Chapter 602: Disgusting!

Disgusting! . . .

The thought of her eventual ascent to the throne as Queen upon the Crown Prince's coronation filled her with a sense of relief. The day when her title would be elevated to Queen was a day she had longed for, a day when her fate would no longer be entwined with the fortunes of the Mu Clan. Whether the Mu Clan retained its former power or dwindled into insignificance was no longer of consequence to her.

Hence, her primary objective was to maintain an amicable rapport with the Crown Prince during this interim period. Regardless of the difficulties she might encounter or the demeaning experiences she might endure, her sole objective was to ensure the Crown Prince's happiness. She was prepared to accommodate his whims and grant his desires, even if it meant subjecting herself to his degrading desires.

The Crown Prince, in the throes of fervor, was fervently asserting his masculinity upon the yielding form of the Crown Princess. Over the years, he had rarely experienced the gratification of feeling like a true man in her presence. The Crown Princess, mindful of the stakes, was diligently striving to satisfy his desires. The suppression she had once imposed upon him had now become the source of his heightened pleasure. As he watched the woman who had, at times, appeared unbearably haughty moaning beneath him, his satisfaction knew no bounds.

However, in another part of the kingdom, within the Royal House, a different scene was unfolding. The king, poring over highlighted records and scrutinizing the accounts of martial artists who had borne witness to the nocturnal proceedings, wore an expression of utter disbelief.

Although the king had a strong inclination to trust Feng Zhiling based on the words he had spoken, a note of caution prevailed. Upon his return to the Royal House, he embarked on a meticulous investigation, determined to verify the veracity of the allegations. Yet, to his astonishment, he discovered that everything Feng Zhiling had conveyed was indeed true.

The unsettling facts were laid bare for all to see. The officials who had colluded with the Crown Prince were confronted with a startling reality that exceeded even their worst nightmares. As they knelt before the king, they were at a loss, comprehending neither the gravity of the situation nor the implications of the king's inquisition.

Master Sun, his countenance etched with concern, directed his gaze toward the king, understanding the king's sentiments better than most. He, along with his fellow master advisors, had administered copious infusions of spiritual qi to stabilize the king's health. Without their interventions, the king would have perished long ago. Now, faced with these dire revelations, they feared the king's frail condition would be exacerbated further. Yet, to their astonishment, the king did not falter.

Drawing in a deep breath, his face growing increasingly somber, the king exhibited an unexpected vitality. He cast an unwavering gaze upon the prostrate officials, harboring an array of thoughts that were clamoring to be expressed. In that moment, he had much to say to them, but the words that hung in the air were laden with an unmistakable sense of disappointment.

'I have been unfailingly generous to all of you. I have consistently been proud of your unwavering loyalty.'

'For so many years, we've shared a harmonious existence,' he thought to himself, 'How could you betray me, especially after all I've done for you, placing my trust in you?'

Though the words were poised at the tip of his tongue, he refrained from uttering them. Instead, he simply motioned with a weary wave of his hand and uttered in a subdued tone, "Take them to the dungeon."

The officials, tears streaming down their faces, cried out for their monarch. Nevertheless, they were led away by the guards, their pleas falling on deaf ears.

As he surveyed the watery traces on the floor, the king maintained a contemplative silence. The damp spots were not solely the consequence of the officials' teary outbursts, but also the result of their terror-induced urination.

"How, your majesty? How should we proceed with Crown Prince?" inquired Master Sun cautiously, aware that the king's fragile state could not endure further shocks. However, it was his duty to pose the question.

In a somber tone, the king dismissed any mention of the Crown Prince, declaring, "Do not utter that creature's name. Instead, bring those wretches before me."

The members of the court were perplexed. They anticipated the king's intentions but could not fathom why he displayed such resilience in dealing with these tribulations. He exhibited none of the expected physical distress or faintness, appearing remarkably vigorous in the face of adversity.

Such a state of affairs was deemed highly unusual.


The king's bedchamber played host to the arrival of three Royal Concubines, greeted not only by a contingent of guards but also a disconcerting odor permeating the air. Their trepidation intensified upon encountering these peculiar conditions, as they recognized the gravity of their misdeeds.

The king's countenance darkened as he surveyed the concubines. His tone carried disdain as he uttered but a single word, "Loathsome!"

He repeated the term with even greater vehemence, prompting one concubine to collapse onto the floor, trembling with fear.

The remaining two, while displaying pallid complexions and fearful eyes, retained their composure. One inquired, "Your majesty, why do you say this?"

The king's eyes blazed with anger, and he inhaled deeply before delivering a telling revelation, "Crown Prince!"

Upon hearing this, the two concubines fainted on the spot.

The situation became glaringly clear. "Loathsome!" The repeated word, coupled with the mention of the Crown Prince, unveiled the truth, and the king's suspicions were confirmed. With eyes closed and temples quivering, he wrestled with his emotions for a prolonged interval. Ultimately, he gritted his teeth and issued an unequivocal decree, "Remove them and execute them all. Wipe out their entire clans."


As dawn approached, the usual procession of officials assembled within the court to present their reports. However, an abrupt disturbance disrupted the routine. The grand gates swung open to reveal not the customary eunuch, but rather a detachment of royal guards. These guards proceeded with unwavering determination and the simultaneous sound of horns emanated from various directions. The resonance of hooves echoed across the terrain.

The officials stood aghast, uncertain as to the nature of these unfolding events.

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