The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 758: The Three Factions!

Chapter 758: The Three Factions!

The Three Factions! . . .

"Everyone, pick up the pace! Let's move!" Xiao Mufei's commanding voice echoed in the air. He grabbed Cha Eun Xiao's hand and infused spiritual energy into his body, urging him to move faster.

They pressed on until the moon reached its zenith in the night sky. Bathed in the moonlight, Xiao Mufei decided it was time to take a short rest atop a small hill.

Cha Eun Xiao had been sustained by Xiao Mufei's spiritual energy all along, yet he now felt as if his legs were on the verge of collapsing. As they moved, he didn't clearly register the pain, but now that they had halted, and Xiao Mufei ceased infusing him with energy, he felt utterly drained. All he could think about was the impending loss of use in his legs. They felt like dead weights.

Undoubtedly, navigating Qing-Yun Realm was far more demanding than the Land of Han-Yang. In his homeland, he could run thousands of miles without pause and not feel fatigued. In Qing-Yun Realm, running hundreds of miles could be exhausting. The difference in stamina was staggering.

They lit a campfire, and the night unfolded, hushed and dark, as if all living beings were deep in slumber. The moonlight bathed the surroundings, and the gentle breeze rustled through the night air. Cha Eun Xiao couldn't shake the feeling that he had been reborn into a new life, both familiar and disconcerting.

He was jolted from his contemplation by the tantalizing scent of roasting meat.

"Master, is it truly necessary to be in such a rush?" A middle-aged man seated next to Xiao Mufei expressed his confusion. "The seven great sects are usually allied, and the Sun, Moon, and Star sects are like brothers. With the three of us, the Star faction, having more people this time, why would anyone dare to provoke us?"

"United the seven great sects may seem," Xiao Mufei began, his tone carrying a trace of mockery. It was subtle, but Cha Eun Xiao, seated close by, could discern it.

Xiao Mufei looked at his disciple and said, "Da Long, you are just like many others, believing in the facade. That's precisely what they want you to think. But can you truly consider the members of their sects as your brothers?"

Da Long responded earnestly, "Yes, Master. I never doubted it. This is what I've been taught in our sect. Is there something more that I need to understand?"

Xiao Mufei's sneer gave way to a sigh, and he said, "Da Long, I don't blame you for believing what you've been taught. I, too, thought that way for a long time. However, we can't afford to be deceived by the image that people want us to see..."

He coughed and displayed a melancholic expression. He appeared to be lost in thought, and after a pause, he sat upright and addressed Cha Eun Xiao, saying, "Chongxiao, listen closely. I'm sharing this with all of you. Never let your guard down, and don't forget what I'm about to tell you."

Cha Eun Xiao replied, "Yes."

Xiao Mufei seemed to be gathering his thoughts and preparing his words. After a brief contemplation, he began to speak in a measured, solemn tone.

"The three factions, namely the Sun, Moon, and Star, were once closely intertwined. According to recorded history, they originally constituted a single sect, founded by an invincible ancestor whose martial skills and knowledge were unparalleled.

"Our ancestor had three exceptional disciples. The first disciple inadvertently unlocked the secrets of the blazing sun, leading to the creation of the Sun Sect, known today as Saint Sunlight Sect. The second disciple, who began as a humble cowherd, developed a fascination for animal training and eventually delved into the art of beast training. Over time, he unraveled the mysteries of the moon's influence, leading to the discovery of the Moon Essence Treasure and the establishment of the Moon Sect, which later became Cold Moon Palace. The third disciple achieved a profound understanding of the stars and established the Star Sect.

"At the outset, there were only the Sun Sect, Moon Sect, and Star Sect. Saint Sunlight Sect, Cold Moon Palace, Saint Starlight Sect, and other names were later adopted for various reasons, but in essence, they stemmed from the original three factions: Sun, Moon, and Star," Xiao Mufei explained.

He paused to take a deep breath before continuing, "Our shared history creates the impression that we are 'brother' sects, but there's a deeper truth we don't quite understand. Despite occasionally fighting side by side and providing mutual support, the bonds that once united us as brothers have grown strained and complex over generations."

With an earnest and even somewhat grave expression, he added, "While our harmony is genuine, it is not without potential for discord."

"Master, please enlighten me," Fang Dalong, Xiao Mufei's disciple, respectfully requested.

Xiao Mufei's lips curved into a faint, contemplative smile as he elaborated, "While our factions appear harmonious and cooperative, such peaceful cooperation persists only as long as it benefits all parties. If Cha Eun Xiao were just an exceptionally talented individual with no potential for profound change in the world, the other factions would allow us to return safely with him. They might even assist us."

He then turned serious and said, "But this situation is different. Cha Eun Xiao has absorbed the inner core of the Golden-scaled Dragon Fish. He is destined to become a world-shaking figure, capable of achieving ten thousand years of cultivation!"

Xiao Mufei's voice resonated deeply as he continued, "In simple terms, even if Cha Eun Xiao ceases cultivation for the rest of his life, if he were to waste his potential and do nothing, he would still possess the capability of ten thousand years of cultivation within a few hundred years!"

Gazing directly at his eldest disciple, Xiao Mufei inquired with a hint of coldness, "In Qing-Yun Realm, how many individuals possess ten thousand years of cultivation capability? Even those supreme masters who possess one figure, two saint halls, three divine arts, and have served in seven sects – do they hold ten thousand years of cultivation?"

He delivered his next words with a cold smile, "When someone possesses the potential for ten thousand years of cultivation, the holders of 'one figure, two saint halls, three divine arts, seven sects' will not simply allow them to ascend without hindrance."

"Instead," Xiao Mufei's tone turned somber, "they will likely do everything in their power to suppress and prevent us from rising above and reshaping the destiny of this world."

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