The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 648: Get the Money!

Chapter 648: Get the Money!

Get the Money! . . .

"Send two people over? Your sons?" Cha Eun Xiao was genuinely puzzled. "Aren't you planning to start a new life? Why wouldn't you take them with you?"

Boundless Saint waved off Cha Eun Xiao's concerns. After pondering for a few moments, he proposed, "Well... I have two daughters. They are rather attractive. I understand that you may not have enough female companions, Monarch. These two girls are the daughters of my deceased brothers. If they have the opportunity to stay by your side, it would be a great fortune for them. What do you think?"

Boundless Saint's offer was a sincere attempt to repay the debt of gratitude he felt towards Feng Zhiling. It would also undoubtedly be beneficial for his two daughters to reside with the Monarch, a far better prospect than staying with the band of assassins.

[Indeed... Feng Monarch possesses a unique talent for caring for women. Take that ugly woman, for example. Were she to remain by my side, begging for my attention constantly, I might have been tempted to eject her into the heavens. However, Feng Monarch treats her with such gentleness... The two girls will undoubtedly receive excellent treatment. One must always make a comparison before realizing that something is superior. I doubt my daughters are less appealing than that unsightly beast, regardless of how remarkable Feng Monarch might be.]

[Injustice would prevail if they were to lose this opportunity!]

However, after Boundless Saint presented his offer, the unsightly woman cradled in Feng Monarch's arms turned towards him and fixed him with a stare. She was incensed and humiliated by the proposition, which was perfectly understandable. What surprised Boundless Saint the most was that, after enduring her gaze for a few seconds, he was seized by a sensation of paralysis.

His body and even his very soul seemed to drift away. Consciousness threatened to slip from his grasp.

The overwhelming feeling of dread left him terrified.

[What on earth is happening?]

In the next moment, Bing-Er admonished, "How can you be so bothersome? You're belittling me just because I'm unattractive! Master, it's all your fault! Now everyone thinks I'm ugly!"

Cha Eun Xiao consoled her with words like 'you can't judge a book by its cover,' 'you can't measure the water with a basket,' 'you're the only woman in my heart,' and 'all other women are grotesque creatures to me.' He recited every possible piece of empty flattery.

Strangely, after Bing-Er conversed with Cha Eun Xiao, Boundless Saint's sense of despair and paralysis lifted.

He felt as though his soul had returned to his body, though the fear persisted. Cold sweat coated his back, and he wiped his brow while stammering, "No, no, no... My lady, you're not ugly at all. You're absolutely beautiful, both in appearance and character... Amazing... Stunning! Truly... Magnificent! Ahem... It was just a jest back there. Only a jest. That's all. Hahaha..."

With a hint of urgency, he added, "Why would Feng Monarch need any other women when he has you? Women elsewhere are mundane and unexceptional in comparison to you, my lady... Hahaha... It was just a jest. My words slipped out. I beg your forgiveness."

He was thoroughly terrified. [Could a mere attendant beside Feng Monarch possess such astonishing power? Her gaze seemed to have literally forced my soul out of my body. I was on the brink of death...]

[I spoke so recklessly... I should never have mentioned other women... If she had unleashed her anger on me, I doubt she would need to enlist the aid of Feng Monarch, Ning Biluo, or Zhao Pingtian. She might have vanquished us all single-handedly... Heaven's Xiu and Cloud's Wan would not be significantly more powerful than her... Why did I utter such foolish words at this crucial juncture? Fortunately, she did not seek my life. Otherwise, I might not have survived my own foolish words! Oh, dear heavens!]

Boundless Saint's experience of Bing-Er's piercing gaze was entirely personal. The others were oblivious to the event, only witnessing Boundless Saint's fear and bewilderment.

Indeed, it was quite evident that Boundless Saint was extending an unusual courtesy to Feng Monarch's maid in Ling-Bao Hall. Such courtesy appeared excessive, yet it held an underlying rationale.


"I mean, brother, you rank among the top three assassins globally. Come on, now. How can you be so timorous..." Zhao Pingtian couldn't contain his frustration. "Is it truly necessary to behave with such remarkable humility for a mere sum of money? Look at yourself. What happened to the Boundless Saint who once stood unfazed in the face of a sword attack?"

Even the golden label assassins found it challenging to comprehend. [Is something amiss with Boundless Saint? Despite his trepidation towards Ling-Bao Hall and Feng Monarch, must he exhibit such servility to a mere maid? Isn't this going too far?]

Naturally, Boundless Saint dared not share his recent experience with the others. He couldn't reveal that he had been threatened by the dread-inducing gaze. He wiped his forehead, forcing a smile. "I was merely momentarily disoriented by the sheer magnitude of the wealth... It's natural... Quite natural... Hahaha..."

His gaze drifted toward Bing-Er, only to find the unattractive young woman returning his look with an expression of utter contempt. She regarded him with the indulgence one might offer to a cowardly individual or a pitiable clown.

[Very well. I am a coward. I am a clown. Does this satisfy you...] Boundless Saint consoled himself. [I shall obtain the money and leave immediately. I need never see this girl again. I should steer clear of such a formidable female adversary. It's no wonder Master Bai considers Feng Monarch a rival. Just observe his maid. She provides ample justification for such recognition...]

Meanwhile, as the group conversed, the money counting process reached its conclusion, with the total tally aligning precisely.

In actuality, the two golden label assassins conducted a limited portion of the count. Most of the work was carried out by Wan Zhenghao and Liu Changjun...

Because assassins, when tasked with counting, were rather clumsy...


"It's the correct sum! Not a single coin less!"

Wan Zhenghao and Liu Changjun confirmed.

The assassins had now acquired the funds for their aspirations, and their next challenge was to manage it responsibly!

Boundless Saint breathed a deep sigh of relief. The thirteen assassins collectively exhaled with satisfaction.

[We now possess it all! The complete sum of money!]

Boundless Saint felt his adrenaline surge again, rekindling the frozen spirit from the intense stare and the earlier blood loss.


[All of that... money! Ah!]

"Cease that! Each of you, claim your four billion. Retrieve it for yourselves!"

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