The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 712: Fire Attack!

Chapter 712: Fire Attack!

Fire Attack! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao was left in a state of bewilderment. He remained within the tent for an extended period of time, contemplating the previous night's conversation.

"Could it be true?" he mused silently. "Did she come just to see me? Was the agreement merely a pretext?"

Cha Eun Xiao found the idea quite incredulous, yet it lingered in his thoughts.

The following day, the Kingdom of Lan-Feng abstained from launching another assault. Instead, their troops busily gathered wood from various sources, including trees and bushes. Initially, the purpose of these activities remained a mystery to the Kingdom of Chen's forces.

It didn't take long for them to deduce Wenren Jianyin's sinister scheme.

He planned to execute a devastating fire attack.

Their sole objective was to accumulate vast quantities of wood, stacking it behind Iron Peak's protective walls. Indifferent to wind patterns or the wood supply, they intended to ignite the fire beneath Iron Peak's wall, with the expectation that it would sustain considerable damage.

During the fire's progress, they would deploy their troops to prevent the Kingdom of Chen's formidable cultivators from extinguishing the flames. Once the fire raged uncontrollably, their destructive mission would be accomplished.

Fire, an unforgiving element, would bring ruin to Iron Peak. Regardless of a person's strength, they couldn't triumph over the raw power of nature. The towering flames left no refuge, and the searing heat was insufferable.

The moment the fire took hold, Iron Peak's fate was sealed.

It was a brutal strategy that promised utter devastation, resulting in considerable loss of life and the depletion of precious natural resources.

Wenren Jianyin had never envisioned resorting to such ruthlessness, yet he recognized it as a necessity when faced with impending defeat. He knew he had to be ruthless.

"Chuchu, what I'm contemplating goes against the natural order," he remarked with a sigh.

Wenren Chuchu sighed as well.

However, her sigh wasn't directed at nature but rather at the realization that her uncle might fail in his audacious endeavor, despite the viciousness of his plan.

Most troops might have capitulated when confronted with such a merciless tactic, but Commander Cha was an exception. He would at least strive to safeguard Iron Peak from the inferno.

"Please reconsider," Wenren Chuchu urged politely. "This fire is a double-edged sword. If it doesn't yield the desired outcome..."

Wenren Jianyin nodded, acknowledging her concern. "I understand your apprehension. If this plan falters, it could rebound on us with devastating consequences."

Wenren Chuchu concurred, "That's why I believe we should revisit this strategy. While it may be potent against regular armies and beyond the expectations of average men, for the army we are facing... I'm uncertain about its effectiveness. After all, it's Feng Monarch who commands them, a legendary figure in this world. We cannot predict the lengths he might go to. We can't afford to take such a risk."

She stressed the importance of their situation, "If he chooses to remain solely on the defensive, we can endure that. It will consume our resources and time, but it's manageable. However, if he turns our own fire tactics against us, you know our soldiers are common folk. Once they're engulfed by fire, the consequences will be dire."

Wenren Jianyin paced thoughtfully, contemplating the weight of their dilemma. He turned his attention to his assembled generals, their expressions darkened with concern, none daring to speak.

Addressing his officers, he inquired, "What is the probability of the fire being redirected at us based on our current situation?"

One of the generals answered, "If the wind shifts from south-west to north-east, the odds of the fire being turned against us are nearly one hundred percent. Even if the wind merely changes to the north or east, the likelihood remains at eighty percent. Only if the wind consistently blows from the north-west will it be less than thirty percent."

Wenren Chuchu interjected, "Uncle, remember the immense power that can be harnessed by a group of superior cultivators. Their overwhelming numbers of superior cultivators have always been their primary advantage."

Wenren Jianyin continued, deep in thought, "So as long as the wind maintains its current direction, there is a high likelihood we will be safe. Even if the fire doesn't inflict significant harm upon them, we will still remain secure."

Wenren Chuchu could only express her concerns through a sigh. She realized her uncle was unwavering in his determination. He was determined to give this strategy one last chance, and her counsel seemed unlikely to sway his resolve.

Observing the wind, she noted its consistency, blowing directly toward Iron Peak.

The weather was favorable, and the prevailing wind was unchanging. A shift in its direction appeared highly improbable.

"No wonder Uncle is so confident," she mused. "Even with the combined power of their superior cultivators, they cannot alter the wind's direction."

Wenren Jianyin emphasized, "Chuchu, I understand your concern for minimizing risks, but time is not on our side. Our latest reports indicate that Cha Nantian and his Northern Army are emerging from the grasslands. They're approaching with a hundred thousand troops!"

Wenren Jianyin added with determination, "If Cha Nantian's forces arrive, and we have not yet breached the walls, we will have lost this battle. The opportunity to invade and conquer the territory of the Kingdom of Chen, which has eluded us for centuries, now rests in my hands. I cannot allow it to slip away."

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