The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 777: A Moment of Peace!

Chapter 777: A Moment of Peace!

A Moment of Peace! . . .

As Cha Eun Xiao and the survivors streamed into the village, they were greeted with curious gazes from the local inhabitants. The villagers, however, didn't merely observe passively.

One child, driven by curiosity, appeared in the doorway to get a better look at the newcomers. It wasn't long before a woman quickly whisked the child back inside and shut the door, her voice laced with admonishment, "You foolish child! Do you wish to lose your life? They are all..."

Xiao Mufei observed this interaction but was at a loss about what to do. His response was to move quietly and slowly towards a small public house.

Cha Eun Xiao, on his way past the house, noticed the child wearing tattered shoes, with toes poking through the holes. It struck a chord with him, and he extended a hand, causing several golden leaves to flutter into the house, radiating a dazzling glow.

"Use this to buy the child a new pair of shoes," Cha Eun Xiao said softly.

The amount was meager, a mere fraction of what he possessed within his Boundless Space. His storage contained enough gold and silver to sustain an entire kingdom for a year. However, he was cautious about offering too much. While it might be insignificant to cultivators like him, it could provide for this impoverished family for several years. It was a sum they could manage, and he was wary of attracting undue attention. A larger sum might place them in peril.

Inside the house, the mother offered a trembling thank you, her voice shaking with gratitude.

"I should have known you possess such a kind heart," Xiao Mufei remarked, patting Cha Eun Xiao's shoulder. "Coming from the lower realm, I wrongly assumed you had grown indifferent to such matters. I genuinely didn't realize."

Cha Eun Xiao fell silent for a moment before responding, "It simply brings back memories of my own childhood. When I was a child, my life was much like that child's. No, it was even worse. He has a loving mother. I didn't."

Xiao Mufei sighed, offering a comforting pat on Cha Eun Xiao's shoulder without further comment.

He could sense the genuineness in Cha Eun Xiao's words, recognizing that it wasn't a fabricated sentiment. Clearly, in both of Cha Eun Xiao's lifetimes, his childhood had been significantly more challenging than that of the child he had just helped. He had never experienced the love of a mother, a stark contrast to the child's situation.

The public house was ill-equipped to handle a feast for so many men, but their advance notice had allowed them to make arrangements. Representatives had been dispatched to acquire food from the town.

Although the public house couldn't immediately prepare enough food for the group, this prompt action assured Cha Eun Xiao and the others that it wasn't a trap. In the interim, they were provided with a variety of teapots to enjoy a hot beverage.

Chair shortages led to some men sharing tables while others settled on the floor. After days of arduous travel, having a proper meal was their foremost concern; chairs were of little consequence.

Cha Eun Xiao took stock of their group, tallying up to one hundred and seventy-two individuals. He noted that only Xiao Mufei, himself, and two older men, approximately fifty-five years of age, occupied the chairs at a central table. The remaining members settled on the floor in organized groups, forming a triangle of three close groups around the table. Four more groups, led by the four eldest disciples, sat further away, one in each cardinal direction. Nine additional groups formed an outer circle, surrounding the four inner groups.

Three-star guardian array.

Four-sides iron-barrel array.

Nine-square ambush array.

Their formation, an embodiment of their martial training, was a testament to their readiness for any potential threats.

Three formation arrays interlocked to create a defensive perimeter, with Cha Eun Xiao and his companions seated at the core. Xiao Mufei occupied the central seat, acting as the focal point of the formations.

From his vantage point, Xiao Mufei maintained a sweeping view of their surroundings. He was attuned to every potential threat, keenly aware of any approaching figures or unusual occurrences in their vicinity.

Throughout their journey back, the group remained extraordinarily vigilant. Initially, they had engaged in casual tea-drinking and light-hearted conversations. Laughter had filled the air. However, as they ventured further, the jovial atmosphere gave way to somber silence.

Individuals began to scrutinize their surroundings, casting furtive glances.

Some lowered their heads to sip tea, unknowingly mingling their tears with the brew.

"When I arrived, someone sat beside me..."

"Now, that person is gone. I'll never see them again."

"I'm powerless. There are no words to express my grief. All I can do is swallow my sorrow along with this tea."

The oppressive weight of loss and the realization that they would never again see their fallen comrades descended upon them, driving them to the brink of madness.

Despite their valiant efforts, the tavern owner and server struggled to conceal their trembling hands. They diligently tended to their duties, boiling water and preparing dishes as they had done countless times before.

Five horse-drawn carriages approached at a slow pace, laden with water, liquor, and provisions.

Their discerning customers, however, remained focused on the approaching carriages. Conversation had dwindled to near silence.

Their hunger was evident, and the food they had packed for the journey still lay untouched. Cha Eun Xiao, informed of a nearby village pub by Xiao Mufei, had dispelled any appetite for their meager provisions. The desire for a satisfying meal had once been paramount, but it now felt trivial.

Before, they could devour the food of a small kingdom. However, when they eventually reached it, their appetite had vanished.

The reason was painfully clear. They had lost too many brothers in the recent trials. Those who had perished had no need for sustenance.

Contemplating this grim reality, none could muster the desire to eat. They simply sat in silence, expectant and vigilant.

The aroma of tantalizing dishes wafted through the air. They were served liquor and ample plates of beef, a perfect culinary pairing.

Xiao Mufei sighed deeply, clutching a bowl of liquor and pouring it onto the ground. "Rest in peace, my friends! In the martial world, grudges will be settled. Debts will be repaid."

"We shall avenge you! They owe it to you!"

In unison, the others raised their bowls and shouted, eyes brimming with tears.

One hundred and seventy-one bowls of liquor were simultaneously emptied onto the floor.

The scent of alcohol permeated the air, carrying with it an overwhelming sense of sorrow that seemed to reach the ends of the earth.

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