Chapter 81: New Look

New Look . . .

The reason behind the sudden surge in temperature within the Cha Clan's residence was, in fact, quite straightforward. Cha-Eun Xiao had been tirelessly channeling the searing power of the East-rising Purple Qi throughout the night. Although this power was being employed within a limited scope, its fiery tendrils inadvertently seeped into the surroundings, gradually elevating the room's temperature.

Yet, amidst this warmth that enveloped the house, no one had the luxury of time to investigate its origin. Another equally pressing matter was unfolding within the residence's confines.

Under the watchful and unwavering gaze of Song Jue, all the blood guards were engrossed in intense training. They exerted themselves with visible signs of effort, sweat pouring from their brows, unknowingly attributing the growing heat to their exertions.

Throughout the night, a commanding voice echoed through the house, admonishing the guards for their apparent weaknesses. It was a voice filled with both exasperation and a hint of compassion, aimed at motivating them to greater heights.

"Look at your bewildered expressions," the voice proclaimed. "A mere moment of exertion, and you are drenched in sweat. Have you no pride left as the blood guards? From now on, every one of you shall undergo full-strength training for an entire month. The next time I assess your progress, if I still witness such feebleness, I will not hesitate to dismiss you."

In reality, Song Jue possessed the ability to sense the unusual rise in temperature, an indication of the excessive heat within the house. Nevertheless, he employed this as an excuse to instill discipline and determination in his subordinates. Furthermore, having suffered humiliation earlier, he seized this opportunity to vent his pent-up frustrations.

Meanwhile, Cha-Eun Xiao had remained wholly immersed in his arduous task, persistently working through the night. With the first light of dawn, he extended his weary frame and inhaled deeply, casting his eyes upon the remarkable results of his labor. Before him lay the 108 needles and the 12 knives, each gleaming with a dark and mysterious luster.

The outcome of his night-long toil was both astounding and unexpected. Initially, the creation of each needle had demanded a substantial amount of effort, leaving him drained. After completing one, he required a respite to recover his energy before proceeding to the next. This was attributed to the continuous flow of energy needed to melt and temper the Deep Sea Frigid Metal; any interruption would reverse the process.

As for the knives, their size presented an even greater challenge, and Cha-Eun Xiao doubted that one night would suffice to sharpen them. However, his growing proficiency allowed him to accomplish the same amount of work with diminishing energy consumption. The vast qi reserves from the Spaces continuously flowed to him, enabling him to complete the last of the knives.

All the needles and knives had their tips fashioned, their surfaces glistening with a chilling light. They exuded an aura of impending danger, as if they were forged in the fires of Hell, destined for bloodshed and destruction.

"The Divine Weapons with Demonic Edges have finally been revealed," Cha-Eun Xiao murmured, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. Yet he knew that their journey was far from over. "But their true invisibility must be achieved... Colorless Gold would be the key, but I lack the material and skill to do so at present."

With a sigh, he resolved to leave them in their current state for the time being.

Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, Cha-Eun Xiao felt a hint of vanity creep in. His features were strikingly handsome, a testament to the beauty he now possessed. With his long hair cascading down, he felt confident he could claim the title of the world's most handsome man.

However, practicality called for a change. He skillfully tied his hair into a coiled knot atop his head, leaving a few strands to cascade down his left side. This hairstyle, though unconventional, bestowed an air of rebellion and charisma upon him.

"Much better," Cha-Eun Xiao affirmed, pleased with his unique appearance. "This style suits me well. It's both convenient and distinctive."

The Monarch of the Cha Clan, Cha-Eun Xiao, wasn't merely considering the convenience of his unconventional hairstyle. Instead, he was crafting a plan of intricate ingenuity. As he delicately arranged his long, dark hair, he began concealing the specially crafted needles within the coiled knot atop his head. These needles, too, bore a shadowy hue, blending seamlessly with the obsidian strands.

Through meticulous manipulation of his hair, Cha-Eun Xiao ensured that not a single needle was visible. He demonstrated this by performing a myriad of movements and gestures. Some required the use of his hands, while others relied solely on the fluid motions of his head. His ebony locks danced, concealing the presence of the concealed weaponry.

Satisfied with his efforts, Cha-Eun Xiao mused, "With this technique, I can rest assured that, regardless of the situation or my actions, no one will detect when I deploy these needles." His nod conveyed a sense of triumph. "However, I need to reserve space for the knives. I can only hide twelve needles this way."

With careful precision, he placed one needle tightly against the skin of his left wrist. He then covered it with a material that mimicked his own flesh. The transformation was uncanny; the material now appeared as a seamless extension of his skin. The embedded needle remained entirely imperceptible.

This uncanny material, acquired during one of his recent visits to the marketplace, was primarily used to craft lifelike skin masks. While these masks were impractical for extended wear, they proved invaluable when used on the wrist, where their presence would escape notice.

Cha-Eun Xiao replicated this process on his right wrist, left ankle, right ankle, and both sides of his waist, resulting in eighteen concealed needles strategically distributed throughout his body.

Next, he retrieved twelve needles from his cache, leaving the remaining seventy-eight within the Golden Space. The twelve needles were placed in a small bag, primarily for deceptive purposes, while those hidden on his body remained reserved for emergencies.

The real arsenal of killing power lay within the seventy-eight needles concealed in the Golden Space. With a mere thought, he could summon these needles into his grasp, enabling swift and seamless strikes.

Two of the twelve knives were nestled within his hair, concealed by the lustrous strands. The remainder were secured within the Golden Space.

With meticulous attention to detail, Cha-Eun Xiao tested various movements to ensure the needles and knives remained impeccably hidden, regardless of his actions. Satisfied with the result, he exited his room and hastened to the watchtower.

Fifteen minutes remained until the world bathed in the rising purple qi—the optimal moment for cultivating the East-Rising Purple Qi. Cha-Eun Xiao would not squander this precious opportunity.

As he made his way, he encountered Song Jue. Cha-Eun Xiao prepared to offer his greetings, but to his amusement, he watched Song Jue walk past, preoccupied with his own thoughts. In a murmured soliloquy, Song Jue pondered, "What else do I still need to do?"

The situation struck Cha-Eun Xiao as rather comical. Once a mere steward, Song Jue had criticized every aspect of Cha-Eun Xiao's life. Now, as an uncle, he appeared to avoid any encounter with his nephew.

A nearby guard observed the scene and inquired, "Chief, was that our young master ahead of you? You didn't even greet him."

In response, Song Jue hastily replied, "Oh, truly? I didn't realize. It doesn't matter; I see him every day. I have my own matters to attend to, and you all are busy too." His voice gradually faded into the distance.

At last, a hearty laughter bubbled forth from Cha-Eun Xiao's lips. "[My Uncle Steward is truly endearing]," he mused privately.

Had Song Jue been privy to Cha-Eun Xiao's inner amusement, he would likely have been quite embarrassed. Despite the futility of his own predicament, Song Jue would almost certainly have sought a means to vent his frustrations, often directing his ire at the unfortunate blood guards. They were, after all, convenient targets for such release.

It was now the afternoon, and Cha-Eun Xiao was preparing to attend a dinner hosted by none other than the crown prince himself. He approached the upcoming engagement with a degree of nonchalance. After all, what was the crown prince to him but a mere footnote in his life?

As he had declared earlier, should the crown prince dare to act against him, Cha-Eun Xiao harbored no reservations about retaliating. Both the crown prince and his consort would bear the consequences of such folly. There was simply nothing that warranted his concern.

Why worry about something as inconsequential as a fleeting breeze?

The skies gradually darkened, and Cha-Eun Xiao, mounted atop his horse, presented a striking figure. His garments billowed in the wind, and his flowing locks danced in harmony with the breeze. With the Crown Prince's Palace as his destination, he set off.

During his journey, he took a momentary pause to purchase a bag of fresh fruits, a whimsical indulgence to enhance his evening.

Lan Lang-Lang happened upon him along the way and approached curiously, "Xiao Xiao, where are you headed?"

A mischievous grin graced Cha-Eun Xiao's lips as he responded, "The crown prince has graciously extended an invitation to dinner. I plan to enjoy a few drinks. Care to join? Has he extended an invitation to you as well?"

Lan Lang-Lang's countenance reflected a touch of disappointment. "No, I wasn't invited. I can't help but wonder why he invited you but not me…"

Without further ado, Cha-Eun Xiao continued on his journey.

As he covered a considerable distance, another rider approached and called out, "Xiao Xiao, where are you headed?"

This newcomer was none other than Zuo Wu-Ji.

In response, Cha-Eun Xiao raised his voice, carrying over the street's clamor. "The crown prince has invited me to dine. I'm off to enjoy some drinks."

Zuo Wu-Ji's eyes widened in astonishment. "Ah? The crown prince extended an invitation to you? For what purpose?"

A crowd had gathered on the street, their gaze fixed on Cha-Eun Xiao with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "[The crown prince invited him to dinner? Unbelievable!]"

With an infectious chuckle, Cha-Eun Xiao replied, "You pose a rather simple query. Naturally, the crown prince has summoned me to discuss pressing national affairs. Given the tumultuous state of our kingdom, the motive is plain to see."

Zuo Wu-Ji broke into effusive praise. "Indeed! I'm filled with admiration. Brother Cha is truly the pillar of our kingdom!"

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