The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 741: Unequal Treaty

Chapter 741: Unequal Treaty

Unequal Treaty . . .

Suddenly, Cha Eun Xiao had a moment of clarity. [Oh no, could it be?]

[I'm a cat, for heaven's sake! I look exactly like a cat! You imbecile! Have you ever seen a cat devouring steamed bread?] Erhuo inwardly wished it could smack Cha Eun Xiao with the bread.

[So, who's the silly one now?]

[Attempting to feed a baby cat steamed bread...]

[Only a fool would do that.]

"Erhuo!" Cha Eun Xiao called out.

Erhuo remained silent, choosing to ignore him.

"Erhuo!" Cha Eun Xiao called once more.

It still paid no heed.

Cha Eun Xiao continued to call it, seemingly fixated.

"Erhuo!" "Erhuo!" "Erhuo!" "Erhuo!" ...

[I gave you this name. If you won't answer, I'll just keep calling.]

[Let's see who can endure it longer!]

After Cha Eun Xiao called it for the seventy-ninth time, Erhuo eventually raised its head. It appeared feeble and defeated. "Meow," it replied. It realized that Cha Eun Xiao wouldn't stop calling until it responded.

[Alright, I surrender... you moron!]

"Erhuo!" Cha Eun Xiao called once more.

"Meow!" Erhuo replied, with an air of resignation.

[Please, no more. I'm losing my sanity here...]

"Are you hungry, Erhuo? Do you want some steamed bread? Are you not eating it because you're not hungry, or do you simply not like bread?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired.


"Come on, don't just meow. Are you going to eat it or not? You have to let me know. How am I supposed to figure out if it's the right food for you? You need to be clear about it..."

[Heavens and hells, why is this man so incessant? Can't he calm down for a moment!]

"Meow, meow!"

"Alright, so you don't like steamed bread. How about beef?"




"Pork, then?"

"Meow..." Erhuo was exasperated.

[I'm going mad. I'm losing my mind. Why did I choose such a master?]

[My goodness, someone please strike this man with lightning and put him out of his misery!]

Cha Eun Xiao was animated. "What about horse? Do you eat horse?"

"Meow!" Erhuo seemed at a loss.

[Can't you... consider something that's not meat? Can't you?]

"Donkey?" Cha Eun Xiao was positively enthusiastic.

"Meow! Ah..."

"My goodness, you're so finicky. You reject this and that. What do you eat, then? Humans?" Cha Eun Xiao was on the verge of frustration.

Erhuo finally couldn't bear it any longer. Suddenly, it stood up, exhibiting an air of annoyance like a person scolding Cha Eun Xiao and said, "Idiot! I eat fish! Fish!"

Cha Eun Xiao was utterly shocked by this revelation and slapped Erhuo while exclaiming, "You can talk! Why didn't you talk to me? 'Meow, meow, meow,' my foot! What are you playing at?"

Erhuo had not anticipated this reaction at all. It was slapped and sent rolling across the floor. After a moment, its fur stood on end.

"Meowwwww!" It was livid.

[How dare you strike me!]

As it prepared to retaliate, Cha Eun Xiao slapped it again. "Meow, my foot! What's the matter? Can't I hit you? Why are you posturing? Can't you just talk? 'Meow, meow, meow'... Who in the world would comprehend that? I'm going to rename you 'Cat Sh*t,' you little troublemaker!"

Erhuo was now fuming with anger. It growled and flailed its front claws in the air. It let out an uproar, but Cha Eun Xiao grasped it firmly by the nape of its neck.

Suddenly, Erhuo became as limp as an empty sack, suspended in the air with its four claws dangling down, resembling a captive in the throes of surrender. This vulnerability was a distinctive characteristic of cats. The mere act of gripping the skin on the back of their necks would render them immobile.

Cha Eun Xiao seized Erhuo, and the transformation was instantaneous. The once fierce demeanor gave way to something delicate and tender. Erhuo lowered its head but made an effort to lift its eyes to gaze at Cha Eun Xiao.

[I was too hasty...]

Cha Eun Xiao held it in his hand, shaking it gently. He tapped its tiny wet nose with a finger and quipped, "Meow? Will you cooperate now? Do you dare to be fierce with your master, brandishing those claws? Courageous, aren't you? Do you truly wish to be known as 'Cat Sh*t'?"

Erhuo's four legs dangled limply, matching the position of its head. Helpless, it was akin to a desiccated salted fish, suspended in his grasp. It pondered the idea of salted fish and, in response, began to salivate.

"Meow... I want fish... I want to eat fish..." It began to whimper.

"Will you comply?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired.

"Meow..." Its plea was filled with pathos.

"You will? Or you won't?"


Under Cha Eun Xiao's pressure, it succumbed, agreeing to an assortment of terms. It vowed to be unfailingly obedient, to communicate telepathically if it chose not to speak, and never to meow again when someone else was present. The terms of this pact were numerous, rendering it an unequal treaty.

Cha Eun Xiao was relentless, making it agree to every term that came to mind at the moment. In the end, it was even coerced into promising that Cha Eun Xiao would be the first to eat any delicious food and the first to engage in any playful activities. These terms were enforced upon it.

When Cha Eun Xiao eventually released Erhuo, the poor cat appeared lifeless, lying motionless on the floor.

[My goodness...]

[How could anyone on earth be so disrespectful to me?]

[He's utterly loathsome...]

Cha Eun Xiao paid no mind to Erhuo's dramatics. He scooped it up and continued to playfully tease and touch it. Regardless of his actions, Erhuo steadfastly refused to raise its head.

[I won't respond to you! Humph!]

[I have my own dignity!]

Curled up in Cha Eun Xiao's arms, Erhuo used one of its white claws to stroke its whiskers. It seemed unwell, but in reality, it was deep in contemplation.

[How can I regain the upper hand?]

[Is it possible?]

[Is it feasible?]

[Meow... What a predicament...]

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