The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 84: Interrogation

Chapter 84: Interrogation

Interrogation . . .

The individuals assembled in the hall were a group of highly educated individuals, well-versed in the art of conversation. They could engage in lengthy discussions for hours on end without pause. However, when it came to engaging with Cha-Eun Xiao, they found themselves strangely silenced. The atmosphere had grown increasingly uncomfortable, and an air of awkwardness enveloped the gathering.

After an uneasy silence, the elderly Guan Zheng-Wen, known for his wisdom, rose from his seat with a warm smile. His deep voice broke the tension as he addressed Cha-Eun Xiao. "I initially occupied this seat to have a brief conversation with the Crown Prince," he began, his words laced with diplomacy. "Now that we have concluded our discussion, I should naturally make way for you, Lord Cha. I hope you don't mind. After all, standing for extended periods can be taxing for someone of my age. Hahahaha..."

This seasoned elder had skillfully defused the situation, turning it in a more amicable direction.

Cha-Eun Xiao responded with a hearty laugh, choosing not to prolong the issue. He took his seat without hesitation, now seated only a short distance from the Crown Prince. His actions were not arbitrary; he was strategically positioning himself for the execution of a contingency plan. He made it clear that he wouldn't hesitate to take drastic action should anyone provoke him, even if they were individuals of high stature.

In this current situation, Cha-Eun Xiao had little regard for the identities of those around him. The seat he had claimed offered the ideal vantage point for implementing his backup plan. He was fully prepared to defend himself, knowing that from this location, even the most skilled cultivators would struggle to protect the Crown Prince.

The others at the table remained oblivious to the audacious and potentially lethal scheme brewing within the seemingly foppish young lord's mind.

With the seating arrangement issue settled, albeit uneasily, the gathering resumed their meal. Three rounds of drinks and five courses of delicious dishes later, the Crown Prince signaled for attention. Everyone at the table set aside their chopsticks, recognizing that the time had come to address the main topic of the evening. They sat in anticipation, eager to witness what was to unfold.

However, Cha-Eun Xiao, seemingly undeterred, continued devouring his food with unrestrained fervor. His hands moved like a blur, a whirlwind of activity. He consumed each dish with voracious enthusiasm, and his cheeks swelled as he chewed. His chopsticks seemed to dance across the table, depleting every dish they touched, akin to locusts ravaging a field.

In that moment, he resembled a famished ghost, ravenous after millennia of deprivation, finally granted the chance to feast like a beast.

As the Crown Prince cleared his throat to speak, the hall fell into an expectant hush, except for the deafening sound of Cha-Eun Xiao's enthusiastic chewing.

The others present couldn't help but regard him with visible irritation. Sensing their disapproval, Cha-Eun Xiao paused momentarily, appearing as though he had just grasped the situation. He ceased his chewing and spoke in a disjointed manner, "Are... Are you finished? Oh, I see. Well then, I won't restrain myself any longer..."

With that, he rose from his seat to reach for a dish of meat that sat furthest from him. He expressed contentment, stating, "This dish is remarkably delicious, but it was just out of my reach. I was beginning to worry I wouldn't have the chance to savor it. Thanks for graciously vacating your seat..."

He then resumed eating, the sound of his chewing growing more pronounced and grating.

The onlookers couldn't help but feel they were receiving an impromptu lesson in 'ear-opening' techniques.

The Crown Prince felt a pang of embarrassment as he finally intervened. "Lord Cha," he began, "I need to address the gathering."

Cha-Eun Xiao paused once more, a morsel of meat halfway to his mouth. He then placed the meat into his mouth, set down his chopsticks deliberately, and assumed a grave expression. "Since the Crown Prince wishes to speak," he announced, "I must ask everyone else to cease eating. It's a matter of decorum, and we wouldn't want to tarnish the Crown Prince's reputation, especially in the presence of esteemed guests such as myself..."

With an exaggerated swallow, he continued, leaving those in attendance feeling indignant.

"Who is eating, indeed?" they seethed internally. "You are the one who continued feasting throughout, and now you distort the truth!"

It is quite peculiar, isn't it? One would expect the food in the General's House to be nothing short of exquisite. How then, dear Crown Prince, have you been subjected to such pitiful conditions, forced to dine like a famished beast?" The Crown Prince's furrowed brow revealed his discontent and gave way to an irate expression.

Around the table, the assembled guests remained silent, their anxiety palpable. They felt as though an impending storm was bearing down upon them, the tempestuous aura of a ruler looming over their gathering. In their hearts, they couldn't help but commend the Crown Prince for exuding such authoritative presence.

Meanwhile, Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes began to wander as boredom overtook him. His gaze landed upon a plate of fried chicken, featuring a tantalizing chicken wing and a plump drumstick. He couldn't resist the allure of such delectable fare. With a cheeky grin, he pondered, "I do have a penchant for these delicacies... And as for the other wing and leg, well, they've already taken up residence in my stomach. Flying with only one wing seems quite inefficient, doesn't it? And let's not forget, walking with just a single foot is equally challenging..."

As for the notion of the "vigor of a king" that had so impressed the others, it held little weight in Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes. In his previous life, he had encountered individuals of immense power, capable of bringing about unprecedented calamities with a mere frown. Their so-called "vigor of a king" paled in comparison to the overwhelming might he had witnessed. Hence, he harbored no reverence for such a concept.

The Crown Prince, with a somber countenance, began to address the gathering. He hinted at the recent disturbances and upheavals within the Crown Prince's Palace, suggesting that troubling events had unfolded. As he delved into this topic, a heavy sigh punctuated his words, hinting at the gravity of the situation.

Sitting beside the Crown Prince, Meng Zi-Xiao chimed in, echoing the concerns. "Indeed, the Crown Prince's position was once unassailable," he acknowledged. "However, recent troubles have disrupted our foundation of support, resulting in a series of unwelcome predicaments. It remains unclear what the instigator behind these events hopes to achieve."

Meng Zi-Xiao's unexpected initiative puzzled the wise Guan Zheng-Wen, who had been poised to steer the conversation strategically. He hesitated momentarily before resigning himself to silence. The Crown Prince, too, appeared taken aback by Meng Zi-Xiao's unanticipated shift in dialogue.

Another guest couldn't help but sneer, remarking, "The individual responsible for these disturbances must be reveling in their success."

Meng Zi-Xiao then directed his attention to Cha-Eun Xiao with a tone of inquiry. "Lord Cha, in the realm of causality, every phenomenon has a cause and effect," he asserted. "The disruptions within the Crown Prince's Palace are no exception. There must be an origin to these events. What are your thoughts on the matter?"

As the focus shifted to Cha-Eun Xiao, the group's sharp gazes fell upon him. Oblivious to their scrutiny, Cha-Eun Xiao nodded thoughtfully and replied, "Indeed, the Crown Prince's realm of influence has been marred by recent upheavals, suggesting a covert plot against your highness. If you can provide me with the name of the miscreant responsible, I shall not concern myself with their identity. Rest assured, I will personally apprehend them and deliver a well-deserved retribution, thus offering my unwavering support in return for your gracious hospitality."

His response left the other guests utterly dumbfounded. Some, initially filled with righteous anger, had now tempered their emotions, while others struggled to find words to express their surprise.

Incredulous whispers filled the room as the statement hung in the air, leaving those gathered baffled and astonished. They had engaged in lengthy discussions, shared their insights, and yet, this unexpected revelation seemed almost preposterous. The Crown Prince, while visibly displeased, remained silent, his furrowed brow indicating his dissatisfaction.

Meng Zi-Xiao, however, broke the tense silence with a sobering observation. He regarded Cha-Eun Xiao with an unassuming expression, his words laden with meaning. "Lord Cha, a person of wisdom rarely pretends to be ignorant," he remarked. "Such a facade lacks intrigue. Furthermore, an honorable individual should refrain from engaging in deceitful endeavors. Your actions not only cast aspersions upon the esteemed General Cha but also tarnish his distinguished legacy."

Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes flashed with a momentary glint of coldness, and his half-lidded gaze bore into Meng Zi-Xiao's as he inquired, "Tarnish? Pray, what do you mean by that?"

The atmosphere in the room grew increasingly charged as Meng Zi-Xiao continued, his tone unyielding. "General Cha has carved an indelible legacy as a valiant hero throughout his life, a fact well-known to all," he asserted. "However, it is imperative to acknowledge that, in the Kingdom of Chen, a general's authority remains limited. The ultimate power rests with the king himself."

Meng Zi-Xiao's words carried a nuanced implication, suggesting that even the mightiest of generals was subordinate to the king's dominion. His sharp-eyed countenance remained composed, concealing a hidden smirk. While his statement might have been offensive, it undeniably bore a semblance of logic. Meng Zi-Xiao had thrown down the gauntlet, laying out a provocation that Cha-Eun Xiao could not easily evade.

The other guests couldn't help but furrow their brows, perturbed by the unexpected course of the conversation. They shared a common sentiment, questioning Meng Zi-Xiao's uncharacteristic demeanor. He had always been known for his calm and strategic mind, and this audacious approach seemed out of character.

The source of Meng Zi-Xiao's current aggression lay in past grievances. He had once excelled in five of the six kingdom tests, narrowly missing the title of "The Champion of Six" due to a controversial argument. His resulting expulsion from the court, coupled with his rejection by Cha Nan-Tian when he sought a position within the northern army, had left him deeply embittered.

Cha Nan-Tian had disparaged him, branding him a conniving troublemaker unfit for the court or the army. This harsh rebuke had festered in Meng Zi-Xiao's heart, sowing seeds of resentment. The loss of a promising career trajectory had only intensified his desire to seek retribution, and now, he saw an opportunity to vent his frustrations upon Cha-Eun Xiao, whom he perceived as a source of disgrace for both himself and General Ye.

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