Chapter 644: All Ended

All Ended . . .

"Saint!" echoed the voices of thirteen assassins, their collective cry filling the chamber. Following this, the resonant clanging of weapons being drawn rang through the air, each assassin fixing their gaze on Ning Biluo with a fierce intensity. The room crackled with a palpable aura of murderous intent, leaving the question hanging in the air: was a major confrontation now inevitable?

Boundless Saint's countenance darkened, and he was evidently livid. "What in the world do you think you're doing?" he thundered. "Lower your weapons, all of you! What is this madness? Are you all set on disregarding my will?"

"This is a matter that concerns us all! We cannot stand idly by and let you bear it alone! No matter how unforgivable our actions have been, we will shoulder the burden together! We've traversed this path together!" declared one assassin with a steely expression. "I don't care if we still have a shot at that money or not. We cannot allow you to perish here!"

"Nonsense! That sum is one billion!" Boundless Saint admonished, his voice laced with frustration as he delivered a resounding slap to his own face. "Should we miss this opportunity, our dreams will remain forever out of reach! Do you want your brothers' sacrifices to be in vain?"

"If you meet your end in this manner, we won't want that money, even if it were a trillion!" a few of the golden label assassins stated resolutely. "Should we meet our demise, so be it. From the moment we embarked on this path as assassins, we never envisioned dying contentedly."

Boundless Saint's anger finally boiled over, and he bellowed, "You bunch of ungrateful wretches! How dare you address me in such a manner? I'm not dead yet! Are you suggesting you won't heed my command? Do you now lay claim to your own lives? Think of the loved ones you'll leave behind! It's simple to stay here and meet your end. But have you considered the repercussions for them? Do you want me to die with regrets? Do you wish for your brothers' sacrifices to be in vain?"

The thirteen assassins met his gaze with tear-filled eyes.

"Listen to me, all of you. Live well. Be kind. The future we've longed for lies ahead of you. Cherish it. Live each moment wholeheartedly for my sake," Boundless Saint implored, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Instruct our succeeding generations to tread the righteous path... Whether it's martial cultivation or an education, it doesn't matter to me. Just refrain from leading the kind of lives we have."

"Even if they live in modesty, that's fine... far better than meeting their end in the martial world. We have the money now. A considerable amount of money. Spend it as you see fit..." His voice grew hoarse.

Taking a step forward, he continued, "Ning Biluo, I have slain many of your brothers, leading you to your current predicament. I realize you've harbored countless thoughts of exacting revenge on me. I know it. Today, you have your chance. I am here. Just do it."

He offered a faint smile. "If you deem this humiliating, so be it. I'll fight you."

Zhao Pingtian remained composed, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on the thirteen golden label assassins.

Regardless of what came next, should the thirteen men make a move, Zhao Pingtian would not hesitate to intervene. As Boundless Saint had noted, it was not a matter of right or wrong; it was a matter of differing loyalties.

Zhao Pingtian would always stand by Ning Biluo's side, having now become a member of Ling-Bao Hall.

Irrespective of the history of Boundless Lake, Zhao Pingtian's loyalty lay unwaveringly with his newfound allegiance.

Boundless Saint addressed Ning Biluo, but his words were aimed at the thirteen assassins. "Listen! This is my final order! Do not act! I warn you! If you move so much as an inch, I will depart this world with regret! In the afterlife, I will harbor everlasting enmity toward you! Whoever dares to assist me then shall cease to be my brother, and nor shall they be brothers to those who've passed on!"

He understood.

He comprehended that should Ning Biluo slay him, his vengeance would not extend to his brethren.

If his brethren committed any rash actions, the fourteen of them would perish together in this place.

Ning Biluo, Zhao Pingtian, and Feng Monarch were all present!

Boundless Saint had ventured here to resolve the final matter for his brethren, hoping to secure a peaceful afterlife for them. The notion that they might die in this place instead was utterly inconceivable.

That was why he had given them this order!

Cha Eun Xiao observed the unfolding scene in silence.

He couldn't make this decision on Ning Biluo's behalf, and he had no business doing so.

Ning Biluo stood firm, his countenance grave. Suddenly, he reached for his sword and drew it forth.

The extended blade was pointed directly at Boundless Saint's chest.

Boundless Saint responded with a smile. "Excellent! You're finally taking the initiative, like a true man. Bear in mind that my death will bring closure to it all."

With that, he thrust his chest forward, raised his head, and closed his eyes, appearing entirely at ease.

An eye for an eye!

Such was the unequivocal code etched in the heart of every assassin, a principle as old as time, resonating with grim resolve.

The day of reckoning was inevitably upon them.

Should Boundless Saint meet his end and his brethren be granted a chance at peaceful existence, he was willing to embrace death.

"Very well. As you wish, then. A single stroke of the sword, and it's over," Ning Biluo uttered with a complex expression etched upon his countenance. His eyes sealed shut, the tension palpable.

"Agreed! Proceed," Boundless Saint concurred, his eyes also closed, a serene smile gracing his lips. "As you've stated, a single strike of the sword is all it takes. To meet my end by the blade of Ning Biluo is to end my life with honor."

Ning Biluo responded with a cold humph before launching a lightning-swift sword strike, a strike encompassing every ounce of his life's power, the most formidable assault he had ever executed.

The swiftness of the strike precluded any chance for Boundless Saint to mount a defense. It was over in the blink of an eye. The sword pierced through Boundless Saint's chest with deadly precision, unleashing a gush of crimson lifeblood.

It was an overwhelming and potent sword strike, ensuring that its intended mark was met, a blood-curdling sight that left onlookers in stunned disbelief. Several of the golden label assassins felt their blood boil, their eyes veering crimson, and an uncontrollable urge to rush forth and strike down Ning Biluo welled up within them.

In that moment, it appeared as though the story had concluded.

Was Boundless Saint now departed?

Was Boundless Lake forever damned?

Ning Biluo receded a step, casting a glance at Boundless Saint, and calmly stated, "Whichever way you look at it, this concludes in my sword's final blow. From this point onward, you and I are reconciled."

Boundless Saint continued to stand tall, a miraculous force seemingly upholding him. Slowly, he reopened his eyes, his own amazement unmistakable. The complex tempest of emotions raging within him, spurred by the unexpected turn of events, arrested his previous descent into the abyss of death.

He had lost a significant amount of blood and should have crumpled to the floor, but he did not.

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