The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 731: A Great Plan!

Chapter 731: A Great Plan!

A Great Plan! . . .

"Grandpa... marriage?" Zuo Wuji asked, bewildered, as he grasped his grandfather's arm.

Prime Minister Zuo wore a smile and replied, "I'm not sure what's going on. It seems the old gents desire you to become their grandson-in-law. They've possibly conjured this up... they tend to ramble and point fingers at others. Just a group of old rascals."

"Ah!" Zuo Wuji was utterly flabbergasted. It was difficult for him to fathom that anyone would fabricate such a tale.

"Prime Minister Zuo, you're getting on in years, and I understand that memory can fade," one of the elderly officials chimed in. "But let's not forget, when your son's wife was expecting, so was my son's spouse. You and I... we made an arrangement. You might have forgotten it, but I remember quite vividly. One should always honor their commitments..."

Zuo Wuji found the old man's actions distasteful. It appeared as if he was saying, 'Irrespective of what you think, this is how it's going to be.' The old official was unyielding.

"That's false! It was I who struck the deal!" another elderly official exclaimed indignantly. "It can't be... Old Zuo, did you make the same arrangement with multiple families? For heaven's sake..."

Prime Minister Zuo widened his eyes and stroked his beard.

[What in the world is this?]

[Am I the villain in this narrative now? I have no idea what you're referring to, alright?]

[Are you truly so confident that you can manipulate me this easily? Is that your assumption?]

"You old rascals! Have you no conscience? You were well aware that Wuji was unwell! You didn't forget how you concealed your granddaughters from me. You didn't even want me to visit and see your baby granddaughters! You kept them hidden... and now you have the audacity to fabricate such a story! You disgust me! Pah..."

Genuine anger surged within him. This was exactly how Zuo Wuji vented his anger when he was truly infuriated.

Zuo Wuji remained stunned. He spoke, "Grandpa, let's focus on the task at hand. The king is awaiting our response. If we fail to provide a satisfactory answer, it could lead to dire consequences. He might even perceive us as using his authority to suppress other officials, which would be the worst possible outcome. Regarding marriage, I'm not inclined to act rashly. Let's revisit this topic at a later time. I'm still young, and there's no rush."

Prime Minister Zuo agreed with his grandson's rationale and nodded. "You make a valid point. I'm growing old, and it's becoming more challenging to maintain sharpness of mind."

The other elderly gentlemen recognized the wisdom in Zuo Wuji's words. They decided to let the matter rest. However, one of them mumbled, "True, you are young, but girls don't share the same luxury of time. My granddaughter isn't exactly a child anymore. In a few years, she might be considered too old. If your grandfather hadn't made that agreement with me, she might already have been married for quite some time. You're fortunate to have her, young man..."

Another elderly man spat on the ground and retorted, "You old coot... your granddaughter is seven years old... Too old in a few years? Seriously? And you claim you made the deal with him when your son's wife was pregnant. Tell me, was that seven years ago or over a decade ago?"

After this back-and-forth, they ultimately realized what mattered most and fell silent, focusing their attention on Zuo Wuji.

Evidently, they were eager to hear this young man's perspective.

"Wuji, you filed that report and brought charges against those men. We're eager to hear your viewpoint first," they urged him.

After a contemplative pause, Zuo Wuji began to articulate his thoughts. "This is potentially a momentous occasion. We have several avenues we can explore. However, I want to clarify that my report wasn't driven by anger or other emotions; it was a calculated move."

"Intriguing, could you share your plan?" an official inquired.

"It's rather straightforward," Zuo Wuji responded with a determined expression. "The world is on the brink of unification. The formidable General Cha Nantian has vanquished the northern grassland tribes, eliminating the northern threat entirely."

"Cha Eun Xiao achieved a resounding victory at Iron Peak, successfully reclaiming all the territory we had lost. This accomplishment reverberated globally. Wenren Jianyin lies incapacitated, and his future is uncertain. He can't lead armies any time soon. Their only viable commander is Yang Wanli. After this protracted conflict, the Kingdom of Lan-Feng has sustained colossal losses, both in terms of manpower and finances. They lack a sponsor like Ling-Bao Hall. We hold a distinct advantage."

"In the east, the Kingdom of Tian-Yu didn't deplete their resources significantly, but this interkingdom war has taken its toll. Zhan Qianshan won't return to the battlefield for several years."

"The Kingdom of Chen, us, suffered the most losses, but we are still financially robust. Currently, we stand as the wealthiest kingdom in the world."

"The impending unification of the world hinges on how we steer these crucial next few years. This is a pivotal period. The individuals I labeled 'useless pricks' can only impede our kingdom within the court. We no longer require their presence in these positions. Therefore, a purge within the kingdom is imperative. We must cleanse the court and expel those individuals. Only then can we begin strategizing for world unification. I assert that Cha Eun Xiao cannot turn his back on these men, and neither can we."

"Should we miss this window of opportunity, even if we delay by just a year, our path to global unification will be perilously obstructed. It might take us an additional decade, perhaps even a century, and we could very well fail."

He continued with a steely resolve, "That's why I submitted that report. I couldn't afford to let this chance slip through our fingers."

"These men may perform admirably during times of peace, as they are indeed capable individuals, despite their avarice," Zuo Wuji acknowledged. "However, our aim is to achieve something monumental. These individuals, I'm convinced, would only hinder our progress. We must remove them from their positions to create openings for genuinely capable individuals."

He emphasized, "The principle is simple: capable individuals rise, while ineffectual individuals depart. Those unwilling to step aside for superior candidates must be dealt with accordingly. Our every action should be guided by the pursuit of a clean and formidable court. The Kingdom of Chen must embark on the path to global conquest. Anyone who obstructs our journey shall meet their end."

Zuo Wuji delivered this proclamation with a calm and composed demeanor.

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