Chapter 724: For You!

For You! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao, adorned in his pristine white attire, presented an extraordinarily handsome visage. A warm smile graced his lips as he spoke, "We are old friends. It has been quite a while since our last encounter. I find myself missing our conversations. May I request a moment of your time?"

In response, Wenren Chuchu casually retorted, "Cha Eun Xiao, you and your forces from the Kingdom of Chen may currently hold the upper hand in this conflict. However, I believe your numbers are not as abundant as you might desire. I still command an army of approximately three hundred thousand soldiers, not accounting for those present in this city prior to our arrival. Our troops have undergone considerable transformation within a single day. Should we engage in a second battle, do you genuinely believe victory is assured? I would like to offer you a piece of advice: Consider keeping the gains you have made thus far and departing. Forcing a cornered tiger to fight will lead to mutual destruction. Besides, you and I find ourselves on opposing sides of this conflict. What common ground can we possibly explore?"

After a brief contemplation, Cha Eun Xiao inquired, "Princess, are you suggesting that I should retreat?"

Wenren Chuchu's response came in the form of a derisive snort. "Commander Cha, you possess greater wisdom than this. The ultimate decision rests with you. I have no authority to make it on your behalf."

Gazing at her, Cha Eun Xiao attempted to muster an expression that conveyed infatuation, but despite his prolonged efforts, he found himself unsuccessful.

After a pause, he chuckled and spoke in a resolute tone, "Since Princess suggests my withdrawal, I shall comply. This is done in consideration of the rapport between us. Landscapes stretch across the world. Princess, we shall meet again."

In the ensuing moment, Commander Cha, astride his horse, turned to address his troops. "Soldiers, withdraw!"

The issuance of such an unexpected, perplexing, and astonishing command sent shockwaves throughout both sides, captivating the Kingdom of Lan-Feng and the Kingdom of Chen, as well as Wenren Chuchu herself.

The men positioned on and below the city's walls found their eyeballs nearly plummeting to the ground.

"What on earth is he thinking?"

"Is he insane?"

"Has he lost his mind?"

"Is he mad?"

"That can't be right!"

"Really? Your kingdom was invaded, and nearly half its territory was seized. Now, you've finally managed to reclaim it, securing a resounding advantage. Nothing poses a threat anymore. Yet, with everything going your way, you actually decide to withdraw because the princess of your adversary presented some absurd recommendations? No one in their right mind would believe her words. It was nothing short of a jest. And yet, he's retreating."

"Heaven and earth, this is unbelievable."

Wenren Chuchu, herself bewildered, inquired, "Are you truly going to withdraw?"

In confusion, Cha Eun Xiao questioned, "What do you mean, fake?" He grinned and added, "You've displayed such care and concern for me. I should make my exit, just for you."

Wenren Chuchu took a deep breath, offering a smile. "Thank you, Brother Cha."

Cha Eun Xiao had finally succeeded in wearing the infatuated expression he had striven for. He gazed at her, yet to feel the anticipated emotions. He rubbed his nose and offered a two-word farewell, "Take care."

Though the sentiment he had hoped to convey eluded him, to others, his demeanor bore the appearance of profound soulfulness, a testament to true love.

To make her smile, to see her face, Commander Cha relinquished the opportunity to capture the city and chose to retreat, all for the sake of the captivating lady before him.

A genuine display of profound sentiment!

Commander Cha prepared to depart.

Several generals approached Cha Eun Xiao, their voices laden with disbelief. "Commander, are we really retreating? This is no time for jests, Commander..."

Cha Eun Xiao's thunderous shout reverberated through the ranks, "I made a promise to the Princess. Do you want me to be a man of no honor? Does my word mean nothing to you?"

At that moment, he displayed an air of arrogance and unreasonableness that left no doubt that he was the paramount authority in the vicinity. His newfound stature as the leader of the three lords in the town became unmistakable.

In the ensuing moment, he issued another resounding command, "Generals, retreat! This is not a request but an order! We depart immediately! Anyone who disobeys my command will face the consequences!"

A deafening boom of compliance resounded through the ranks as the army commenced its withdrawal.

Meng Chuanshi, his senses reeling, struggled to comprehend the unfolding events. [Is this truly happening? It feels like child's play...]

Turning toward Wenren Chuchu, he regarded her with newfound admiration, his voice trembling with emotion. "Princess... Thank you... You... You've endured so much..."

The departure of Commander Cha, despite standing on the cusp of a resounding victory, seemed inexplicable to Meng Chuanshi. He surmised that the princess must have suffered some 'unbearable loss' that led to this surprising turn of events.

But what, precisely, was that 'loss'? What could Wenren Chuchu have done to compel Cha Eun Xiao to withdraw when it was entirely unnecessary? Even if Commander Cha was an affectionate man, something significant must have transpired to sway him.

For the world's natural men, speculations ran wild, and the women likely spun even more dramatic tales. The truth remained elusive, as did the precise nature of the princess's persuasive powers.

Nevertheless, the fact remained that Commander Cha and his forces departed after being seemingly threatened by Princess Chuchu with some unfathomable ultimatum.

Wenren Chuchu watched the army retreat in speechless exasperation, her face growing darker with every passing moment. Her expression mirrored the seething turmoil of emotions within.

Meng Chuanshi offered a series of profound sighs, acknowledging, "Commander Cha appears to be a noble man. I'd heard of men who valued the allure of a pretty face more than their kingdom, but I'd never witnessed one. Now, I have. Indeed, such exceptional men exist in the world..."

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