The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 582: Sleeping Master…

Chapter 582: Sleeping Master…

Sleeping Master . . .

"Little girl!" Cha Eun Xiao gently shook his head and smiled at Bing-Er before returning his focus to his cultivation. It had been a long and productive session that had stretched on until midnight. After finishing, he sensed a significant improvement in his strength. With a few more days of dedicated practice, he was confident he could break through to the sixth level of Sky Origin Stage.

Eun Xiao had truly immersed himself in cultivation since his rebirth. He had become even more committed than in his previous life, where he had been known as Xiao Monarch, a man utterly dedicated to his martial pursuits. This time, he used every available moment to refine his skills, not wasting a single second.

His previous life had taught him that no matter how powerful he became, there would always be higher realms and stronger adversaries to challenge. The quest for ultimate power was infinite. Beyond the Land of Han-Yang lay the Qing-Yun Realm, a vast realm with its own exceptional cultivators. Yet, even within the Qing-Yun Realm, the existence of other potential realms like the Bai-Yun Realm or Lan-Yun Realm remained unknown.

Eun Xiao couldn't help but wonder how many realms and figures existed beyond the Human Realm Upon Heavens. He contemplated the vastness of the universe and the unknown realms that might exist beyond it. In the Qing-Yun Realm, even an ordinary cultivator could easily overpower many within the Land of Han-Yang. The immense gap between realms was evident, with figures like Cha Nantian, his father, capable of subduing those in lower realms with barely any effort.

The wide-ranging differences between these upper and lower realms was a fact Eun Xiao had come to accept. He had no knowledge of what lay beyond the Human Realm Upon Heavens, but he was certain that greater challenges and formidable figures awaited there. This understanding only fueled his determination to become stronger.

Despite his apparent rapid progress, Eun Xiao knew that he was far from invincible. In the eyes of superior cultivators from the Qing-Yun Realm or even those like Gu Jinlong, his strength paled in comparison. His father, Cha Nantian, a Dream Origin Stage cultivator, could easily defeat him with minimal effort. Eun Xiao acknowledged that he was just beginning his journey in the world of martial arts, and there were countless realms to explore and adversaries to confront.

With this realization, he understood that he could never afford to stop working hard and pushing his limits. There was no room for complacency in the world of cultivation, where martial arts knowledge was endless and strength knew no bounds.

Eun Xiao turned off the lights and lay on his bed, reviewing the events of the past few days and planning for the future. Once he was confident that he had considered everything, sleep began to wash over him.

Just as he was on the brink of drifting into slumber, he heard faint footsteps drawing nearer. Bing-Er was approaching him. He kept his eyes closed, feigning deep sleep. The young girl's stealthy approach was akin to that of a thief. Eun Xiao couldn't help but find her actions endearing, and he stifled a laugh. He remained motionless, keeping his eyes closed as if in a deep slumber, curious to see what Bing-Er intended to do.

Although he tried to maintain the illusion of sleep, Eun Xiao wasn't particularly skilled at pretending. He didn't snore, but his breathing was far from steady. It was clear that a more discerning observer would easily see through his ruse.

Bing-Er continued to approach the bed, determined and seemingly cautious. She held her breath and observed Eun Xiao's face carefully. She appeared to be contemplating something, her nerves seemingly getting the best of her.

Suddenly, Bing-Er took a deep breath, an action laced with nervousness. Eun Xiao was puzzled by her actions, thinking, "What is this girl up to? What could she be planning?"

The next moment, Cha Eun Xiao sensed a subtle shift in the quilt covering him. It trembled ever so slightly, as if Bing-Er's hand quivered with indecision. He lay there, his senses heightened, watching as she seemed to grapple with a decision.

Then, Bing-Er inhaled deeply, a sign that she had mustered the courage to carry out her intended action.

In the darkness of the room, Eun Xiao felt a soft, warm, and sweet-scented presence slipping beneath the quilt. His body tensed and any lingering drowsiness vanished in an instant. He had prepared to sleep, so he hadn't activated his Yin Yang Eyes. But now, he was acutely aware of Bing-Er's unexpected intrusion.

As he took in the sensation of her smooth and soft presence, a thought crossed his mind, "Is she...naked?"

Eun Xiao finally grasped the situation. His heart raced, and he was very much awake. Bing-Er, so na?ve and innocent, didn't seem to recognize the implications of her actions. In her bashful state, she hadn't even considered the potential consequences of sneaking into Eun Xiao's quilt like a mermaid.

Stiff and tense, she nestled beside him under the quilt. Adjusting herself to find a more comfortable position, she eventually began to relax.

Bing-Er raised her head slightly, having inadvertently pushed it below the pillow in her rush to join him under the quilt. She corrected her position and, with a sigh of relief, softly patted her chest. In a low voice, she murmured, "That was scary... I nearly scared my heart out. Luckily, I didn't wake Master up."

Her face flushed like a ripened apple, her embarrassment evident. Her heart raced in her chest as she grappled with the implications of her bold move.

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