The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 576: Medicine Delivery!

Chapter 576: Medicine Delivery!

Medicine Delivery! . . .

As Cha Eun Xiao hastened away from the scene, he couldn't help but feel the weakness in his legs. His most pressing desire was to return to Ling-Bao Hall to recover, yet the needle strike had an immediate and shocking impact on the men pursuing him.

To his surprise, they halted and began to gather around the fallen bodies...

[What on earth are they doing?]

Cha Eun Xiao didn't ponder the situation; he seized the opportunity to make his escape. He drew upon the abundant spiritual qi stored within the Boundless Space, replenishing his Jing and Mai. His spiritual power surged back at an astounding rate. During this recovery, he concealed himself in the underbrush, waiting for the men to approach quietly.

As they drew near, he unleashed another needle strike, and seven more men met their demise. His spiritual power was once again entirely drained.

Much like his previous retreat, Cha Eun Xiao casually fled the scene.

This time, however, he truly departed without reserve.

Two attacks had pushed him to his limit.

The men he left behind must have been utterly bewildered by the unexpected assaults.

Cha Eun Xiao had the sagacity to know that pushing his luck might lead to failure. Thus, he promptly headed home, leaving those men to their apprehension of imminent danger.

The many bushes that might have hidden him on the way were obliterated by the fourteen Sky Origin Stage cultivators.


Breathlessly, he sprinted back to Ling-Bao Hall, where he finally found solace.

Then, a breeze swept over him.

Unperturbed but recently emerged from a perilous encounter, Cha Eun Xiao turned to investigate the disturbance.

There stood a lady in white with a perfectly sculpted body, exquisite features, and beautiful eyes - Xiu of the Heavens, Xiu-Er.

"Oh? What happened to you?" Xiu-Er questioned, puzzled by Feng Monarch's sudden alarm. She noted that he appeared as though he had just returned from an arduous journey and, upon closer examination, detected a murderous aura that suggested recent combat.

In other words...

"Did you just engage in a battle?" Xiu-Er inquired with a furrowed brow, her eyes harboring a hint of lethal intent.

In the eyes of Xiu of the Heavens, Feng Monarch was a figure of paramount importance. She would tolerate no harm coming to him.

He was the linchpin that could determine whether her master would return to the Human Realm Upon Heavens.

Anyone who dared to threaten Feng Monarch, regardless of their identity or power, would be eliminated without mercy by Wan-Er and Xiu-Er on behalf of the House of the Chaotic Storms. The house would spare no effort in tracking down those associated with any potential troublemakers.

No possible sources of trouble would remain unaddressed.

Even a dog would not be spared. What if the dog had bitten Feng Monarch? Xiu-Er and Wan-Er would undoubtedly fret over the possibility of rabies.

Consequently, neither dogs nor chickens would be exempt from their scrutiny.

Cha Eun Xiao nonchalantly replied, "It's nothing, really. I encountered some foolish bandits, and I dispatched them. Nothing of consequence."

Xiu-Er, however, saw through his explanation with her keen perception. She huffed and declared, "Feng Monarch, we share the same path now. If you ever find yourself in danger or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. No matter who the threat is, how powerful they may be, or what they possess, if they pose a danger to you, we will eliminate them all. Rest assured, we will obliterate them without leaving any future problems! I trust you understand that I would rather face trouble myself than see it befall you."

The fierce words spoken by this beautiful young woman left Cha Eun Xiao feeling somewhat bemused.

The final declaration, "I trust you understand that I would rather face trouble myself than see it befall you," added a tinge of enigmatic charm to the conversation, one that Cha Eun Xiao found amusing. He sensed an undertone of secrecy but chose not to explore it further.

After all, he maintained his own pride.

Cha Eun Xiao recognized that if he were to divulge the details of his recent encounter with those men, he could easily resolve the situation. He could live the most relaxed and carefree life in this world with Lady Xiu-Er's assistance.

However, he harbored no intention of sharing this information with her. Absolutely not.

"I will handle my own affairs. I don't require assistance from others," he asserted.

He held another, more personal motive. If Xiu-Er dispatched his adversaries, he would miss out on the opportunity to hone his skills and elevate his cultivation level. Today's life-and-death confrontation had propelled him directly from the fifth to the sixth level of the Sky Origin Stage.

To Cha Eun Xiao, the challenge of life and death was a priceless opportunity.

He silently vowed, "You won't ruin it."

With a disarming smile, he told Xiu-Er, "Rest assured, Lady Xiu-Er. If I encounter any challenges beyond my capabilities, I will not hesitate to turn to you for assistance."

However, Xiu-Er couldn't help but feel a touch of irritation. She had extended her help in the most humble manner, yet Cha Eun Xiao seemed to dismiss it.

"Why must you wait until you 'can't solve' a problem to 'turn it over to me'?" she thought to herself. "What is he talking about? That's so...ungrateful!"

In response to her burgeoning frustration, Xiu-Er tossed a space ring in Cha Eun Xiao's direction and curtly stated, "There are notes amounting to ten billion silver inside this ring. Five hundred portions of materials for the dan beads. Three thousand jade bottles. We're currently scouring the entire Land of Han-Yang for additional medicinal materials. I estimate that by the day after tomorrow, we will have acquired at least fifteen hundred portions to deliver to you."

Cha Eun Xiao was taken aback by the swiftness of her response.

Xiu-Er and her companions had departed Ling-Bao Hall earlier that same day, and it had been less than six hours since their departure. To return with such an impressive bounty in such a short span of time was a testament to their extraordinary efficiency.

"Efficiency has always been our hallmark since time immemorial," Xiu-Er proclaimed, looking towards the sky with an air of superiority. "Anything within the Land of Han-Yang that we desire, we can procure it in the shortest time, ensuring both quality and quantity."

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes sparkled with excitement as he asked, "Is that so? I know the House of the Chaotic Storms excels in combat, but are you truly adept at acquiring medicinal materials as well?"

Feng Monarch's eyes shone with a gleam of enthusiasm, much like a destitute man gazing upon a mountain of gold.

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