writhed in agony, his body battered and bloody. He had been transformed into a pitiful, inhuman figure. But the guard showed no signs of stopping.

Cha Eun Xiao had to intervene, realizing that the prince was on the brink of death from the merciless beating. He administered another supreme dan bead to prevent Second Prince's demise.

However, the guard's anger was unrelenting. He hurled a barrage of curses at Second Prince, labeling him with every vile name he could think of. His sanity had disintegrated in the face of the heinous confession. He had become an inhuman creature consumed by hatred.

"So many of our brothers bled and died for the nation!" he yelled, punctuating each curse with another lash. "After fighting countless battles, when they returned home to find their sisters and wives missing... Damn you! You wretched son of a b****! You're no human being!"

The guard continued his tirade, unable to contain his fury. "How many brothers perished in your kingdom's wars? You animals! So many gave their lives on the battlefield, and when they finally returned with their broken bodies, they discovered their families had vanished. You took their wives, sisters, and daughters! You're not human; you're nothing more than an animal!"

In his rage, the guard cried out, "My sister... My sister has vanished. In the prime of her life, she's gone. She's my sister!"

He recounted the painful memories with tears in his eyes. "The year I returned home, I couldn't join the battle due to my crippled leg. My sister had been missing for days, and when I arrived, my parents were in mourning. They told me that my sister had disappeared, and they hadn't seen her since she went out one day. She was gone."

He wept as he continued. "Those days were unbearable... My father and I prayed for her return, but as time passed, our hope dwindled. I had to accept that she might never come back. I imagined that perhaps she was working as a maid somewhere or had found happiness with a husband. I simply wished she was still alive."

Cha Eun Xiao sobbed, his voice choked with sorrow and rage. His tiny glimmer of hope, shared with Cha Nantian, was now shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't fathom the existence of such malevolent creatures in the world.

"Cursed be you! You wicked, immoral, damn bastards!" he cursed vehemently, his fury directed at Second Prince and his entire lineage. "To think I once swore loyalty to your father, the king! To think you are of royal blood! Curse your entire clan, you piece of garbage!"

Cha Eun Xiao sighed, his heart heavy with grief.

Second Prince, battered and broken, cowered as he desperately attempted to evade the relentless whips. His eyes avoided the gaze of everyone in the room.

"Keep recording!" Cha Eun Xiao ordered, addressing Brother Li, the scribe. "Make it crystal clear. We shall enact revenge for every word you transcribe. If we simply kill him now, it would be a shame not to let him suffer longer. I want him to endure a protracted existence, begging for death."

He emphasized the importance of meticulous documentation. "Nothing can be omitted from the record. It's not just about your sister; it pertains to all the girls in the world. Do your duty! Complete the record, and I assure you that you'll have your chance to exact your own brand of torment on him!"

Cha Eun Xiao's voice carried the weight of his commitment to justice.

"Thank you, my lord, for your sense of justice!" Li knelt before Cha Eun Xiao and performed a kowtow. "Please promise me, my lord, let me stand by your side when you exact vengeance on these wretches!"

"I'll avenge my sister with my own hands, and I will personally end their lives!" Li's eyes blazed with fury.

"Very well! I promise!" Cha Eun Xiao made a solemn vow.

In other private rooms, similar scenes of torture unfolded. The assassins had transitioned into executioners, employing the cruelest and most terrifying methods they knew to torment their captives. Regardless of how barbaric or immoral the methods might be, they were repeatedly employed.

Cha Eun Xiao had spared no expense to ensure these vile individuals experienced the harshest of torture. He had provided the assassins with an ample supply of supreme dan beads to prevent any of the prisoners from succumbing to their wounds. With these dan beads, the captives would remain alive, no matter how desperately they wished for death.

The assassins, despite their own history of bloodshed, now felt like the kindest souls in the world compared to these monsters. They couldn't fathom the existence of such evil people, capable of such heinous acts.

These were sins of unparalleled depravity and cruelty, and they would be brought to justice.

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