The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 803: Wings in the Sky!

Chapter 803: Wings in the Sky!

Wings in the Sky! . . .

Still aloft in the sky, Zhan Yunfei vigilantly scanned his surroundings. He understood the stakes of this waiting game. He firmly believed that his elusive quarry would seize any moment of distraction on his part to make a desperate escape. He was determined not to give them that opportunity.

His form remained suspended in the heavens, a wellspring of spiritual qi coursing through his body. Every ounce of energy was dedicated to maintaining his aerial vantage point. He refused to let any trace elude his watchful gaze.

Nonetheless, the relentless act of soaring through the air, even for an accomplished cultivator, was an endurance challenge. It was only a matter of time before fatigue began to set in. This awareness nagged at Zhan Yunfei as time passed.

Gradually, the persistent strain took its toll, and he felt the weight of exhaustion creep over him. There was no avoiding the inevitable. He would have to descend for a brief respite. Yet, he also knew that his adversaries were not idle. They closely monitored his movements from within the fiery inferno, ever watchful for any signs of weakness, poised to seize any fleeting opportunity to escape.

In this ongoing standoff, the two sides engaged in a silent test of endurance. Zhan Yunfei's only escape was to land and regain his strength. The hidden foes below, on the other hand, found themselves trapped between the merciless flames and the relentless hunter.

The chilling reality was that these concealed individuals had initially set out to eliminate an unsuspecting newcomer to their realm, Cha Eun Xiao, who had found himself as their unanticipated adversary. Though their prime target was truly Xiao Mufei, who had suffered grievous injuries in previous conflicts and would have been an easier victim, they now faced Zhan Yunfei, a formidable and wholly unexpected foe.

Facing the prospect of falling into Zhan Yunfei's clutches, they contemplated the dire consequences. If captured, their secrets would be mercilessly extracted through torture, for none could endure Zhan Yunfei's interrogation techniques.

At long last, Zhan Yunfei's endurance reached its limit. He prepared to descend, and the hidden adversaries were poised to seize their chance. It was a game of seconds. The potential freedom they sought was tantalizingly close.

However, in that very moment, salvation arrived from above. Two stones hurtled skyward, swiftly ascending hundreds of meters and homing in on Zhan Yunfei's feet. Though not large, these stones carried immense significance. Zhan Yunfei had been holding his position in the sky, depleting his energy rapidly without any solid footing. The trees below were too distant to reach. Desperation was setting in.

Then, just as he contemplated yielding to the fatigue, the two stones reached him. Zhan Yunfei's heart surged with elation as he adroitly shifted his posture, his feet finding purchase on the stones. With a deep breath, he exhaled spent spiritual qi, inhaling afresh to cultivate a new flow of energy. His chest swelled with newfound vigor.

Rather than plummeting back to the ground, the stones continued their upward trajectory. The unknown benefactor who had thrown them had demonstrated great precision and strength, saving Zhan Yunfei from defeat and securing precious moments to regain his power.

With the stones hurtling downward, Zhan Yunfei's reflexes kicked into high gear. He shifted his weight onto the stones just as they approached the ground, and they responded by plummeting at a breathtaking speed, akin to shooting stars streaking across the night sky. Zhan Yunfei, aided by this stroke of ingenuity, vaulted into the heavens once more, becoming the hawk once more, masterfully navigating the skies.

His form ascended with ease, the embodiment of an avian grace he displayed while soaring, maintaining his watchful eyes on the flaming abyss below.

Zhan Yunfei's awe-inspiring feat didn't escape the notice of those who stood witness. Their unyielding support for their indomitable ally remained unwavering. They realized that maintaining this tactic was the key to retaining Zhan Yunfei's aerial advantage. As long as a helping hand was extended to ensure he continued soaring, Zhan Yunfei could command the skies without end. And their collective commitment to this task was unwavering.

The essential challenge lay in devising such a method in the first place. The precision of the thrown stones was a testament to their innovativeness. Yet, it was important to remember that these stones were merely a means to lift Zhan Yunfei a mere dozen meters into the air. The individuals responsible for this ingenious tactic were not particularly formidable cultivators.

As Zhan Yunfei continued to soar, his allies took inspiration from his daring example. Xiao Mufei and his companions seized stones, poised to assist in the unconventional strategy.

Meanwhile, the hidden adversaries below, cloaked in the depths of the fiery maelstrom, recognized the dire straits they found themselves in. Surrender appeared the only viable option to escape the inevitable destruction of the flames.

Zhan Yunfei punctuated the dilemma with a thunderous call, his voice resonating across the fiery panorama. "Bastards, what are you going to do now? Come out and surrender! I will spare your pathetic lives!"

This ultimatum marked the culmination of their confrontation. Surrender was their sole alternative to a fiery demise or capture by Zhan Yunfei's relentless pursuit.

However, Cha Eun Xiao, having braved the harrowing trials of the Land of Han-Yang and encountered Master Bai and the resourceful Zu Wuji, bore witness to the remarkable cunning of those with brilliant intellects. He understood the depths of cruelty that assassins were willing to endure, both from others and to themselves. As a result, he couldn't help but wonder if the hidden adversaries had yet another card to play—a third choice that was a possible game-changer.

Amid the flickering flames, a despondent old man made his decision. With a lightning-fast reach, his intent wasn't to confront Zhan Yunfei directly. Instead, he aimed to strike a deadly blow at Zhan Yunfei's six compatriots.

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