The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 820: The Path to Become Immortal!

Chapter 820: The Path to Become Immortal!

The Path to Become Immortal! . . .

Yun Piaoliu's tone was grave and somber, as he addressed Cha Eun Xiao. "So, you should rest as much as you can today. Allow yourself a good night's sleep. Tomorrow morning, we shall commence."

Cha Eun Xiao didn't entertain a moment's hesitation. He promptly made his way to one of the cottages and reclined on a bed. Without dwelling on any other thoughts, he succumbed to sleep's embrace.

In stark contrast to those who might assume that the three venerable mentors were merely embellishing the severity of the forthcoming trials, Cha Eun Xiao possessed a profound understanding of the actual challenges that lay ahead. He comprehended that they had, if anything, downplayed the grueling nature of what was to come.

His sole prerogative was to utilize every available second for recuperation. In the impending three months, there would be no respite for slumber. Sleep would transform into an elusive and ephemeral luxury, an indulgence beyond reach.

The notion of these "three months of hell" was not alien to Cha Eun Xiao. He had previously heard of this rigorous training methodology. It was a closely guarded secret within the sects and was rarely offered to disciples. Those who did embark on this training rarely completed it in its entirety.

The training was typically reserved for the most exceptionally gifted disciples, making it one of the most arduous and demanding regimens. It was primarily undertaken at the initiation of one's cultivation journey.

Throughout the annals of history spanning tens of thousands of years, no disciple from the three factions had successfully endured the entire three-month ordeal. Most contenders resigned within a mere three days. Those who persevered past this initial threshold achieved remarkable accomplishments in their future cultivation.

Those who withstood the rigors of the training for over one month eventually ascended to the Dao Origin Stage. Those who endured beyond two months ascended to the pinnacle of Dao Origin Stage, achieving elite status within their respective sects.

As for those who persisted through the first ten days of the third month, they remained but a legend, a feat never before accomplished. It was this extraordinary challenge that had earned it the moniker "three months of hell."

Cha Eun Xiao was acutely aware that the content of the training would address the very deficiency he had struggled with throughout his life. He had only come to recognize the paramount importance of a solid cultivation foundation as he matured and gained strength, yet the realization had arrived too late.

In this fortuitous juncture, he appreciated the unique opportunity that presented itself by becoming a disciple of Cold Moon Palace. The chance to rectify his foundational shortcomings would not have been possible otherwise. Furthermore, he required a guide for these three months—a figure who met the prerequisite of being at least level eight of Dao Origin Stage. For rogue cultivators in the Spirit Origin Stage, such a mentor was virtually unattainable.

The host was an invaluable resource reserved for the most gifted disciples within the great sects, and Cha Eun Xiao now found himself among their ranks.

The crux of the matter was that this opportunity was a privilege granted to only the most exceptional disciples.

Cha Eun Xiao was determined to seize this moment, and he approached it with the utmost reverence and diligence.

As he slumbered soundly, the three revered masters maintained a vigilant watch outside, their expressions marked by solemnity and gravity.

"Brother, how many days did you endure during your three months of hell?" Yun Piaoliu inquired, his voice tinged with reminiscence. "I recall that during my own ordeal, I nearly staked my life on it, but I persevered for two and a half months."

Feng Wuying disclosed the duration of his endurance during the rigorous three months, stating, "I persevered for two months and fourteen days. A rather close call."

Yun Piaoliu followed suit, revealing, "I made it for two months and nineteen days. My master was quite elated to witness me hold on for such an extended period. He even commended me as one of the three disciples in history who had endured the 'three months of hell' for the longest duration."

Lei Dadi, gazing into the distant horizon, couldn't help but reminisce as he confided, "I miss him deeply… I yearn for him to oversee the 'three months of hell' for me once more… I would willingly meet my end during those arduous months… It must have been such a profound experience."

A collective sigh emanated from the three elderly masters, and the topic was promptly abandoned.

They harbored a shared sentiment regarding the decision not to elucidate the importance of the "three months of hell" to Cha Eun Xiao. Feng Wuying articulated their rationale, "Our intention is for him to confront these grueling months with the unflinching resolve of a novice, unburdened by excessive trepidation."

Yun Piaoliu added, "Although it's improbable that he will surpass our own feats, he is undeniably a prodigious talent brimming with boundless potential. Achieving a duration of endurance akin to ours should suffice to ensure his future ascendancy, possibly rivaling that of Wu Fa."

Lei Dadi reinforced this perspective, asserting, "Indeed, the latter half of the third month proves to be a living nightmare. Each day becomes doubly more challenging than the preceding one. Even divine beings would struggle to endure the entirety of these three months. I vividly recall that, each night as I slumbered, I was tormented by the memory of the final four days of my 'three months of hell.' It was an ordeal bordering on a nightmare."

Yun Piaoliu wore a wistful smile. "The two of you surpassed my own duration by several days, which was my master's prediction. His foresight proved accurate, and I never came close to matching your accomplishments. But it still bewilders me. Is the 'three months of hell' an endeavor devised by the sect to terrify its disciples? Our ancestors invested substantially in procuring this training regimen, yet no one has ever completed the entirety of it. The best among us have only endured for two months and twenty-one days."

Lei Dadi contemplatively recited an aphorism, evoking a nostalgic sigh. "Traveling through boundless hell, the myriad worlds within one's heart. Innumerable tribulations forge an immortal, and Human Realm Upon Heavens beckons."

Feng Wuying further elucidated, "Eighty-one unique challenges! During the final nine days, he will confront eighty-one distinct adversities each day."

Lei Dadi continued, "It's virtually impossible to endure all nine days."

Feng Wuying interjected, "I care less about the possibility. What truly matters is Cha Eun Xiao extending his tenure by a few days beyond our own achievements. That, in itself, would be an extraordinary victory."

Lei Dadi conveyed unwavering determination, stating, "My sole concern is that both of you are adequately prepared."

Feng Wuying, although somewhat resigned, admitted, "We are as ready as we can be. However, it's imperative that we be prepared to put our lives on the line to facilitate his progress."

The three venerable masters bore a demeanor of utmost gravity.

While the "three months of hell" presented a pivotal and transformative experience for the young disciple, it simultaneously posed an immense challenge for the three grandmasters tasked with overseeing its execution.

Lei Dadi emphatically expressed, "I couldn't care less about anything else! The paramount objective is that the three months must be completed… even if our lives are at stake, it's imperative that we persist until Cha Eun Xiao finishes."

Lei Dadi interjected, affirming, "I share the same sentiment. I too shall persist until the 'three months of hell' is successfully traversed. Now, the both of you, off to sleep."

With that, Feng Wuying and Yun Piaoliu withdrew, whispering in jest, "Old rascal! You merely joined the sect a mere two days prior to us, yet you maintain your arrogance. We're all inching ever closer to our end, and you stubbornly cling to your pride…"

Lei Dadi, observing his two younger disciples' departure, couldn't help but break into a smile, murmuring softly, "You two incorrigible rascals… after all these years, you've not shed an iota of your enduring personalities…"

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