The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 607: Memory Revival

Chapter 607: Memory Revival

Memory Revival . . .

Bing-Er found herself grappling with an inexplicable phenomenon, one that she couldn't quite comprehend. Although she knew that her thoughts defied the laws of nature, there was an undeniable sensation coursing through her.

However, no matter how much she pondered, she felt compelled to keep this enigmatic secret locked away, buried deep within her. She didn't dare to confide in anyone, especially her master. The fear that he might perceive her as licentious troubled her.

Her face flushed at the mere thought, and so she decided to harbor this peculiar secret in the recesses of her heart.

"Is there something amiss, Bing-Er? Your cheeks are unusually rosy," Cha Eun Xiao inquired, a note of surprise in his voice. He took her into his arms, drawing her close, and then tenderly planted warm kisses upon her delicate ears.

After many days of shared intimacy, Bing-Er's beauty had evolved into an exquisite and resplendent state. If she had once resembled a saintly celestial maiden, she was now a captivating fusion of a celestial and elven presence.

Her allure was particularly potent when she was with Cha Eun Xiao.

Over the course of a few days, Cha Eun Xiao had come to a realization that Bing-Er's ears held a profound significance in her body's response. Each time he initiated his tender caresses from her ears, he never failed to elicit the most passionate responses. It was an area that she adored.

A gentle breath of warmth blown across her earlobe would invariably render Bing-Er weak and pliant.

"Master..." Bing-Er moaned softly, sensing an indescribable sensation stirring within her. She gasped and stammered, "Master, something feels strange..."

"What's amiss?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

Bing-Er struggled to articulate her thoughts and found it even more challenging to vocalize them.

Grasping Cha Eun Xiao's hands tightly, she said with utmost seriousness, "Please wait, Master."

"All right, I'll wait," Cha Eun Xiao replied, ceasing his amorous advances.

Taking a deep breath, Bing-Er gazed upon Cha Eun Xiao with an enchanting look in her eyes. Her master was on the verge of succumbing to temptation once more. With determination, she stated, "Master, there's something I've heard about the...intimate relations between a man and a woman and..."

Her cheeks turned even rosier, and she found it arduous to articulate the words.

Cha Eun Xiao, his hand still intertwined with hers, responded with a playful grin. "Girl, why don't you finish your sentence? What about the intimate relations between a man and a woman?" His voice carried a flirtatious undertone.

Bing-Er summoned her concentration, determined to express her concerns. She earnestly conveyed, "It's been said that, at a certain point, these activities can be detrimental to one's health... And yet, instead of a decline, I've experienced improvement. It's almost unbelievable. There's another belief that, while it may appear beneficial on the surface, it might be causing harm within our bodies. Perhaps we're already suffering the consequences..."

The corners of Cha Eun Xiao's lips quivered, threatening to break into laughter. "You dear girl, why do you bring all of this up at once? Don't you worry your pretty head over it. Ordinary people might endure health issues if they engage too frequently, but we are different. As cultivators, we possess a surfeit of energy within our bodies. Furthermore, the union of Yin and Yang, the creation of life, is a vital aspect of our practice. You represent the Yin, while I embody the Yang. Our harmonious connection ensures the blending of Yin and Yang. In moderation, it's an excellent exercise that benefits both of us. Do you understand now, my dear?"

Bing-Er nodded, a look of comprehension washing over her features. "I see. So this act signifies the union of Yin and Yang, softness and hardness..."

Bing-Er's thoughts churned as she pondered the unusual sensations within her. Her internal dialogue resounded, "It must be so. I've experienced remarkable improvements even without dedicating time to cultivation. Undoubtedly, it's beneficial."

Cha Eun Xiao, however, was growing increasingly impatient. He seemed particularly eager to engage in what he considered a "beneficial exercise."

Bing-Er, at this unique moment, desired a more profound conversation with her master.

"Master," she began, her tone carrying a sense of bewilderment, "I've been having the same recurring dream every night lately... It's a strange dream, to be honest. At times, it doesn't even feel like a dream. In fact, I wasn't asleep during some of these experiences..."

Intrigued, Cha Eun Xiao inquired, "Please go on. What is the nature of these dreams?"

"In my dreams," Bing-Er continued, "I consistently sense that something is amiss, and a mysterious woman clad in black appears frequently. She gazes upon me with an icy, relentless stare..."

"What does she do?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired, curious about the dream's contents.

"At first," Bing-Er elaborated, "she seemed wrathful, as though she was poised to execute someone. Yet, as the dream unfolded, her demeanor shifted, revealing a profound sense of helplessness..."

Cha Eun Xiao remained perplexed. "A woman in black? Where is she?"

"In my dream," Bing-Er clarified, "whenever she appears, I am filled with an intense desire to kill someone, as though it were a thrilling sensation..."

Cha Eun Xiao was still struggling to understand. "My dear, despite your efforts to elucidate, I must admit I'm somewhat bewildered. Do you fully comprehend the meaning behind these dreams?"

Bing-Er, attempting to clarify her experience, stuck out her tongue, but she was silenced when Cha Eun Xiao leaned in for a kiss. Unable to voice her thoughts, she succumbed to the kiss.

With his appetite ignited, Cha Eun Xiao lifted Bing-Er and carried her to the bed. It was apparent that his desire was now akin to that of a ravenous wolf.

Blushing and trembling, Bing-Er nestled into his embrace, her head bowed. She was overwhelmed by the situation and found herself unable to halt Cha Eun Xiao's advances.

At that precise moment, the vision of the woman in black manifested in her thoughts. The woman regarded her with an amalgamation of embarrassment and anger, casting a chilling and disdainful gaze upon her.

Bing-Er shivered as an icy sensation surged from her heart, permeating her entire being. It felt as though an extraordinary transformation had taken hold of her.

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