Chapter 646: Witness

Witness . . .

Ning Biluo's refusal to accept Boundless Saint's intention of returning the favor was met with a steadfast response. Ning Biluo's assertion was clear and final: "One sword strike was out, and it is all finished. Nothing more needs to be done in the future." This declaration left no room for any lingering sense of indebtedness.

Boundless Saint, however, harbored a sense of gratitude and felt he owed Ning Biluo. A faint smile graced his pallid countenance as he expressed this sentiment. "No matter what, I owe you this," he acknowledged.

Curiosity prompted Boundless Saint to inspect the wound on his chest and seek understanding. "Wait. I still want to ask why you would do this?" he inquired, his gaze meeting Ning Biluo's.

Ning Biluo was also lost in contemplation, his response delivered in hushed tones. "It is just… we have the same dream. Your dream was the dream me and my brothers had..." He sighed, and his words trailed off, the shared dream a connection between their two fates.

Boundless Saint couldn't help but feel a heavy weight of guilt and sorrow pressing upon him. He recognized the extent to which Ning Biluo's brothers had suffered, with many of their lives lost due to his actions.

In a cheerful tone, Cha Eun Xiao interjected, eager to shift the atmosphere to a lighter note. "One sword strike is done. Come get the money then! Haha. It is worth celebrating. There are fourteen assassins resigning from the world. And there are fourteen rich folks in the world! Congratulations! We hope you all live a happy life with your wife, your children, and your families!" His words infused mirth into the moment, and laughter resonated throughout the gathering.

Boundless Saint joined in the laughter, a strange sight given his years of stoicism. Happiness had been a scarce commodity for him, but he was now learning how to savor it. He corrected Cha Eun Xiao, noting, "Not fourteen rich folks. Nine hundred and sixteen rich folks," underscoring the impact their actions had on many lives.

The golden label assassins reiterated the count, confirming Boundless Saint's assertion with a unified chorus, "Yes, nine hundred and sixteen rich folks." Their shared laughter conveyed a sense of camaraderie and unity.

Boundless Saint then called upon his comrades to reveal the spoils of their mission. In an instant, over seven hundred boxes were unveiled from their concealed storage. The amassed treasure formed a small mountain of boxes, prompting Cha Eun Xiao, Zhao Pingtian, Wan Zhenghao, and Liu Changjun to inspect and verify the quantities.

Boundless Saint disclosed the extent of their accomplishment to Cha Eun Xiao, stating, "Feng Monarch, we have killed seven hundred and thirty-six targets this time. These are all figures beyond middling. The money we have should be one hundred eight billion." Cha Eun Xiao acknowledged this information with a nod of approval, underscoring the significance of their achievement.

Boundless Saint then articulated their plan for the wealth. "One hundred eight billion, we will take ninety-six billion. The rest of it, we want to give it to Ning Biluo as compensation for his loss. There are families of his departed brothers… I am sure he needs more money than we do," he explained. His face bore the gravity of the moment.

However, Ning Biluo hesitated to accept this gesture. In a surprising turn of events, he initially declined the money. Boundless Saint questioned this decision, insinuating that it might be based on unfounded assumptions. Ning Biluo, who had been notoriously frugal, was suddenly demonstrating an unexpected shift in character.

Boundless Saint responded with humor, praising Ning Biluo for his candid admission of wrongdoing. He playfully mocked Ning Biluo, suggesting he might have sustained a head injury. "We have a plan though," he continued. "Two hundred sixteen million for the nine hundred two brothers' families. It isn't a huge number, but it should be enough for them to live good lives."

Boundless Saint revealed their financial plans for the future. "The fourteen of us will take the rest," he declared, addressing Cha Eun Xiao and Ning Biluo. He anticipated their amusement at the allocation. "Feng Monarch, Ning Biluo, you may want to laugh at me. We planned more for ourselves," he added. He emphasized their role as survivors and the responsibility they carried. "From now on, we will take our families, also some of our men's families, and find somewhere nice. We are going to give them a wonderful life… That is what we have to do as the ones who survived."

Boundless Saint recognized his own survival and spoke of the distribution of the seventy billion. He humorously acknowledged that taking an unreasonable share was his prerogative. "I didn't die. So I guess I am going to shamelessly take the unreasonable big share of the seventy billion. My brothers will blame me if I take too little. I will take eighteen billion then. Fifty-two billion for the thirteen of them. Each of them gets four billion."

The others, including Cha Eun Xiao and Ning Biluo, reacted with surprised appreciation. Boundless Saint's division of the money stood out as unexpectedly generous. While he facetiously referred to it as unreasonable, it was actually less than he could rightfully claim. In the world of assassins, leaders usually took a significant portion of the rewards, leaving little for the rest of the group. In this instance, Boundless Saint was distributing a substantial share to his comrades.

Boundless Saint felt the need to make a solemn declaration. "I have to say this to you all, because I want Feng Monarch and Brother Ning to be the witnesses," he stated, addressing Cha Eun Xiao and Ning Biluo. He foresaw potential issues arising once the money was obtained and wanted to preempt them. "Now, we still don't have the money yet. We can be calm and generous, but when we get the money, maybe some of us will change… It is hard to say. I have to put it clear here in advance."

He implored Cha Eun Xiao and Ning Biluo to intervene if any of the fourteen attempted to act maliciously for the money. "If any of the fourteen of us dares to do anything vile to get more money, even take it all… I beg you, Feng Monarch and Brother Ning, you must kill him right away! Thanks!"

Zhao Pingtian questioned the logic, asking why Boundless Saint couldn't be the one to enact justice. Boundless Saint responded with a lighthearted tone. "Not really," he explained, acknowledging the unpredictability of human nature. "Maybe I am the one who gives in to devils? Maybe I die before that happens? I have considered it all."

Cha Eun Xiao, however, couldn't help but sigh. Boundless Saint's decision served to block any opportunity for greed or betrayal. The potential for internal strife was eliminated, which was particularly important considering the immense wealth at stake. In the end, it was a sum that would tempt anyone.

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