The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 673: Recommended Cha Eun Xiao!

Chapter 673: Recommended Cha Eun Xiao!

Recommended Cha Eun Xiao! . . .

A sense of anxiety and deep concern permeated the court as they deliberated the fate of the Kingdom of Chen. War and civil strife appeared to be nearing their conclusions. The northern front had seen a fortunate resolution, courtesy of Cha Nantian, which allowed them to shift their attention to the remaining three fronts. However, an unexpected collapse in the west had thrown their hopes into disarray.

It felt as though one calamity followed another. Just as the Kingdom of Chen seemed to be on the mend, fresh perils loomed on the horizon. Cha Nantian's troops were still engaged in operations across the grasslands, and though he yearned to return, it would take no less than a month for his forces to reach the capital.

In the east, tension simmered. The strength of Su Dingguo and Zhan Qianshan proved to be evenly matched, with neither willing to cede ground. Su Dingguo found himself unable to spare any forces to aid the other fronts without risking a precarious situation.

General Lan commanded the south, which remained relatively stable, yet they were too distant to offer assistance in the west.

The collapse in the north had paved the way for a swift invasion by the million-strong forces of the Kingdom of Lan-Feng. In less than half a month, they would reach the heart of the Kingdom of Chen, marching relentlessly toward Chen-Xing City.

The impending capture of the capital and the king would render the victories on the other fronts meaningless. The dire situation required immediate action in the west, but all the capable generals were already deployed, leaving a void in their leadership.

The king furrowed his brow, observing the officials as they offered ineffectual suggestions. His expression grew increasingly somber. It was a vexing predicament.

[Should I take to the battlefield myself?]

[Even if I were to lead the charge, how many soldiers could I personally command?]

[Our forces are stretched thin…]

The neighboring kingdoms were faced with a different dilemma: they had manpower but lacked financial resources. The Kingdom of Chen, on the other hand, was flush with funds but had depleted its ranks of soldiers. An abundance of riches was futile without the hands to wield it. The issue lay not with the resources, but rather the lack of capable individuals to lead.

In a corner of the court, Zuo Wuji, an inconspicuous figure, appeared as though he wished to speak but hesitated. Lacking an official post, his words carried little weight in the eyes of the court.

However, the king, recognizing his contemplative expression, was intrigued. It was clear that Zuo Wuji had something to say, so he invited him to speak. "Wuji, if you have any suggestions, please share them. In times like these, the kingdom welcomes contributions from all capable individuals."

Zuo Wuji stepped forward and addressed the court, "Your Majesty, the enemy is advancing upon us, and our need is not for money or provisions. We have the means to gather additional troops. What we lack is a commander, and I would like to propose a candidate. With this individual at the helm, the Kingdom of Lan-Feng will undoubtedly be repelled."

The king's eyes lit up. "Tell me, who is this individual?"

Zuo Wuji did not hesitate to respond, "The young lord of the Great Northern General's House, the son of Cha Nantian, Cha Eun Xiao! If Lord Cha leads our forces to the west, the crisis can be averted."

Before the king could consider the proposal, one of the officials berated Zuo Wuji, dismissing Cha Eun Xiao as an unfit and frivolous young lad unworthy of leading an army.

Zuo Wuji merely smiled in response and refrained from arguing. Other officials joined in censuring him, accusing him of not taking the kingdom's future seriously.

The king, however, remained intrigued.

Unknown to the others, the king was well aware of the formidable capabilities of Cha Nantian's sworn brother, Song Jue. Song Jue was a peerless cultivator with the capacity to single-handedly eliminate the leader of an entire army.

Even Royal Martial Artist Master Sun had acknowledged that Song Jue's strength surpassed that of all royal martial artists, who themselves had reached the Sky Origin Stage. If Song Jue was even more potent, he was a force to be reckoned with.

While Zuo Wuji had suggested Cha Eun Xiao, the king discerned that it was, in fact, an indirect reference to Song Jue. If Cha Eun Xiao were to lead the charge, it was highly likely that Song Jue would accompany him to safeguard his young master.

And if Song Jue entered the fray...

The outcome was all but assured.

Wenren Jianying was no match for a legend.

The king pondered the proposal, addressing the court with careful consideration. "Cha Eun Xiao... may indeed be a suitable choice."

The officials who had initially castigated Zuo Wuji were left in stunned silence.

The court was fraught with a mix of astonishment and incredulity in response to Zuo Wuji's proposal. [Proper option?]

[What's the matter with our king?]

[Cha Eun Xiao? The leader of the 'three lords in town'? Wasn't he on the brink of death not too long ago? Can he even withstand the rigors of battle given his frail state?]

The king exchanged a meaningful look with Zuo Wuji, who proceeded to speak in a hushed tone. "Your Majesty, it's worth noting that Steward Song shares a close bond with Feng Monarch of Ling-Bao Hall."

Only the king caught the subtlety in Zuo Wuji's words, and it was sufficient to seal the decision.

The king's eyes brightened with delight as he exclaimed, "Excellent! That's it! I decree it so! Cha Eun Xiao shall be bestowed the title of Western General, entrusted with a command of one hundred thousand soldiers. He will lead them westward to confront the Kingdom of Lan-Feng."

The pronouncement left the entire court in a state of profound astonishment. None had foreseen that the king would issue such a decree without consulting anyone.

"Your Majesty, please reconsider," implored several officials, falling to their knees and tears welling in their eyes. "This decision affects the safety of the entire kingdom. We beseech you to think it over."

The king waved away their appeals, resolute in his stance. "The matter is settled. No further discussion is necessary. I believe that Cha Eun Xiao will follow in the footsteps of his father, halting the invasion and vanquishing the Kingdom of Lan-Feng."

The officials exchanged bewildered glances, their inner thoughts shrouded in doubt.

[What inspires such confidence?]

[Is it merely because he is Cha Nantian's son? He's nothing more than a frivolous youth...]

[Do you genuinely believe he can measure up to Lan Langlang? Is his return to form assured?]

Yet, the king remained unwavering in his decision. Lord Cha had been appointed as a general to lead an army, a choice that struck most as utterly absurd.

However, there were two individuals who harbored genuine faith in this appointment.

One was Zuo Wuji, who understood the true nature of Cha Eun Xiao.

The other was the king himself, unwavering in his decision, irrespective of Cha Eun Xiao's qualifications. What he was certain of and grateful for was that Song Jue would accompany Cha Eun Xiao.

The king had witnessed Song Jue's god-like prowess in the heat of battle, a force to be reckoned with while fighting alongside Cha Nantian. He had always felt a twinge of regret when Cha Nantian had sent Song Jue back to serve as a steward.

Such a peerless warrior reduced to the role of a steward...

It felt like a squandered opportunity.

Of course, the king was aware that Song Jue served not only as a steward but also as Cha Eun Xiao's protector. Now, with the kingdom facing peril, it was the perfect strategy to compel Song Jue's return for Cha Eun Xiao's sake.

Time was of the essence, and the king acted swiftly, delivering a royal decree and making the necessary arrangements.

When the decree arrived, it brought with it the tiger token, and the subsequent task at hand was to assemble the troops.

Indeed, the House of Cha was equally abuzz with activity, preparing for the impending campaign.

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