The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 675: Military Law; White Flag!

Chapter 675: Military Law; White Flag!

Military Law; White Flag! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao was entirely unaware of the commander's flag's significance. With no prior experience, he felt elated to leap to greater heights and gain a better perspective.

As he stood on the flagpole, the wind billowed, making his clothes flutter in the air. He experienced a sudden surge of confidence and power.

Song Jue, on the other hand, was left utterly speechless. [You look like a fish drying in the wind... How can you be so arrogant?]

"Today, I stand before you as your commander, and I have only one rule to share," Cha Eun Xiao declared with a huff, addressing the assembled hundred thousand soldiers. "Anyone who violates the law within my army will face death!"

"I apologize, Commander, but could you clarify what law you're referring to?" a perplexed general inquired.

[Isn't this a rather abstract statement?]

Shouldn't there be multiple articles of law and several methods of punishment?

"I mean that from this moment forward, anyone who violates any aspect of military law will be subject to the penalty of death," Cha Eun Xiao clarified with a huff. "Is that clear?"

The generals were left in stunned silence.

[We've heard of people who speak abstractly, but never quite like this. So, you're saying that regardless of the offense, the punishment is decapitation?]

That was precisely what Cha Eun Xiao meant.

He had expressed it straightforwardly. He had established the foundation of his rule with just a few words.

It was direct and uncompromising.

It allowed no room for debate.

He said it, and it was final!

Unsurprisingly, a wave of reactions swept through the crowd.

Some of the soldiers had previously been part of the four legions and saw no problem with this. It was a critical time for the kingdom, and strict adherence to military law was essential. If the soldiers couldn't obey the rules of military law during such a crucial period, how could Cha Eun Xiao command them effectively?

This newly assembled army mostly consisted of Royal Guardian Troop members. They were generally arrogant and self-centered individuals. Without strict laws, these men were unlikely to fight in a war.

While some agreed with this stance, others vehemently disagreed. Some soldiers from influential families were particularly incensed. Their backgrounds were powerful, which is why they had managed to remain in the city. Those without influential connections were sent to the front lines.

Their resentment was already brewing, and Cha Eun Xiao's announcement only fueled their anger.

"What is this nonsense? Military law is military law! You can't simply replace it with whatever you feel like! This is ridiculous!"

"Only one punishment in military law? Beheading? So, if I make a single misstep, my head is forfeit? What kind of absurdity is this? You're simply out to get us killed. Just say it!"

"That's right. We'll all be dead before the Kingdom of Lan-Feng even arrives if this stupid rule is applied. How can anyone possibly survive this?"

"This is preposterous! Do you even understand how to lead an army? Do you think the army is your personal possession that you can govern based solely on your words?"

"Have you lost your mind? How can you spout such nonsense!"

"No matter what, I refuse! What I enjoy is challenging these ridiculous rules! Do you mean I'll be beheaded multiple times every day?"

"I won't comply!"

"I won't either!"

"Anyone who likes following such rules can go ahead! I won't accept it! I doubt Cha Eun Xiao has the courage to behead me!"


As Cha Eun Xiao unveiled his rule, the crowd erupted into an uproar. Soldiers from influential families glared at Cha Eun Xiao with resentment in their eyes, wishing they could devour him in a single bite.

"I was born a nobleman, and now I have to fight alongside these rabble in battle! That's already depressing! And now you introduce a rule that makes me even more miserable!"

"It won't work. I'm telling you! We won't follow it! What can you do? What do you dare to do?"

"We're going to break the law, we've already decided."

"Are you going to kill all of us?"

"Do you dare to kill us all?"

These thoughts raced through the minds of these men.

The officials who already disliked Cha Eun Xiao because they didn't want him to be the army's commander couldn't help but gloat. [The law doesn't punish many offenders. Hundreds of noblemen are protesting against you. I wonder what on earth you can do to resolve this!]

"Are you going to execute one as a warning to others? There are hundreds of them. You can't handle them. You can't touch a single one of them. They all belong to the 'others' category, which you can't execute!"

"Don't assume that you're a true commander just because you're seated in that absurd chair."

"An overrated head of the 'three lords in town'! How typical!"

"Hmm. It seems the only one who fits the stupid title of 'head of the three lads' is you!"

If it were anyone else, such as Su Dingguo, General Lan, or Cha Nantian, it might have ended with the commander making a concession. In fact, those generals would never impose such a rule on the army.

However, Cha Eun Xiao was the one taking the lead, and he was the one who set that rule.

He feared no one in the world. He held no one in this world in high regard.

That made the situation unique.

Evidently, Cha Eun Xiao had foreseen such a scenario. He half-closed his eyes and spoke with a smile, "So... If I understand correctly, you won't follow my rule, right? You're already breaking it, is that what you're doing?"

"We don't need to follow it. Who can adhere to such an unreasonably strict rule? It goes against nature and the law! We don't have to obey it!" One man became increasingly arrogant, emboldened by Cha Eun Xiao's smile.

He was the son of the Penalty Minister. His father was watching from the sidelines, and he felt secure because of it. That's why he shouted with confidence and arrogance.

As he voiced his first objection, more than four hundred others chimed in together, "That's right! We won't obey it!"

Cha Eun Xiao remained unperturbed. He simply nodded. "Hmm. Very well. You won't. Fine. Everyone, fetch me a large vat and a large white flag!"

[A vat?]

[A white flag?]

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