The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 722: Trembling Land of Han-Yang!

Chapter 722: Trembling Land of Han-Yang!

Trembling Land of Han-Yang! . . .

In the trembling land of Han-Yang, people believed that the Kingdom of Chen had been blessed by the heavens following the recent battle. This belief was held by everyone in both kingdoms. Additionally, there was a consensus that Feng Monarch was a legendary figure.

Wenren Chuchu found herself in a state of inner turmoil. When she had made that fateful deal with Cha Eun Xiao, she could not have foreseen the outcome. Her belief had been in the victory of the Kingdom of Lan-Feng, or at the very least, in a different manner of defeat. However, within a mere two days, her world had been turned upside down, descending into utter chaos.

She recalled the image of Cha Eun Xiao standing atop the wall as the flames surged around him. It had left her in awe. She couldn't help but exclaim, "You... You orchestrated all of this? What a legend! This is a truly legendary moment!"

Wenren Chuchu had initially regarded the stories of Cha Eun Xiao as mere exaggerations. She had been skeptical of his ability to defeat a million troops with only one hundred thousand men. Yet, her doubts had been shattered, and she confessed, "I didn't believe you could actually win."

The war at Iron Peak had sent shockwaves throughout the world. The news spread like wildfire across the entire Land of Han-Yang. Carrier falcons were dispatched in all directions to relay the news.

In the capital of the Kingdom of Chen, Chen-Xing City, Zuo Wuji was enduring incredibly difficult days. Wherever he went, people regarded him with intense hatred. They demanded retribution for the lives lost in the war.

Zuo Wuji faced a barrage of accusations, including the grief-stricken cries of parents who had lost their sons. They blamed him for the deaths and demanded justice. The court was filled with suggestions for his brutal execution.

Since Cha Eun Xiao had left the city, Zuo Wuji had become a pariah, surrounded by those who wanted to exact revenge upon him. He was hunted like a rat on the streets, and people were eager to kill him through the most merciless means possible.

If it weren't for the king's protection, Zuo Wuji would have met a gruesome end countless times. He lived in constant fear, dreading the news from the front lines. After court sessions, he would hide behind Prime Minister Zuo to avoid the hostile crowd.

The officials, unable to hold the king responsible for their losses, directed their anger at Zuo Wuji. They accused him of betraying the kingdom and making a mockery of the court.

Every day, Zuo Wuji prayed for a victory, hoping that Cha Eun Xiao would bring good news. He thought, "For heaven's sake, Xiao Xiao, grant us a victory. Even the gods must pity what I am going through."

Finally, when the court was in session, news of victory arrived. Zuo Wuji, who had been trying to remain inconspicuous, couldn't help but hope that this news would bring him relief.

At long last, the moment arrived when the triumphant news from Iron Peak resounded through the halls of power.

"Great victory from Iron Peak!" These five simple words resonated like a thunderclap, silencing the assembled officials.

"Victory from Iron Peak?" The king's excitement was palpable as he implored for more information. "Tell me everything."

The messenger continued, "Iron Peak... the Kingdom of Lan-Feng launched a massive fire attack, but the Kingdom of Chen was blessed. An extreme cold spell arrived, extinguishing the flames. Cha Eun Xiao, Commander Cha, led our forces into a grueling seven-day battle without respite. They pursued the retreating enemy, reaching Sky Nerve City. They have reclaimed eight thousand miles of our land and seized enemy territory. At present, our mighty army surrounds the city."

A collective gasp swept through the court, as if a bomb had detonated in their hearts. Whispers and murmurs filled the air, and none of them could believe their own ears.

The king, overcome with elation, rose from his throne and read the report again. When he finished, he looked up and burst into laughter. "Cha Eun Xiao did not disappoint me! I'm grateful I disregarded your objections and appointed him as commander. Look at what he has achieved! He has swept aside our most formidable adversary. I am jubilant! May God bless the Kingdom of Chen! Indeed, may God bless us all!"

In his joy, the king had momentarily forgotten to temper his words.

Zuo Wuji, head bowed, couldn't help but savor the moment. He thought, "Finally, your majesty! You acknowledge it! You were the one who wanted Cha Eun Xiao as the commander..."

However, the response from the court was less jubilant than the king had expected. They merely murmured, "Almighty your majesty," in a subdued manner.

The officials did not wear happy expressions.

"So... the king wanted Cha Eun Xiao as the commander..." they pondered.

"Was Zuo Wuji just a scapegoat?"

"Did the king give Cha Eun Xiao permission or an order to sacrifice our sons back then?"

"He must have done so. Otherwise, how could Cha Eun Xiao have been so audacious?"

"How could he dare to defy all of us at once?"

However, as they had been directing their anger at Zuo Wuji in recent days, the king felt as if he was under attack.

No one knew how to proceed.

The north was now peaceful, thanks to Cha Nantian's efforts in vanquishing the enemies there.

The west had been reclaimed as Cha Eun Xiao defeated the enemy. The Kingdom of Lan-Feng would need years to recover from this loss and pose a threat once more.

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